Best Young Chef

Chapter 185

"Hao Jun's driving skills are already very good. You are even more powerful than him. Aren't you like the car God in the movie? No one can match you?" Zhao Zilong asked in surprise.

"Ha ha, most of us in the Yang family are born with a far superior learning ability, and we have great talent in refining Qi and practicing martial arts. It's a pity that sister Yang Jing and sister Yang Bing and I are different from each other in the family. "

"After a period of contact, Master Lu, according to our respective characteristics, taught us skills such as flying car, assassination and concealed weapons, which made us become different heroes."

"Hee hee, I was driving my brother's sports car and was invincible in the provincial capital. Even a professional athlete was defeated by me. At that time, a provincial coach fell in love with me and wanted to pull me into the racing team. "

"But my father, who has always been my favorite, refused the offer because he was afraid that I would get hurt. For this reason, I quarreled with him for three months. Later, I gradually realized that speeding was too dangerous and there were often casualties, so I gave up. "

"Later, although our father and daughter were reconciled, he was afraid that I would go out and make trouble again, so he strictly ordered that I would not be allowed to drive any car in the family, except for carrying out the task and going to the race track."

"But my father is my own daughter. I'm not willing to carry out the task. The racetrack is too boring. That way, I'll never have a chance to drive again. It's really pathetic. "

Yang Wei said so much in one breath, which made Zhao Zilong very surprised.

He never thought that Yang Wei, a little girl who seems to have nothing to do, actually has her own extraordinary ability. So it seems that none of the rich are vegetarian.

"I can't imagine that you are a terrific race car driver. It's just shocking to me." Zhao Zilong looked at her steadily, his face full of joy.

"Well, there are many things you don't know. They are called Fairies in the provincial capital."

"By the way, I heard that my brother gave you a sports car. How about letting me drive your sports car to see you?" Yang Wei said suddenly thought of a thing, hook Zhao Zilong's neck to his coquetry said.

"Silly girl, isn't mine yours? Is it necessary to ask me such a question? " Zhao Zilong took her little hand, gently wiped a lock of disordered hair from her forehead, and said to her gently.

"Hee hee, you'd better be nice to others." Yang weijiao gave a smile and offered a kiss.

"I allow you to drive, just want to give full play to your expertise, but you must ensure your own safety. If you can't guarantee your own safety, I'm also against your driving. "

At this point, Zhao Zilong's face became serious, and warned her seriously.

"I see. They'll listen to you and make sure nothing happens."

Yang Wei hugged Zhao Zilong and said with a smile, just like a lovely fox.

They had a good lunch together, and then they had a bit of sunshine in the yard. Until Yang Gang's phone call, Zhao Zilong rode a bicycle and took Yang Wei out of the village.

The Yang family sent 12 motorcades to pick up Yang Wei, each of which is a million luxury cars. Yang Wei's Bentley, which weighs five tons, even has bulletproof glass and many other safety measures.

Because the motorcade was shocking, Yang Gang ordered the motorcade to wait on the country road in order to avoid trouble. Occasionally passers-by, to see such a luxury team, are as surprised as heaven.

In their opinion, the people sitting in this luxury motorcade will surely be immortal level people. However, when Zhao Zilong rode a broken bicycle and took Yang Wei to the front of the luxury car, Lei made the passers-by jiaolinnen.

Although Yang Wei is beautiful and refined, she is wearing the old clothes of Hongfang and Meili's sister-in-law in order to hide her identity, which makes her charm suppressed.

In this way, it seems that she doesn't match the luxury team.

After Yang Wei and Zhao Zilong said goodbye, a man in black came forward to hold up an umbrella for her, while another man in Black opened Bentley's door and made a gesture of invitation to Yang Wei.

Looking at Yang Wei sitting in Bentley under the protection of many people in black, Zhao Zilong felt a kind of loss inexplicably. He felt vaguely that he and Yang Wei seemed to be people of two worlds.

What happened between them is also like a hazy dream, which may be broken at any time. Think of here, Zhao Zilong panic, can't help but jump to the car is about to start Bentley.

The four men in black came out of nowhere and stopped in front of Zhao Zilong.

Looking at the four people in black, Zhao Zilong felt a strange anger. A woman who was just like a bird in her arms a moment ago is blocked in another world, which is really unacceptable.

