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Just a moment, looking at the beautiful Yu Wenzi around her, Shen Qiang giggled.

Until now, since the black blade has appeared, Shen Qiang hasn’t paid much attention to all kinds of magic weapons, because looking at China, there really is no Flying Sword, or other Divine Weapon, which can match the black of Shen Qiang blade Youying contends.

So Shen Qiang instinctively doesn’t care about these things, because Shen Qiang can’t use them.

In Sea of ​​Consciousness, Shen Qiang has 5 Swords with Immortal Emperor divine might.

On his body, there is a soft armor that can be hidden by the power of Xingyue.

In the portable space, Shen Qiang has 10000 scalpels that can display an infinite sword array.

And the strongest is the source of the plague that has grown up.

In addition, there are a lot of powerhouses around, so that Shen Qiang has not had much demand for Divine Item.

So naturally, I don’t care about these things.

However, after hearing Yu Wenzi’s words, Shen Qiang suddenly realized that he had only focused on strengthening himself before, so that he completely ignored the strength growth of some cadre-level members of Heshenghe and their needs.

This is a point that Shen Qiang inadvertently ignored.

For example, she slept in Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, she got Demon Subduing Pestle, her strength increased, but what about others?

For example, Ye Guyun.

Up to now, she is still fighting completely by instinct.

Does she really need a weapon magic weapon?


Can hitting people with hands be the same as stabbing people with a knife?

Is there armor and fleshy body hard resistance the same?

Usually, whether they have Divine Item on them may not make much sense, but when a crisis is really encountered, for example, if a big swordsman is holding a black blade in the hand, his battle strength, instant explosion.

If 5 Zuojian is returned to Zuo Lianghao, let him use 5 Zuojian to arrange the formation eye, then his large formation will also have infinitely powerful firepower.

The protection of Xingyue can be invisible, which helped Shen Qiang a lot in Early-Stage.

But is it useful now?

Shen Qiang is already so powerful that it can cross 4 places. When necessary, it can even kill the Peak powerhouse across the border. So what does stealth mean to Shen Qiang?

But what if this thing is on Bian Yi?

Maybe he could kill him at the critical moment, and save his brain that could help Heshenghe take off.

In a flash, Shen Qiang’s thoughts flashed in a flash, and he couldn’t help but look a little unsightly.

“Nah… what’s wrong with you? I said the wrong thing and made you unhappy?” Yu Wenzi was a little nervous and said, “If yes, I apologize to you.”

Shen Qiang was surprised for a while, then Pu Chi smiled and said: “Apologize, you didn’t say anything wrong. Instead, it reminded me that although there are 2 things in my body that can be called treasure, but Hesheng Hehe It’s true that there is no truly powerful treasure.”

Yu Wenzi hearing this slightly nodded, said delicately: “Well, what I studied at that time, in the cultivation field, when each Sect demonstrates its strength and deters each other, it usually shows disciples and sect protecting treasure. Hesheng He is a new Sect, so not at all what is known as Divine Weapon, the most famous is the black blade Youying, the big brother Shen Qiang with Hesheng.”

“The rest of the people, there is no deterrent.” Looking at Shen Qiang, Yu Wenzi beautiful eyes said seriously: “Because you are too strong, too dazzling, so the others around you, although they have a strong Power, a good cultivation base, but in the cultivation field, there is no fame,” W

“Well, if you must be famous, then He Sheng He Zhong Lun is a famous person in the cultivation field. You are the first. The second one should be the idol-level genius beauty girl who entered the Daogu period before 2 years old, Qingyun Sword Pavilion Contemporary Pavilion Lord, Kang Luoying with 20 Gate of Rebirth and Qingyun Sword.”

“The third place is the former Yao Wang Gu Young Master, 3 days Fairy Qin Yurou.”

“And then, there is an infinite sword array of one of the cultivation 5 tigers, Zuo Lianghao.”

“Follow closely from behind is Bai Family Eldest Young Lady Bai Jiao, Xu Family’s Xu Nan.”

“Finally, what is known to the cultivation community is the beautiful demon fox Chuqing.”

“Among them, only the beautiful demon fox Chuqing gained its fame after the establishment of Heshenghe. The rest, everyone, had been shining in the cultivation world before joining Heshenghe.”

Looking at Mei Mu Ren really Yu Wenzi, Shen Qiang frowns saying: “Is this important?”

Yu Wenzi looked at Shen Qiang with surprise and said, “Are you cracking a joke? You don’t know how many celebrity powerhouses are in the sect. It can completely affect the status of a Sect in the cultivation field. ?”

Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yu Wenzi instantly felt helpless and said, “I really can’t do anything to you. In the 3 largest ninja groups in Ninja World, they are ranked in order of strength, followed by the Ninja Security Agency, Junshan Prison, and Yoshikawain. Among them, the Ninja Security Agency is the top. The battle strength is 3 General, 5 top grades and ten battle strengths. A Taro is the strongest among the 5 top grade search officers.”

“Every one of them is a legend of the ninja world. Each one hides their feet in the ninja world, and it is a great character trembling in four directions.”

“But your Heshenghe is not. Except for you, Kang Luoying and Zuo Lianghao are barely a weight in the cultivation field, and they are too young. They are too young, one is a girl, the other is a Maotou. “,

“So despite the great reputation of Heshenghe, in the eyes of the cultivation world, there is only one person in Heshenghe, that is you, if you have something wrong, there should be no more cultivator to give Heshenghe too much face.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang’s mood suddenly fell into a trough.

Because thinking about it carefully, what Yu Wenzi said seemed to be all right.

“In the field of China cultivation, there are 2 people in Peak, plus the Young Master in the abyss. These 3 supernatural beings exist. Of course, now you have to be counted. There are 4 in total. Apart from this, Kunlun Sword Sect has 7 sons of Yujian , 100 Flower Palace has 3 big Rakshasa 2 8 gold hairpin, Longchang number has 3 big iron guard, honesty and justice Bai Family has 5 sincerity 9 letter 1 justice, these people, just pick one out, you can stand alone in the cultivation field, But Heshenghe did not.”

Shen Qiang frowned in surprise: “He Shenghe is also very strong.”

Yu Wenzi raised her eyebrows said with a smile: “But who knows? Either it’s a big demon, or a low-key cultivation with a missing root in the brain. People in the cultivation world don’t even know them. Who knows they are strong? So sum up In the course of my investigation, from the perspective of pure cultivation Sect, Heshenghe has only 3 people in the eyes of cultivation, namely Shen Qiang, Kang Luoying, Zuo Lianghao, and only 2 magic weapons, black blade Youying and Qingyun Sword, the rest, are all busy people!”

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