Best Young Chef

Chapter 186

"Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. I firmly believe that." Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"Mr. Wang is so humorous. We are entrusted by Mr. Wang, and you will dispatch us today." Jin Yingying said in a pretty way, with her pink and tender lips opening and closing, a kind of irresistible youth breath bloomed.

"Ha ha, thanks for the support of the leaders and the help of the two beauties. Since you are so generous, I'm not polite. " Zhao Zilong smiles at Jin YingYing and thanks them.

Zhao Zilong personally took Zhang into the dining hall to check the items. He found that there were all kinds of cooking tools and condiments. As long as he bought some dishes, eggs and meat, he could officially start work.

"Chef Zhang, from today on, this is your battlefield. How to plan the layout of the mess hall and how to make internal arrangement has the final say of you. Let's go to the big guns.

Zhao Zilong stepped forward and patted Zhang Jin on the shoulder. He handed over everything to him with a smile.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong was so relieved of himself, Zhang Jin lost his spirit: "Mr. Wang, you can rest assured. I don't dare to say anything else. If you want to talk about cooking and cooking, I won't be inferior to others. Do you mind?"

Zhang Jin patted Zhao Zilong's chest and promised that after that, he took four temporary workers from the township government to rearrange the layout of the kitchen and restaurant. For a chef, a smooth working environment is very important.

Zhao Zilong arranges Guo Xiaoliang, the expert of side dishes, to take Xiaoyue and Yao Juan, who are the kitchen assistants, to prepare the dishes for lunch and evening, as well as fruits.

Another chef, Li Shanfeng, took Liu Li and Qin Yan to buy brand-new white aprons, white masks and white cloth to cover steamers, Kitchenware and other items, so as to improve the sanitary conditions of the canteen.

After everything was arranged, Zhao Zilong chatted with Jin YingYing and Fu Xiaoqing.

He deliberately said some funny words, which made the two girls laugh wildly.

Zhao Zilong is about to tease her again, but Guo Xiaoliang and Li Shanfeng have come back to work separately.

Zhao Zilong took them to change the pattern of the canteen on the one hand and the hygiene situation on the other. Just as they were busy, Wang Hongfang, dressed in formal clothes, came to check her work with her hands on her back.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wang, are you here?"

When Zhao Zilong saw her, he could not help but smile.

"Mr. Wang, how many people have lunch today?" It was Zhao Zilong who saw that her heart was so sensitive and her expression was so charming. He was afraid that others would see through the ambiguity between him and her, so he quickly made a speech to guide her.

"In order to support the rectification of the canteen, di Shuji made it clear at the meeting this morning that all departments must go to the canteen for lunch today. And ask each member to make an evaluation after a meal. "

"Di Shuji has paved all the roads for you. Whether you can walk well depends on your own." Wang Hongfang smiles at Zhao Zilong and says slowly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Zhao Zilong winked at Hong Fang and made a victory gesture.

After everything is ready, Zhao Zilong is preparing to call the people together to arrange today's lunch menu. On one side, Zhang Jin came over with a dignified face. He turned his head to see Wang Hongfang, and he wanted to say nothing.

"Brother Zhang, what happened?"

Zhao Zilong blinked and asked Zhang Jin.

"Just now, I checked the factory date of condiments and found that all condiments except salt and chicken essence were overdue. Vinegar and soy sauce surface from the white hair, the oil seems to be passive hands and feet

Seeing that Zhao Zilong was so careful, Zhang Jin took a deep breath and said slowly.

"What, how could that be?"

Hearing this, Wang Hongfang cried out.

"Vinegar, soy sauce, condiments should be due to expiration, but the oil seems to be mixed with something foreign, it looks very abnormal. For the sake of safety, we can't use any of these things. "

As a chef, Zhang Jin naturally knows what will happen if he uses expired materials to cook.

"Zhang Jin, you take people to isolate all expired and deteriorated things and wait for the inspection of the Health Bureau. Whether it's out of date or someone's tampering, they can't escape the blame. "

Zhao Zilong settled Zhang Jin, narrowed his eyes, and a trace of indifference flashed across his face.

Seeing that things have become a little more complicated, Wang Hongfang took the initiative to say, "Zilong, just keep busy with the kitchen. I'll find the people from the health station to identify the expired and deteriorated things."

"Well, please, Mr. Wang." Zhao Zilong nodded after hearing the speech, then turned to Guo Xiaoliang and said, "Guo Xiaoliang, take Hongfang and Yao Juan to buy all the condiments. You must see the right date."

Under the arrangement of Zhao Zilong, all the people take their responsibilities and start a new round of busyness.

They arrived at the township government at 7 a.m. and were busy until 10:30 a.m. to straighten out everything.When Feng Yongcun and the members of the health station began to inspect the deteriorated and expired condiments, Zhao Zilong and Zhang Jin began to make the staff meal at noon according to the established menu.