Just as Zhao Zilong was about to teach these people in black, the door of Bentley opened again. Yang Wei, dressed in a black dress, looks tall, charming and extremely sexy, which dazzles Zhao Zilong.There are a lot of jewelry between her neck and wrist, which looks dazzling and gives people a strange noble feeling. At this time, compared with the previous image, Yang Wei has a world of difference.

"Step back, don't be rude." At Yang Wei's command, the men in black retreated quietly.

"Zilong, it's time for me to go. If my brother hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten that today is my father's birthday. I have to go back to celebrate his birthday."

Yang Wei once again into Zhao Zilong's arms, let him regain the supreme tenderness.

"I'll be back soon. Don't forget that you've taken away the first time from others. They'll be yours all their lives. Don't try to escape." Yang Wei said playfully, and after kissing him on the cheek, she turned and got into the car.

After waving goodbye, the luxury cars roared away and rolled up a few fallen leaves.

Zhao Zilong reached out to catch a fallen leaf and gently stroked its surface. The corners of his mouth began to rise slightly: "yes, you are mine all your life. I won't run away."

When sending Yang Wei, Zhao Zilong was very upset, but her words made him regain his confidence. When he got home, he called Hao Jun and asked him to give him a birthday present.

Then he went to the fish pond again and took advantage of Wu Fen's leisure to take a walk on the grass with her little hand. Two people chatting relaxed topic, the laughter spread very far.

When Zhao Zilong tried to keep Wu Fen and let her deal with the fish pond for the farm, she couldn't help thinking. When she looked up again, there was a trace of perseverance on her face.

"My brother has just passed the civil servant's written examination and is going to have an interview next week. He made an appointment with his girlfriend to register on the day of passing the interview and hold a wedding on another day. It's just that the family's financial conditions are not very good. We need help. "

"If you can make it happen, I will promise you."

Wu Fen is a strong girl. She is a pillar at home. Even if her brother married, she was asked to raise money, which made Zhao Zilong very moved.

Without hesitation, Zhao Zilong agreed to help her dredge the relationship and help his brother pass the interview.

In addition, Zhao Zilong also promised to help her brother arrange the wedding, which made Wu Fen very happy.

"In order to get me to study, my brother had to work three jobs a day when he was in college, and he put in too much effort. As long as he can get happiness, I am willing to give everything. If you are really willing to help him, I will be your person all my life, and I will be your driving force and your command all my life. " After getting Zhao Zilong's promise, Wu Fen jumped into his arms and said cleverly.

"Little fool, how dare I call you? It's too late to spoil you." Zhao Zilong hugged her and said with a smile.

Just between them, Wang Hongfang calls and says that di Shenghua agrees to let him contract the canteen. The contract money is only a symbolic charge, only 3000 yuan a year, which makes Zhao Zilong very happy.

After Wang Hongfang's words, Zhao Zilong immediately went back to the restaurant and asked sister-in-law Meili to help find a kitchen helper.

There are a lot of little wives in the village who want to find jobs. When sister-in-law Meili came home, she just said something casually, and more than ten people came to apply. Zhao Zilong picked out four of them and prepared to take them to the township government the next day.

After Yang Wei left, Zhao Zilong came home feeling a little lonely.

Instead of sleeping at home, he came to the hut to chat with Wang Yixian.

Wang Yixian showed his approval when he changed the way of death from vitality explosion to vitality cutting. And remind him that if the combination of gas explosion and cutting method, maybe it will be more powerful.

That night, Zhao Zilong kept switching between gas explosion and cutting, until he turned it around freely. Then he sat down on the grass with his knees crossed, to wash his body and mind and absorb the moonlight to consolidate his acupoints.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong was so diligent, Wang Yixian nodded slowly.

Early the next morning, Zhao Zilong and his four daughters-in-law rode bicycles to the township government. Zhang Jin and the three of them had already been waiting at the gate. After they joined up, they went to the dining hall of the inner courtyard.

After fan Jianguo left, Wang Hongfang had already settled in with the temporary workers in the township government, counted the items in the canteen, and classified them together, waiting for Zhao Zilong, the new director of the Department, to accept.

When Zhao Zilong and others enter the canteen, Jin YingYing and Fu Xiaoqing are waiting for them in the canteen with four temporary workers. When Jin Yingying saw Zhao Zilong, she came forward to answer.

"Mr. Wang, you're really powerful. You won over that pig yesterday. Today, the police even asked fan Jianguo to make a public apology at the meeting of the township government, which is just too exciting. "

When Jin Yingying spoke, her big bright eyes flashed with excitement.

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