Best Young Chef

Chapter 273

"Zhang long, you little girl, I know that you are vicious."

"When I went to university, I was attracted by the dazzling beauty, and I didn't even care about my work. If you really don't want to come back, never come back. " Blue enchantress said here, directly hang up the phone.

Zhao Zilong looks at his mobile phone and looks at Zhang long with sympathy.

"Six o'clock in the evening. Fortunately, it's still time!"

Zhang Long hurriedly took the phone and looked at the time. He was relieved.

Just as the Mercedes 600 was about to leave, the windows rolled down again. Zhang Long gathered his smile and said to Zhao Zilong, "thank you just now. I recognize you as a brother."

"She wants to woo you, just know for yourself."

With that, Zhang drove away.

Looking at the Mercedes Benz 600 disappearing in his own field of vision, Zhao Zilong couldn't help but flash across a trace of loss. Zhang Long's last sentence is a little puzzling. His expression doesn't look like a joke.

His meaning is very obvious. Some people want to win over themselves and ask them not to make it public. Look at his appearance of fear, the one who woos him will not be others, but should be the blue witch.

But it's normal for him to pull himself together. Why did he secretly remind himself to pay attention? Is there any ulterior conspiracy? Zhao Zilong thought in secret, but his brow couldn't help wrinkling.

When he took out his mobile phone and tried to call Zhang long, he found that his mobile phone was turned off. Obviously, he had already guessed that he would call him. Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong's doubts became more intense.

"Handsome man, what are you thinking here? Can I buy you a drink?"

Just then, a sweet voice came out behind him. Zhao Zilong turned around and saw a beautiful girl in a short skirt with a hot figure staring at her.

Her hair was dyed light yellow, slightly bent down her shawl, looking very foreign. She was accompanied by three other women, all of whom were well-dressed and in hot shape. At first glance, they were avant-garde girls.

The girls in these schools are essentially different from the women in the society. They are full of curiosity and appreciation when they look at Zhao Zilong. They are less snobbish and more pure.

"That Sorry, I have something else to do

Zhao Zilong was shocked by the aura of the four women in front of him. He scratched his head blankly. When he spoke, Bai Shengsheng's little face was full of green and astringent color. His reaction made the four women slightly stunned, showing the color of interest.

With the development of science and the progress of society, the atmosphere of university is becoming more and more open.

As the four golden flowers in the modeling department, they naturally have followers.

But Shen Yiyi has the best way to deal with those boring harassers. Her cousin is an underground thug. Whenever she was harassed, as long as a phone call, there will be a group of tattooed men came.

In this way, as long as there is Shen Yiyi, no one dares to provoke four golden flowers.

With the support of Shen Yiyi, not only the four golden flowers have become the celebrities in the campus, but also the members of the whole modeling department have become activists.

They are not only eye-catching, but also take the initiative to hunt men, which can be called the women's commando.

It's lunchtime. They are going to eat out, but they are surprised to see Zhao Zilong who is picked up by a luxury car. They are young local tyrants with beautiful appearance and rich family background.

When Bai Lihong, the leader of the group, said hello, Zhao Zilong felt green and astringent in front of the public. It seemed that he was a rare little fresh, which made them have the heart of hunting men.

We should know that more than 80% of the boys who enter the university campus have been baptized by women and become real men. The remaining 20% are either incompetent or extremely poor.

In the eyes of the four golden flowers, Zhao Zilong, who is a local tyrant in all aspects, is green and astringent, and has a light manner. It seems that he is still a boy who has never been seen. Obviously, he is the best goal to pursue.

Seeing Zhao Zilong say hello, he is ready to leave. Shen Yiyi, who is petite but delicate in appearance, steps forward to stop him. Zhuang Hong and Wen Xiaoyue also came forward and surrounded him.

"You What do you want to do? " Looking at the four female hunters around him, his eyes were full of wildness, which made Zhao Zilong slightly surprised. He held his chest in both hands and asked at a loss.

"Nothing. I just want to make friends with you." Shen Yiyi came forward and held out a delicate hand to him: "my name is Shen Yiyi. I'm a sophomore in the art department. How about you?"

"That My name is Zhao Zilong! " Zhao Zilong was stunned and slowly reached out to hold her boneless soft catkin. As the saying goes, if there is a bargain, it's a bastard. It's a truth thing.

"What class are you in? Why haven't you met before?"

"Yes, it's not a freshman, is it?""Little brother, which dormitory do you live in?"

Zhao Zilong doesn't want to get into trouble. He wants to pretend to be poor and muddle through. But the more low-key he was, the more flattering the four golden flowers were to him. They kept talking around him, which made him embarrassed.

