Best Young Chef

Chapter 420

As soon as Chen Sisi's eyes turned, he immediately had a plan in mind.

After talking about a topic, she patted her flat stomach and stood up: "Oh, I have to go to the bathroom after drinking a bellyful of water. Brother Zilong brought me some tissue from my bag."

After Chen Sisi came in, he put the light blue satchel beside Zhao Zilong. At this time, she stood up, pointed to her bag and said to Zhao Zilong.

Seeing her cousin talking to Zhao Zilong, her pretty face is full of charming and amorous feelings. On one side, Du Jing can't help feeling sour. He turned his mouth and turned his head to one side.

Zhao Zilong generously took out several paper towels from her bag and handed them to her soft hands. Before the handover, Chen Sisi also quietly stretched out his little finger and gently hooked it in the palm of his hand.

This little hook, however, made Zhao Zilong's heart flutter, his heart beat faster, and he felt a sense of color.

"Brother Zilong, you can talk with my cousin for a while. Although he is good in officialdom, many details can't be handled properly. If there is any offence, please bear with me." Chen sisijiao said.

"Oh, yes, please bear with me."

Seeing that his cousin was so understanding, Du Jing nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I'll say that to you, I will."

The most difficult thing to accept is Meiren en. Chen Sisi adores Zhao Zilong. Several times he wants to commit himself to him, but Zhao Zilong doesn't accept it because of the obstacles in his heart. For her favor, Zhao Zilong is flattered.

The last time Zhao Zilong dealt with Zheng Honggang, he couldn't cut the line behind him, so he went to see a doctor in a hurry. When he asked Chen Sisi, she did not hesitate to help him with this matter.

At this time, Chen Sisi asked for help from him, so he couldn't drop the chain.

Watching her curl away, Zhao Zilong sighed.

"Since you are cousins and you are the son of his uncle's family, why do you have different surnames? The character is also very different? " Zhao Zilong turned to look at Du Jing, and his face was full of questioning.

"Because my father is a widow, our family name is Du." Du Jing took a deep breath and said slowly, "as for character, we don't seem to be different, do we?"

"Sisi is innocent and full of sunshine, just like a brilliant Angel; but you stink of copper and are extremely insidious, just like a hell devil. You two have totally opposite personalities."

Zhao Zilong moved his eyes to another place and said slowly in an indifferent tone.

"Ha ha, there are some things we can't decide, because in the process of growing up, people have a lot to do with their surroundings. Since I was a child, I have lived in a competitive environment. In order to survive, I have been assimilated into snobbish, insidious and cunning... " Du Jing shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

Seeing Du Jing's helpless appearance, Zhao Zilong couldn't help feeling pity.

"Let's get down to business. Didn't you tell me that it was the big man behind you who really wanted to deal with me? Tell me, who is that man? " Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"Please don't ask me, I can't say." Hearing this, Du Jing's face was frightened. He shook his hands and said, "I can promise you anything except this."

"Well, please tell me, where did I offend that big man, and why did he deal with me at all costs?" Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and continued to ask him.

"I can only answer you, because you have contacted people you shouldn't have contacted."

Du Jing hesitated for a long time before he lowered his voice and said something ambiguous.

Don't think I've contacted people I shouldn't have. Does this have anything to do with you?

Even if you are a big man, even if you have power, I can touch whoever I want to touch, and embrace whoever I want. Do you have the guts to bite me?

Although Zhao Zilong was a little unconvinced, he did not say what he was saying to Du Jing. Instead, he vented a little in his own heart, similar to ah q's spiritual catharsis.

"How many nails do you have in Changfeng County?"

Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and changed the question again.

"Ten, including Gong Fei, Liu Weidong and Zheng Honggang. All my nails are either outstanding family members or cadres above the rank of Deputy Branch. They have certain influence in designated areas. "

After pondering a little, Du Jing spoke out his hidden power slowly.

"Well, you write down the names and duties of these ten people for me."

Not at ease, Zhao Zilong pushed the prepared paper and pen in front of him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Du Jing took up his pen and began to write on the paper. As he wrote, Zhao Zilong looked at it and saw that the name he had written was exactly the same as that of a Sencha. Finally, he was relieved.

"Brother Zilong, I've given up. Please let me go." After finishing writing, Du Jing whispered to Zhao Zilong: "as long as you are willing to take out my data, let me do anything."Seeing that Du Jing had accepted his life and no longer had any heart of resistance, Zhao Zilong slowly shook his head: "in fact, you have made me miserable so many times and made me go through so many hardships. I should have made you lose your reputation."

