Best Young Chef

Chapter 272

Looking at the car with Zhao Zilong gradually disappeared in his field of vision, the pretty face of blue moon can not help but be a little lost. She sighed and was about to turn back to the club when a familiar voice rang.

"Blue moon, you seem to like Zhao Zilong very much?"

The blue enchantress came down slowly from Lincoln.

"Officer, I'm just..."

After hearing this, LAN Yue's face turned white and her eyes were frightened.

"No need to explain, I can understand your mood."

The blue enchantress held out her slender hand and prevented her from explaining: "in the face of such a beautiful man who looks handsome but attaches great importance to love and righteousness, any woman can't help but show her admiration."

"I can allow you to like him and give you the greatest freedom. But you have a task, that is to make him like you and the blue spirit club at the same time. Do you know what I mean? "

The blue enchantress stretched out her slender hand and stroked her beautiful face with her long nails.

"I understand. Don't worry, senior officials. We will be closely tied to the fate of the blue spirit club, and we will advance and retreat together and share glory." The blue moon hears the speech full face joyful, excitedly cries to her.

When they were fighting here, the Mercedes Benz 600 carrying Zhao Zilong had already started its crazy journey on the highway. With the desire to surpass the wind, it frequently overtakes on the road, showing a kind of domineering.

This car has good performance, large displacement and high safety factor, so it's much better than the previous van. In addition, Zhang Long's driving skill is good, bold, one foot throttle down is two hundred and four!

"Brother Zhang, it's too fast. Safety first!" Zhao Zilong reminded.

"Don't worry, my eyesight and thinking are stronger than my fists. So driving is my real strength, even if there is any change, I can respond in the shortest time

Just as he spoke, the Audi A8 about one kilometer ahead suddenly turned left and entered the overtaking lane. The distance between Mercedes Benz, which is 240 kilometers per hour, and it is rapidly narrowing.

According to the normal thinking, the average person at this time must be to brake to keep the distance.

But Zhang Long's eyes swept the mirrors on both sides, but he made an accurate judgment, turned right into the lane and overtaken from the right. When he passed three cars in a row, the Audi A8 was also far behind.

In the face of this amazing scene, Zhao Zilong's heart can not help but mention and fall!

Seeing Zhang Long's enjoyment, Zhao Zilong sighed helplessly.

Anyway, I've got on the bus. I'll close my eyes. How do you like it? Zhao Zilong tightened his seat belt, lowered his back, fell down and fell asleep. Last night, I was so excited by those little girls that I didn't sleep well all night.

At this time, he would not let go of this opportunity to catch up.

He closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and began to feel like he was driving in the clouds. His breath was long, like swallowing clouds, which made the air flow in the whole carriage strange.

Zhang long, who was driving, slowed down and turned his head to look at Zhao Zilong in surprise. There was a flash of shock on his face: "my God, is this guy breathing? It's said that this is a profound skill."

"Hehe, it may be a big chance for me to meet such an interesting little brother this time." With a smile, Zhang Long stepped on the accelerator and roared to Dongyi City, Dongyi province.

Zhao Zilong, a native of Zhaojia village, Dukou Township, Changfeng County, Yangzhou City, is under the jurisdiction of Dongyi Province, but Yuning city is under the jurisdiction of Jiangdong province. Zhao Zilong came from Yangzhou city to Yuning City, and then to Dongyi City, the capital of Dongyi province. He drew a beautiful arc from north to South and from south to northwest.

With Zhang Long's superb driving skills and abundant spiritual support, the arc came down cleanly. When Zhao Zilong woke up from the revolution, they had already entered the scope of Dongyi province.

More than 40 minutes later, under the guidance of the navigation, Zhang Long drove the Mercedes Benz skillfully through the city, and finally came to Zhao Zilong's destination, that is, the gate of Zhang Yi's University.

"Brother Zhang, I'd better stop in a remote place and I'll come back." Seeing the surprised eyes of the students around, Zhao Zilong frowned and turned to Zhang long.

"College girls are no better than women in society. They are simple in nature and like handsome and rich childe brothers most. You are so beautiful, and with the pick-up of luxury cars, there are a lot of beautiful women who will take the initiative to throw themselves in their arms. "

Zhang Long's eyes fixed on the beauties outside, turned to Zhao Zilong and said with a smile.

"Big brother, I'm here to find classmates, not girls."

Seeing him squinting at the girls outside, Zhao Zilong was greatly humiliated.

"Why don't I stay with you for a few days?"

Zhang Long took Zhao Zilong's arm and cried excitedly. His face was full of exaggeration.