"Are you interested in joining the modeling department? How about we call you a walk show?"

"It will be cool tomorrow. It will be cool then. How about going for an outing?"

"It's better to swim in the suburb. It's so hot. How cool it is for us to swim back and forth in the cool water, isn't it, handsome boy?"

Seeing that Zhao Zilong didn't want to say his identity, the four women immediately changed the topic.

"I have an appointment. I'm sorry." Zhao Zilong sipped his mouth and said.

"Well, you should be busy. We won't disturb you, but You can always leave a phone call. "

That hundred Li red ghost fine, see Zhao Zilong hand holding a mobile phone, while he did not pay attention, grabbed his mobile phone to dial his own phone. When the rhythm of the rock and roll sound, she can not help showing the color of satisfaction.

Zhao Zilong took the mobile phone and hurried away from the encirclement of the four people and walked towards the school.

"Why, don't you go?" When Zhuang Hong saw that Bai Lihong had let Zhao Zilong go, they were worried: "Hong Hong, what's the matter with you? We finally found a best one. How did you let him go?"

"That handsome boy is so shy that he is not suitable for chopping with a big knife. It's better to stew with a small fire. Otherwise, we'll push him too hard and annoy him, which will be counterproductive. " Bai Lihong said with a smile.

"Well, Honghong has a point. Anyway, we've got his phone number, and he can't get out of the palm of our hand." Shen Yiyi listened to this words, not from slowly nodded.

"Yes, let's go to dinner first. I'll ask my sisters to find out which class he is in, and then we'll try our best to deal with him. Even if he's Duan Gang, I want him to be flexible. "

The enchanting figure writhes, just like a beautiful snake, showing all kinds of charm.

"Well, we can say that I saw that handsome boy first. He should belong to me." Hundred Li red see her that exuberant appearance, not from Nu red lips retort a way.

"Not necessarily. What if he likes me?" Zhuang Hong said with a smile.

Four women talk about the topic of taste, accompanied by the voice of Jiaoxiao, all the way away.

But after Zhao Zilong finally got away, he found a remote place to call Zhang Yi. After the phone was connected, her surprise voice came from inside: "Zilong, are you coming?"

"Yes, I'm at the school gate. Where are you?"

Hearing her soft voice, Zhao Zilong felt warm.

"Sorry, I'm going back from the hospital now." Hearing this, Zhang Yi said apologetically, "will you wait for me there for a while? Let's take a taxi back."

"Why go to the hospital? You won't get hurt, will you?"

After listening to her, Zhao Zilong asked in a soft voice.

"I didn't. I was a classmate in our class..." Zhang Yi's voice seemed unnatural. At this time, there was a burst of laughter from men and women on the phone, which made Zhao Zilong feel strange.

"Are you really OK?"

Zhao Zilong asked suspiciously.

"It's all said that her classmate was injured, and others came to visit her." Zhang Yijiao was angry and said, "don't ask. People will take a taxi right away. Let's go to dinner together."

"Zhang Yi, just tell your boyfriend. What's the matter?"

A man's voice rang out, full of laughter.

"Zhao Botao, please cool off for me!"

Zhang Yi hears speech, not good spirit ground drinks to scold him to shout a way.

The fight over there continued, but the phone hung up. Zhao Zilong looks at her mobile phone and understands why Zhang Yi's reaction is like that. There must be something hidden from her.

Just as Zhao Zilong was waiting, the students who were walking back and forth cast surprised eyes at him. Today, he is wearing a white casual suit. He looks very handsome.

Especially those girls, look at his eyes full of greed, eager to swallow him.

After more than 20 minutes of suffering, Zhang Yi and his party finally appeared in his vision. He quickly stood up and waved to them. Seeing that Zhao Zilong was more handsome than before, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel sweet.

Her two best friends, Li Sanyan and Jing Jing, are both typical flower lovers. At this time, I saw that Zhang Yi's high school classmate was a handsome guy. Her eyes were straight and sharp, and she could catch up with the knife.

In the end, the guy named Zhao Botao is tall and full of bearing. Wearing a half sleeve T-shirt, he shows his majestic muscles and strong physique, giving people a visual shock.

At this time, he is in pursuit of peace, which is why he appears in this small group.

"Zhao Zilong, are you here?"Zhang Yi came up to him and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I've been waiting for you for a long time. It's really painful to be seen as a monkey."

As he spoke, Zhao Zilong looked around with a lingering fear. Obviously, the hot eyes of the past students made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

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