"No, please don't." After hearing this, Du Jing turned pale.

"But for the sake of admitting your mistake sincerely, for the sake of asking for help from Sisi, I can leave you alone for the time being. But it's up to you that I have to make concessions

After a little meditation, Zhao Zilong spoke slowly.

"Well, first of all, I promise not to do anything unfavorable to you in the future; second, in order to compensate for the damage caused to you previously, I can pay you 300000 compensation; third, if you encounter any trouble in the whole range of Yangzhou City in the future, I will try my best to help you solve it. How about this?"

After the confrontation with Zhao Zilong, Du Jing has seen his forbearance and sophistication. He is methodical in dealing with things without any mistakes. His soberness and reason are really painful.

For this reason, he did not dare to take any more risks and put forward the compensation terms he had already prepared.

"I've been listening for a long time. Except for 300000 compensation, everything else seems to be empty." After hearing this, Zhao Zilong frowned and began to say something dissatisfied.

"Brother Zilong, what I just said is real things, but it can't be realized now. Please believe me." Du Jing said with a bitter smile to Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong stared at him for more than ten seconds, and slowly said, "I believe you once, but there are two more conditions. First, when the big man wants to deal with me again, you should help me to deal with it, so as to help me tide over the current difficulties. Second, you should be my nail and help me to find out the news."

After hearing this, a bitter smile appeared on Du Jing's face.

He closed his eyes and adjusted his mood. It took him a long time to slow down.

"OK, I promise you, but don't tell Sisi about these things. I don't want her to worry about me." When he opened his eyes again, a trace of perseverance flashed across his face.

"In that case, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Zhao Zilong said that and raised his cup to him.

"Happy cooperation." Du Jing looks bitter. Let's drink to him.

After talking about the good conditions, Du Jing said that he wanted Zhao Zilong to bring out the evidence against him. But after seeing his dark means, Zhao Zilong naturally won't be fooled any more and kept his own principles.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong is as smooth as a snake and does not eat hard or soft, Du Jing can only admit his bad luck.

"Eh, cousin, what were you talking about with brother Zilong just now? We had such a good time." Chen Sisi came back from the bathroom. She stretched out her soft hand and fiddled with Du Jing's hair.

"Nothing. It's just a little chat." When Du Jing spoke, he suddenly thought of something: "by the way, you just came out of the bathroom. Don't touch me with your dirty hands."

"Oh, they have already washed their hands. Don't be so coquettish, OK?" Chen Sisi raised his red lips and exclaimed: "besides, people going to the toilet are different from your boys. They don't need help."

After listening to these explicit words, Du Jing and Zhao Zilong almost sprayed tea out of their mouths.

A few days ago, when Zhao Zilong joked with Wu Fen, he said something similar. It's just that Zhao Zilong didn't say what he said at that time, but at this time, Chen Sisi's words were very amazing.

Chen Sisi, like a yellow finch out of its nest, chattered incessantly. She joined the ranks of the two, the atmosphere on the field suddenly became warm up.

The three people have been chatting for more than two hours over tea, but they have already reached the rice point unconsciously. It happened that they drank too much tea and felt empty and in urgent need of food.

At the request of Chen Sisi, the three of them went to a Lanzhou Ramen restaurant, ordered a large plate of chicken and two dishes of cold dishes, and bought some special barbecue at the barbecue shop next door, where they ate happily.

One of them is a small private boss developed from a poor boy in the countryside; the other is the Secretary of the mayor of Yangzhou, the red man in the eyes of the whole district officials of Yangzhou City; the last one is a rich young lady, a pretty girl in high school.

This kind of combination is really eye-catching.

What's more, Zhao Zilong is flawless and sunny; Chen Sisi is charming and lovely, bursting with youth; Du Jing is dignified in clothes and elegant in manners. Each of them has its own charm, attracting the attention of passers-by.

After dinner, the three, at the strong request of Chen Sisi, walked around the small park in the middle of the street. After the food in his stomach turned into heat, Chen Sisi was reluctant to part with him.

After this meeting, Zhao Zilong not only expanded the advantage of the secret competition, but also won over the pioneer of the great man. There must be Dujing from the adjustment, the next battle difficulty should be smaller.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong couldn't help smiling.

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