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Everyone watched in horror, Shen Qiang sitting peacefully not far behind several people, shocked with eyes.

“Are you going to die?” The big man drew his sword, and the breath of terror exploded. Not only did the snowy age of the sky rise, the overwhelming concrete ground also shattered, and the broken sand and stone mixed with the snow, accompanied by At the same time, he was about to draw a knife and slowly hovered up. For a time, the wild breath and terrifying killing intent seemed to make Shen Qiang see the armor of the violent Evil Spirit.

At the same time, Shen Qiang was amazed by the woman in black tights, lithe and graceful, plump and curvy, she gave a silver bell laughter: “Wow, what a scarlet, so far away Recently, I didn’t even notice it, it was really strange and amazing.”

“Using some magic weapon or secret technique to block Divine Consciousness? No, if you block Divine Consciousness, you can feel it. What a great guy, reflects Divine Consciousness? Or use Illusion Technique to deceive. The backup members of the Disillusionment Brigade are indeed surprisingly powerful.” The head of the Disillusionment Brigade, his eyes lit up.

And almost at the same time.

The other two men were as if bitten by a snake. Not only did the two of them appear at the other end of the stadium in an instant, but they also covered their mouths and noses in horror and shouted: “Be careful, he must have been poisoned.”

I heard this.

Next to the referee seat, the pretty girl oh la la dissipated at once.

The snow was covered with golden-eye jade blossom gu.

Shen Qiang smiled and gave out some zombie fungi indifferently, then took off the mask, took off a golden-eye jade flower indifferently, calmly said with a slight smile: “It looks like there are my acquaintances here, so You should be more clear, what I said is not a joke.”

Hearing this, the big man who pulled the sword suddenly moved forward.


The foot fell gently on the ground, the whole stadium was shocked.

Not only that, but at the same time, his whole person has also become extremely fierce. Although the knife has not been unsheathed, it has made Shen Qiang clearly feel that the air between the two people seems to have been cut by him. Abandon the breath.

Even though Shen Qiang’s cultivation base has clearly reached the Yang God Realm, there is already a kind of, like being used with a knife tip, which is more distant than the previous kind, but has already felt the feeling of gold iron.

“Good guts, Shen Qiang, since you have a species here, I have to look at you and give the black blade, I will let you go.”

Shen Qiang smiled when he heard this.



The blood-thirsty Evil Spirit Yuwen Hu in the armor of Evil Spirit, which killed 3 emperors in a row, has appeared.

“I finally saw a knife-like swordsman!”

Evil Spirit Yuwen Hu exuded a bloody mist, and then took a step forward, also the gesture of drawing a sword, but the terrifying breath, and Ling’s sword attitude, were even better than the big man.

“Want to fight, go to the side to play, I come here, just have something to say.” Shen Qiang calmly looked at the golden-eye jade flower gu that could no longer crawl in his palm, and then lifts the head to far away The girl standing on the roof opposite the stand smiled and said, “Girl, I will give you a chance. If you come back within 3 seconds, all of your small insects will die.”

Everyone was astonished.


Almost at the same time, Evil Spirit Yuwen Hu and the big man were already fighting together.

2’s Blade Technique is fierce.

Suddenly there was a huge earthquake.

But the referee stage is not at all affected.

“Shen Qiang, you are so calm, are you poisoned?” Among the other two people who were far away, one said sharply: “I feel uncomfortable now! You must be poisoned!”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled, calmly said: “I remember, on New Year’s Eve, I saw you two, and you and the other guy ran away.”

In an instant, the other two were silent.

Shen Qiang said calmly and indifferently: “Come on, if you want to kill you with poison, I just need to keep my face and wait for your poison to die. I don’t need to give you the opportunity to see me.”

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in the Disillusionment Brigade were startled.

Subsequently, in addition to the fierce escort of the big swordsman Tong Yuwen, with the return of three others, the five members of the Disillusion Brigade with strengths above the Daogu period, expressions all stared firmly at Shen Qiang.

Orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, with his own red nightmare, Shen Qiang can see the mask of the Disillusion Brigade at a glance, not only the color have nothing common with each other, but the Totem on the mask is completely not same.

The only thing that feels familiar is these 7 colors.

“I am Shen Qiang, Bo Sheng of He Sheng He, 10000 Demon King, and the only security advisor of the Dragon Group.” Shen Qiang, who took the mask in his hand, smiled lightly and put the mask in the storage ring, then calmly said: ” Now you introduce yourself.”

Wearing a blue mask and dressed in a very young head smiled and said: “You are bolder and wantoner than the Shen Qiang I imagined, I am the head of the Disillusionment Brigade, represented by blue It’s greed, so you can call me greedy or the brigade leader.”

Not far from him, the man with azure black mask said: “azure stands for scheming, you can call me like this.”

The girl with the green Totem mask said softly: “You can call me lazy.” Then she glanced at the two people on the side: “orange is jealous, this one of purple is ***, and fight with your men The yellow mask man is arrogant.”

“And you…” the pretty girl said: “red’s mask represents anger, this is something everyone in the Disillusion Brigade knows, and it is also the name of each other, and you don’t know, so this This means that you are not a real brigade reserve, so even if the rage mask is indeed in your hands, you are not part of the brigade.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “7 colors, 7 emotions, it’s funny, and you guys are right. I don’t really know about the brigade. This mask did come by accident, but it did. what relationship?”

“The Disillusion Brigade, on the bounty hunter platform, is one of the three large group hunters. For your wealth, accept the mission and hunt other cultivators. For example, someone told me that you accepted the mission of hunting me.”

The man with the blue mask smiled: “Yes, so your courage is beyond my expectations.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “That’s because, I think, not at all conflicts of interest between you, you want to make a fortune, and I just have a lot of such opportunities to give you, listen to my advice, you will not only have a smooth ride, but also Can make a fortune.”

Hearing this, the expressions all were strange.

After being silent for a moment, the man with the blue mask said: “These words have aroused my interest. You may as well listen to them.”

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