"After you have been away for so many days, can the security system of the club work? Can the blue officials work?" When Zhao Zilong saw that he was a little annoyed, he could not help but smile bitterly and asked Zhang Long softly.Hearing Zhao Zilong mention the blue official, Zhang long was shocked.

After a little hesitation, he gave Zhao Zilong an idea again and said, "it's senior official LAN who sent me to see you off. Just tell her that she will take people and cars for a few more days, and she will promise you."

"She won't admit it, but I know she likes you. As long as you're willing to talk to her, she won't refuse. " Zhang Long took Zhao Zilong's arm and said, begging on his face.

"For the sake of brothers, I can't deny you face. If she sees through our plan and punishes you, you can't blame me. " Zhao Zilong said with a bitter smile and a nod.

"Don't worry, it won't!" Hearing Zhao Zilong's promise, the dragon was excited.

Just as they were discussing how to deal with the blue enchantress, Zhang Long's mobile phone suddenly rang.

His ringtone is a man's self-improvement, or a rock and roll version.

Seeing that his mobile phone ringtone was as arrogant and overbearing as his character, Zhao Zilong laughed to himself.

"Ah, it's a blue official. What can I do?"

When Zhang long looked at the name of the caller on the screen of his mobile phone, he was scared out of his wits.

"Take it. What's the point." Zhao Zilong gave him a white look, took his cell phone and got through.

"Zhang long, come back before 6 p.m., I have something to use!" The cold and stiff voice of the blue official came from the phone, and there was an obvious command tone in the words, which made them slightly stunned.

Zhang Long winked at Zhao Zilong and asked him to say something to deal with the blue enchantress.

"Hello, Mr. LAN, I'm Zilong. Brother Zhang has gone to the toilet. Just now I left the blue spirit club, and I didn't have time to say goodbye to you. Please don't blame me

Zhao Zilong takes a deep breath, raises his head and squints his eyes. He laughs at her very casually.

"How can you come back to me when you have time? The door here will always be open for you." The blue enchantress heard that it was Zhao Zilong, and her voice dropped.

"By the way, there's something I want to discuss with you: I came to Dongyi city to play with my classmates. They saw that your Benz 600 was so gorgeous, so they wanted to ask me to drive out. Look..."

Zhao Zilong nods to Zhang long and gently mentions the matter of borrowing a car from someone to the blue enchantress.

"If you need to, the car can be left for you, but Zhang long has to come back. I still have a lot of things for him to do." Blue enchantress did not hesitate to agree to come down, but only leave the car does not leave people.

"Ha ha, how can we go out to play without brother Zhang driving?" After hearing this, Zhao Zilong gave a wry smile: "I don't have a driver's license, and I can't drive. What should I do if I'm hit by you?"

"If you hit it, just pay according to the price. Is there anything else to discuss?"

The blue enchantress hears the speech, does not have the good spirit to shout a way: "you say you at least also one night several hundred thousand worth, at least also get a car which conforms to own status.". Don't you think it's shameful to always rub against other people's cars? "

"Well, I can't drive. What do you want that for?"

Seeing her spearhead pointing at himself, Zhao Zilong couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"How can you learn?" The blue enchantress didn't say well, and changed the topic again: "well, I'm too lazy to talk to you. You ask Zhang long to come back right away. It's really something!"

"My sexy sister, please, just let him stay with me for a few days." Seeing her resolute attitude, Zhang long looked at himself eagerly. Zhao Zilong clenched his teeth and played a scoundrel in a sweet voice.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong helped himself so much, Zhang Long's face was very happy and extended his thumb to him.

"If you want to stay with people and cars for a few days, I can promise you, but only if you want to answer two questions." After a little pondering over the phone, the blue witch sighed and made a sound.

"Yes, yes, you may." Zhao Zilong heard the speech and nodded.

"First question: five minutes after you arrived at your destination, you already met your classmates and made an appointment to go out to play. Is that too fast?" The blue enchantress asked softly.

"Well, I have already contacted them in the car, ha ha." Zhao Zilong defends himself.

"Yes, but as far as I know, you haven't called at all in five hours. Do you still want to tell me that you used Zhang Long's mobile phone to save money on mobile phone

The blue enchantress chuckles and asks with great interest. Her words are heartbreaking.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong suddenly remembered that he was holding a vretu mobile phone from the blue enchantress. Through the personal secretary of this mobile phone, she can easily know her whereabouts in all periods of time.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong's face became very ugly, and Zhang long on one side was even more pale.

"The second question is, have you been instructed by Zhang long to stay? Is he around you now? Don't wink at him, and don't rush to answer my question. Before that, I want you to swear to me in the name of the life of your relatives that the content of your answer is true.... "Blue enchantress's eloquence, voice indifference, a few words down will make two people into a sculpture.

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