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Seeing Shen Qiang walking towards her body as sexy as an explosion, the blue cheongsam could burst at any time. The beautiful and alluring sky photos, the female cultivation who were present from all over the world and scored different organizations, immediately stared at Shen firmly. Qiang’s body.

Not only were all eyes excited, the pretty face was red, but also a sudden scream of surprise.

“Ah, Shen Qiang, it’s cool, it’s so handsome!”

“Wow, his long legs are so sexy.”

“His eyes are so confident.”

“Oh, this is the first male god in the world!”

In their screams, they looked at Shen Qiang who walked onto the stage, beautiful and alluring Tianzhao, smiled charmingly, and then quietly whispered: “Your copycat version of the Dragon Emperor has a good mentality, because you have no escape. I will let them be gentler.”

Shen Qiang, who was also smiling, was standing by her.

Slightly smelling the light fragrance of lily of the valley from her lovable body that was hot enough to burn, while smiling at the other cultivators at the reception, while sound transmission said: “The smell of lily of the valley flowers is very ladylike, but you Obviously a bad girl.”

The sky of beautiful and alluring was stunned, and then Pu Chi smiled.

At this time, the applause of many cultivators under the stage had temporarily stopped.

Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao smiled and said: “Before Shen Qiang came on stage, I believe everyone has seen him. His cultivation base is strong, handsome and handsome. He is indeed a rarely seen talent, and it is indeed among the Asian cultivator. The most dazzling person.”

“So I think everyone must be very curious, so I might as well propose it at this time. I believe that Mr. Shen, who represents the Dragon Group, will definitely answer it for everyone.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang’s eyes were immediately alert.

Not only that, almost no preparation time was given to Shen Qiang, a middle-aged woman with permed hair has asked: “Mr. Shen, we heard rumors that you came to the Ninja Kingdom this time, the purpose is to work with the Ninja Security Agency , Is it true to deal with Junshan Prison, one of the three major ninja groups?”

Hearing this problem, Shen Qiang looked directly at the full of smiles. If the beautiful and alluring sky photo had nothing to do with it, seeing the slight smile on her sexy red lips, Shen Qiang knew that it must be arranged by her. of.

“My task is to assist the Ninja Security Agency. As for what kind of action they want to carry out, why don’t you ask the people in the Security Agency?”

Shen Qiang replied with a smile.

Such an answer surprised many of the cultivators present, but then, they looked at Shen Qiang’s gaze and couldn’t help but appreciate it.

In fact, anyone who is smarter, from the point that Shen Qiang not at all denies, speculates that the target Junshan Prison should be true.

But if Shen Qiang admits.

Then Junshan Prison, there is no doubt that it will definitely throw all anger to the dragon group.

Not only that, because the Dragon Group is China, and here is the Ninja Kingdom, then it is very likely that the Ninja Group will suddenly join forces with the Dragon Group because of the intervention of the Dragon Group.

After all, to some extent, for those ninjas, the dragon group may be foreign enemies.

In this case, although the dragon group is not afraid, but there is no meaningful trouble, what to do?

Moreover, this is obviously digging a hole for Shen Qiang. After all, Shen Qiang is now in the ninja kingdom. If those ninjas all regard Shen Qiang and the dragon group as enemies, it will not only cause serious out-of-section branches, but also directly affect the balance. Get the ruler.

Because when all the ninjas are holding enemies against Shen Qiang, Junshan Prison is already impossible for Shen Qiang or Yu Wenzi, and then discards anything.

So from this point of view, Tian Zhao, a beautiful and alluring woman, is more sophisticated than Yu Wenzi, especially the full of smiles, a look that doesn’t concern me, and it makes Shen more Qiang inexplicably thought of the 100 flower palace master Weisheng Zhimei.

They are like similar people.

But if she regards Shen Qiang as a fool, she is destined to suffer a loss.

Because everyone who underestimated Shen Qiang must pay the price.

“I’ll just say, how could the dragon group’s cultivator invade the ninja world? This is the matter of the Ninja Security Agency and Junshan Prison. It’s just that the Ninja Security Agency turned to the Dragon Team for help, so Shen Qiang came, that is to say, Junshan Prison People, even if they are not happy, they should not compete with Shen Qiang and have the ability to go to the security office for trouble!”

“Yes, in the final analysis, it’s the security department’s problem!”

“It’s needless to say? Shen Qiang represents justice and is here to help. The Ninja Security Agency is not a subordinate of the dragon group. Anything you want to put the black pot on the head of the dragon group is absolutely untenable!”

Hearing the words of the crowd, the beautiful and alluring sky beside Shen Qiang couldn’t help but be full of appreciation.

“It’s a very smart guy who knows how to benefit and avoid harm. From this point of view, he is more powerful than the old dragon emperor. The old dragon emperor has always been saying, whatever you say, you have the strength to kill you. enough.”

beautiful and alluring while enjoying the sky.

The permed middle-aged woman remarked and said: “Consultant Shen, you are the only safety consultant since the establishment of the Dragon Group. So I am curious. What do you think about the responsibility of protecting the ordinary person? Those crimes are unforgivable. Sinful cultivator?”

The moment I heard this.

Shen Qiang dashing eyebrows upside down.

Because this pit is too big, Shen Qiang is the only safety consultant of the Dragon Group. Answering this question, if one fails, it is easy to turn the Dragon Group into an antagonist in the cultivator world. Then, similar problems will continue to emerge.

“The dragon group advocates peace and benevolence. In China, the existence of monsters is permissible, so for the cultivator who made mistakes, the dragon group will always give them the opportunity, hoping that they will get better, but from my personal point of view , I want to kill all the evil cultivators.”

The moment I heard this, the beautiful and alluring sky lighted up, full of surprises.

The permed middle-aged woman immediately excitedly said: “God has a virtuous virtue. As a safety consultant of the Dragon Group, why do you have such a dark idea in your heart?”

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled indifferently, said indifferently: “Do you think the world of cultivator is the kind of soap opera that a gangster can jump on and off after being shot by a police officer?”

Looking at the suddenly stunned people, Shen Qiang smiled and said indifferently: “Cultivator has the power to surpass ordinary people. Once it is done wrong, it will cause countless deaths and injuries. If you wait for their end, it will not be death, but the deluxe standard room. , 4 dishes and 1 soup, broadband, TV, and some regrets, then they will be unscrupulous when they do evil.”

In an instant, all the cultivators present immediately secretly ordered.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang suddenly smiled and turned his head, saying: “I answered the question, but please allow me to ask a question, that is, I have been very curious, and the Divine Realm forum holds the whereabouts of all of us. , Everyone’s information, and can we find the big data of the forum anytime, anywhere?”

In an instant, the entire reception was absolute silence, and all eyes were focused on the beautiful and alluring sky.

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