Today, Zhao Zilong not only asked Zhang Jin and Li Shanfeng for their opinions, but also made eight home dishes that they are good at. Zhao Zilong also made 30 fruit rice for the staff of the township government to taste.

As for staple food, there are multiple choices such as stewed noodles, rice and steamed bread.

Since it's a contract, it's natural to make money. If you want to make money, it's natural to attract customers first. Therefore, Zhao Zilong should not only make the first meal colorful and delicious, but also earn his eye for free.

Just when Zhao Zilong was cooking fruit rice, Feng Yongcun, who had finished the test, came over. He saw that Zhao Zilong was cutting a watermelon. He couldn't help stretching out his big fat hand, grabbing a piece of watermelon and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Well, this watermelon is really sweet."

Feng Yongcun chuckled and said to Zhao Zilong.

"Have you just washed your hands? Be careful of poisoning."

Seeing that he was so greedy, Zhao Zilong shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Don't worry. I've washed it. I'm very careful." Feng Yongcun narrowed his eyes, patted Zhao Zilong on the shoulder and said, "it doesn't matter who is the leader. The key is that you have to do something for your subordinates, don't you?"

"That beautiful woman Di Shenghua has transferred you to the canteen of the township government as the head of the Department. It's really the most popular thing she has done since she was promoted. My old Feng will have a good mouth in the future." Feng Yongcun said with a smile.

"Well, you're easy to satisfy." Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"It turns out that people with less desire are more likely to be happy." Feng Yongcun took a deep breath, turned and walked out: "sometimes life doesn't need too many things, as long as you are happy."

"I'll go to work first, and I'll taste your delicious food later."

When Feng Yongcun came out of the dining hall, he gave a shout to Zhao Zilong.

After returning to his office, Feng Yongcun first called members of the health bureau to investigate the contents of the oil pot. Then he began to record them in his work log.

It wasn't until 12 o'clock at noon that Feng Yongcun and other colleagues walked out of the office and went to the canteen together. Along the way, everyone talked and laughed, and the topic naturally left.

The township government is a public unit. Busy people are busy to death, while idle people are bored. Especially those who are well-off, they only know how to hold tea cups and spend time chatting with each other every day.

Canteen rectification is the mainstream topic of the township government these days, and the protagonist is Zhao Zilong, who is so handsome and white, and has the ability of boys, which attracts the hearts of those lonely women in the township government.

"Hee hee, I'll see that handsome guy later."

"Yes, he was born so handsome that his craftsmanship must be right."

While the women were laughing and discussing Zhao Zilong, di Shenghua and Wang Hongfang came out of the Secretary's office on the second floor. Standing on the second floor, they saw the crowd going to the canteen, looking forward to it.

Li Dabao on one side saw that Zhao Zilong was so popular, so he made a cold voice: "hum, he's just a primary school student in the village. He doesn't know anything about cooking."

"Hello, Li Dabao, you are not jealous, are you?"

A woman in a checkered dress asked with silky eyes.

"What's the envy of that boy?"

Li Dabao was dissatisfied with their words and deliberately provoked the enchanting old women.

"Ha ha, ladies and gentlemen, you are so teasing our little husband of deputy township head Wang. Be careful that deputy township head Wang will wear little shoes for you?" Just then, Feng Yongcun came over laughing.

When it comes to Feng Yongcun, he is definitely No. 1 in the township government. Although he is just a health station master, in the eyes of these old women, he has more influence than the township head secretary.

There's no reason for it. He's a real pistachio. He laughs wherever he goes.

When he meets a man talking about a woman, when he meets a woman talking about a man, when he meets a woman talking about a man, when he meets a person talking about a man, when he meets a woman talking about a man, when he meets a ghost talking about a man, he can always catch the topic that you are interested in, so that it can spread to infinity.

Those vases are usually idle and bored, and they all like to chat with him. His words are like peeing balls, eating meat, chatting and talking, which can always make those women's hearts move.

Because of the little mouth that people love, Feng Yongcun is deeply loved by the red women's army.

"Oh, we almost forgot. I'm sorry."

"Cluck, stationmaster Feng is here. We miss you so much."

Seeing Feng Yongcun coming, a group of women suddenly gathered around, and even the men couldn't help looking at him. They hold him in the center like all the stars holding the moon and make fun of him.

"By the way, stationmaster Feng is a master of esophagus. I just don't know if you've ever eaten the meal made by that handsome boy?" BIHONG is the No.1 Huayu and ACE woman of the township government. She is water and tender, and looks very eye-catching."Yes, although he is young, the meal is amazing!"

"Don't you forget that when my girl was a round sheep, she invited this handsome boy to my house to be a special cook. At the beginning, his fruit rice was a sensation, and it was spread in the streets and alleys. "

Feng Yongcun has the heart to build momentum for the canteen set up by Zhao Zilong. He smiles and shouts to the red pink detachment of women.

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