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In an instant, wearing a blue cheongsam, a beautiful and alluring sky with a sexy body that is about to explode, the complexion greatly changed in an instant, and then looked at Shen Qiang’s beautiful eyes, and there was a trace of inexplicable horror, and there was a stun in my heart.

“Asshole! This Shen Qiang is simply base and shameless! In one sentence, he led everyone’s attention from the body of his dragon group to the security hall. Now, it has drawn the attention of many cultivators to the Divine Realm forum. , He is hurting me! This is his counterattack!”

The sexy and beautiful and alluring sky photos were realized almost instantly.

“Consultant Shen, the Divine Realm forum has been around for a long time and is very safe. Everyone is more curious about you now.” Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao smiled.

Shen Qiang smiled: “I am nothing more than a cultivator. For the world that cherishes the entire cultivator, it is only one of them. The Internet has only appeared in the past few decades, but it is very safe. It seems to be questionable. .”

Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao’s heart tightened instantly.

It’s just that she didn’t wait to speak.

The many cultivators present have exploded.

“Shen Qiang very difficult to deal with is a supernova in Asia, but even if he does evil, the harm is limited, but the Divine Realm forum is different, she really knows the trends of all of us, otherwise, she is impossible The invitations were delivered so timely.”

“It’s terrifying to think about it, which means that our every move is under Divine Realm’s control!”

“Wodetian! I have never thought about it before. Now think about it. I just returned from Europe and immediately received an invitation, which means that my every move is under the solidity of Divine Realm.”

Seeing the many cultivators, their eyes startled.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “So on this issue, let Suzuran Young Lady give everyone a reasonable explanation, she can find everyone so quickly, because the forum leaked everyone’s whereabouts?”

“Yeah, give us an explanation!”

“Too terrifying, if Shen Qiang didn’t say anything, we didn’t even notice.”

“If this was understood by my enemy, wouldn’t I even know how I died!”

Many cultivators, looking at Tianzhao’s eyes become unsightly.

The beautiful and alluring sky photo, a moment of congestion, just looked at Shen Qiang angrily.

At this time, Shen Qiang looked at her gently, slightly smiled, sound transmission said with a smile: “Many people think that they have everything in their own home, but in fact, everything With two sides, you are indeed in control of everything, and this happens to offend everyone’s interests.”

“Shameless!” Beautiful and alluring Tianzhao was angry.

Shen Qiang smiled at the sound transmission and said: “tsk tsk, these two words, you speak it now, I will be your praise to the winner. In addition, my reasoning is always based on virtue, even if you want to Winning will also make you lose your heart, so I can tell you clearly that this move is called igniting fire, so that no one will pay attention to me, they will stare at you who have burned,”

Beautiful and alluring Tian Zhao coldly said: “Do you think you won?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Yes, after igniting the mountain, the next thing I want to do is of course watch the fires burning across the river, so you can now think about how to explain, come on, peace and security It’s really disappointing if you, the leader of Yang 5 Great Demon King, lose a good light like this.”

Say that’s all with a smile.

Shen Qiang stepped back.

Many of the cultivators present immediately sent difficulties to the beautiful and alluring sky. One of the issues involved was how did sky find them, did they use the data of Divine Realm Forum, Divine Realm Forum, what rights do they have? , To spy on the privacy of cultivators, how to ensure that the privacy of cultivators will not be disclosed, and how to ensure that private information of cultivators will not be used.

Numerous problems exploded in an instant.

Shen Qiang slipped off the stage leisurely. Not only did she choose 2 glasses of champagne, but also the arrival of full of smiles. In a black dress, she appeared curvaceous but slender and beautiful beside Wen Wenzi.

“When you win, you should drink a glass.” Shen Qiang handed a glass of champagne to Yu Wenzi with a smile.

He smiled and smiled at Wenzi, not only smiled beautifully, but also praised with full appreciation: “Shen Qiang, you are really too powerful, how did you think of it, even using invitations? , To attack Tianzhao?”

“I was still worried before, she held this reception, the purpose is clearly to deal with you, still worried about whether we can go out from here tonight, now, I think everything will not have any problems, because now she , Already overwhelmed.”

Shen Qiang laughed, lightly and Yu Wenzi touched the glass, saying: “The world of cultivator, a fool may have Paragon’s cultivation base, but there is no way to become a superior, because the reason why humans rule the entire planet is not to rely on Body, but wisdom.”

Yu Wenzi smiled coquettishly, her eyes very envious, and said: “Bad guys, you are really too bad. Asking this question about your personal whereabouts leads to more questions because it touches everyone. Benefits?”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes, saying: “Yes, the principle is very simple, other people’s mobile phones have dropped, others probably only watch the fun, and then they will smile, but if the new mobile phone they bought was stolen, then It is absolutely unbearable, especially these cultivators. The enemies they face are all supermen powerful enough to destroying heaven extinguishing earth. The people whose tracks are exposed will become moving targets. This is absolutely unbearable for them.”

“So now, all we have to do is sit and drink and chat and watch the bustle like bad guys.”

Yu Wenzi instantly smiled and bent her eyes. It was as sweet as a girl in love. Not only was she close to Shen Qiang, but the snow-white gentle hands also naturally grasped Shen Qiang’s arm, said with a lovable smile : “Shen Qiang, you are really good, this is so handsome, I have heard it before, the permed woman, asked you a few questions, but it was digging, obviously obviously more ruthless behind , More difficult questions are waiting to make you difficult, but in one sentence, you cut off all the strategies behind them. This is a perfect response!”

Not far away, the observer of Seraphim listened to Yu Wenzi, sighed in agreement, and said to the assistant on the side: “Records, Shen Qiang is a rare wisdom general, and his wisdom and on-the-spot response are both worthwhile. Talking about the first-class level, even if he is not martial art cultivation, it can be enough to become the next generation core of the dragon group.”

While the observer of Seraphim gave the evaluation, the observer of the Bright Knights also frowned at Shen Qiang who was smiling and chatting with Wenzi’s drinking and shouted: “Divine Realm Bell is praised for its wisdom, beauty and mysterious. Lan, as soon as she played, she was beaten by Shen Qiang, which is enough to prove that this Shen Qiang will be a scourge!”

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