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Amidst the shock of everyone, Shen Qiang smiled at the graceful appearance of the wind, her hair fluttering in the sea breeze, her face was beautiful, and she was able to help her smile when she smiled at Yu Qianzi, the female ninja who was smiling with her lips.

“Good job.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s praise, Yu Wenzi, who was embarrassed and delighted, walked back to Shen Qiang’s side. His arms with warm body not only helped to hold Shen Qiang’s arm, but also spoiled with grace: “It’s you who is too powerful. If you didn’t put this in my hands, I wouldn’t even know that I got the trick.”

As he said, Yu Wenzi glanced at the small scale in his hand enviously, and then returned it to Shen Qiang, while holding Shen Qiang, he walked and said: “It’s really amazing, this thing is indeed Divine Item, the moment I got it, all kinds of information came, and I knew immediately that I was in Illusion Technique.”

The smiling Shen Qiang laughed, took the balance ruler from her hands, and received it in the storage ring, and then faintly smiled and said: “You said before, this thing is useless.”

Yu Wenzi pu chi laughed at once.

“That’s not to blame me, this thing has been in Junshan Prison for a long time. It was first used on ships to distinguish the direction and distance. No one will use it to crack the Illusion Technique. Later, there was an advanced compass and better After navigating the system, this is placed in Junshan Prison, as the 5 largest Divine Item of the protecting sect. If it is known that it is so powerful, if it can be used to crack the Illusion Technique, then it will be well-known.”

Shen Qiang laughed.

After a moment of silence, he said: “Sorry, I am useful for this thing, there is no way to give it to you.”

Yu Wenzi said with a smile: “You want to give it to me, and I will take the distraction, and it will not be necessary. In the future, you will be better for me than anything. “

Shen Qiang laughed, said solemnly: “Inside the Junshan prison, it doesn’t look very harmonious. It’s just that the items that can measure the distance, direction, and angle are impossible. It has become the 5 Divine Item of the Junshan prison, which means that it was a long time ago. , Some people know that it can destroy all Illusion Techniques and make all Illusion Techniques malfunction. Only on this basis will anyone recognize it as a Divine Item, but it is very strange that people in Junshan Prison don’t seem to know this a little.”

Hearing this, Yu Wenzi’s beautiful eyes flashed instantly, and then said, “If you don’t say anything, I haven’t paid attention. The scales are listed as the 5 Divine Item in Junshan Prison. It was still a few hundred years ago. , And it seemed that the Junshan prison Patriarch personally designated it at that time, but there was really nothing about Illusion Technique in its introduction. Otherwise, they should give this Divine Item to them. you.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “In the case where no one is attacking with Illusion Technique, its role is really only to measure, but the person who designated it as the 5 largest Divine Item is definitely clear that it can be immune to Illusion Technique, otherwise, dignified Junshan Prison Ninja Group, offering a ruler is an unreasonable thing.”

At the moment when I heard this, Yu Wenzi’s lovable body holding Shen Qiang’s arm shuddered suddenly, and then turned his head, looking at Shen Qiang, saying: “From your tone, I can feel that before, you also I don’t know, this balance ruler can crack Illusion Technique.”

“But when you come here, you definitely want to get it. That’s strange. You are a big brother in Hesheng, and you can’t get what kind of Divine Item you want? How can you be interested in it?”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled and looked admiringly at the beautiful Yu Wenzi beside him, saying: “I need to use it to help me distinguish the direction and distance underwater.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi whispered: “Liar, now there is a sonar radar. With your financial resources, you can easily buy it. Do you have to pay for it?”

Shen Qiang smiled and couldn’t help sighing. There is such a smart woman beside Yu Wenzi, which is obviously not perfect, because if you are cheating others, you may be perfunctory and it will be fine.

But to cheat her, you have to use heart and heart.

But even if she saw through and lied, Shen Qiang didn’t want to tell her about the Moon Palace, Dragon Bone, Dragon Emperor’s Treasure, and Dragon Emperor 3 Divine Item.

After all, these things are related, but it is definitely not just simple power is strong enough.

But it involves whether Shen Qiang can Monarch Overlooking The Whole World in the future.

After all, Earth’s ocean area accounts for 70% of the total area. If you can truly become the True Dragon Emperor and control all the Sea Territory, then who in the world of cultivator dares not give Shen Qiang a face?

What do you want to do?

This is a turning point in fate.

It is also the core of whether Shen Qiang can take off.

Under such circumstances, Shen Qiang doesn’t want to say these words to Yu Wenzi. After all, she may be loyal enough and smart enough, but more than one person knows, it means that everyone who may become the whole world knows.

Not only that, but more importantly, the Hongmeng belt is in hand, the Heavenly Palace jade lock is in hand, and the balance ruler is in hand. The ring is in Kunlun Maiden Xue’s hand and can be borrowed at any time, which means that among the 7 moon palace keys 4 pieces are already available.

Of the remaining 3 cases, 2 of which are rumored to be in the Americas, only 1 has no news.

But the problem is not big. Now that Shen Qiang has definitely got the Divine Realm mall, then it is definitely not difficult to launch the whole world cultivator to find three other things.

And, more importantly, Shen Qiang has money and medicine pill.

For item, everything has its price.

Basically, as long as you can find it and are willing to pay more, there is no bargain.

“Well, even if you guessed it, I won’t tell you, I will use it to do and so on.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “Because after telling you, I will worry that you will talk to others, and Even if you haven’t spoken to others, when someone meets something, I will guess whether it’s what you said, which will affect our feelings.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenzi pu chi smiled at once: “Okay, how big is it, isn’t it privacy? I’m not asking, but now I suddenly feel that the 5 Divine Items in Junshan Prison may all be not simple .”

These words made Shen Qiang smile: “As for their broken copper and iron, are they Divine Item?”

Yu Wenzi laughed and raised her eyebrows: “Look at who you compare with your black blade, those things may really be nothing, but don’t forget, Junshan prison has become a region’s Overlord for a few thousand years. By the way, these 1000 Divine Items have always been enshrined in the headquarters of Junshan Prison. Legend has it that every time when Junshan Prison encounters a fatal crisis, these 5 Divine Items can help Junshan Prison to turn into a safe, but your Heshenghehe , It seems that there is no such Divine Item.”

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