Best Young Chef

Chapter 421

Autumn cold to deep, into winter, led to a heavy snow!

Snowflakes are spreading all over the earth, just like snow messengers are purifying the world. The six edged snowflakes, is her mind, its crystal clear, let people feel the mystery of nature.

When people change into down jacket, they begin to enjoy the freshness brought by winter. People eat hot pot together, enjoy the snow scenery, while children have snowball fights and make snowmen. Their enthusiasm is not affected by the sudden cold.

In this cold winter, Zhao Zilong's farm business has dropped slightly, and the fish pond has also shown signs of freezing. However, after the hot pot menu was launched in the snack city and township guest house, the business was still booming.

In order to reward these subordinates who work for themselves, Zhao Zilong takes part of his profits and rewards employees in different positions and different types of work, which greatly improves their work enthusiasm.

All of the above results from the stability of the overall situation.

Since Zhao Zilong got Du Jing's help through those unfavorable evidences, he finally eliminated the situation of being beaten for many days. The other side's movements are all under his control, which makes him sit firmly in Diaoyutai.

As the new year approaches, Zhao Laicai does not plan his new year's goods as he did in previous years.

Because he was sitting in front of the warm balcony, people came to see him off. Vegetables, firecrackers, new year's goods, clothes, shoes, fruits, pears, peaches and so on, piled like a hill.

Seeing his son's success, Zhao Laicai laughed like a flower.

Zhao Zilong is very busy these days. He accompanies Yang Wei, Yang Bing and Yang Jing to enjoy the snow scenery for three days. He goes to see Du Qingsi and has a dinner with Ma Yuying and other members of the women's gang.

In view of this period of time, the unexpected peace of life, Zhao liaolong also took the initiative to invite Du Jing, Chen Sisi and the group of little Laurie to have a meal together, and gave each Laurie a red envelope.

During this period, he would go to Changfeng hotel every Friday to learn how to make psychic food with Jintang, and he would come to Yang Dong's house to cook one or two meals for them every week, even the new year's Eve dinner was there. He was very busy.

In addition, Zhao Zilong also had several exchanges with a Sen, Luo Dabing, Peng Lianchang and others. People of Changfeng Club learned that he had communication with several special forces experts, and they also joined the ranks with admiration.

After in-depth understanding, the members of the Changfeng club, Luo Dabing and a group of special forces, all became Zhao Zilong's good friends. In the fierce process of fighting, men's feelings were released.

Years ago, another thing happened, that is, Changfeng County opened a three-star hotel, its name is golden sunshine. Its prosperous business and rich resources have a strong impact on Changfeng hotel.

However, Zhao Zilong is only one of the shareholders of Changfeng Hotel and does not directly participate in the management. So the competition between the two hotels has nothing to do with him.

After the Spring Festival, Zhang Yi quietly came to the farm for a few days when the winter vacation was almost over. She is here eating delicious dishes, enjoying the natural snow scenery, holding a loved one, not to mention how excited.

Zhao Zilong also made a special phone call to Jin Xuaner, but he didn't get through. But under, he had to through the blue enchantress, find red sister's phone, through her to ask its recent situation.

After flirting with him, red sister mentioned that Jin xuan'er was influenced by him, and the frequency and quantity of drinking decreased obviously. And she began to participate in some physical training, so as to strengthen its combat effectiveness.

Knowing that Jin xuan'er is finally about to come out of the shadow, Zhao Zilong is secretly happy for her.

After the end of the new year, the weather is getting warmer and people's mood is getting better.

Near May Day, the earth began to recover. Zhaojiacun spring flowers, grass, attracted a large number of tourists and food. They enjoy the natural beauty and taste the ultimate delicious food here, and they can't help but secretly enjoy it.

Zhao Zilong's three industries are getting better and better, all of which have become money making machines. After the Spring Festival, the scale of the township hostel has been expanded again, which has improved its earning power.

During this period, Zhao Zilong not only straightened out the interpersonal relationships around him, but also determined his position in Dukou Township and Changfeng County. His birth, just like a super spotlight, entered everyone's field of vision.

However, one thing bothered Zhao Zilong a little. After nearly half a year of competition, Changfeng hotel was overwhelmed by Golden Sunshine Hotel, and its business dropped to about 30%.

In the past six months, bad news has been coming from every shareholders' meeting, which has numbed Zhao Zilong. Now the shareholders' meeting of Changfeng hotel will be held again. I don't know what news will come.

This morning, wearing a light T-shirt, Zhao Zilong came to Changfeng hotel. The two waiters in front of the door looked stiff, glancing at the Golden Sunshine Hotel not far from here from time to time.

The Golden Sunshine Hotel is on the opposite side of Changfeng Hotel, the difference is only two or three hundred meters. Its decoration is luxurious, the service is considerate, the dishes are also quite unique, all aspects are obviously higher than Changfeng hotel.What's more, the boss of Golden Sunshine Hotel seems to have a stronger background, and has robbed many old customers of Changfeng hotel. Even the county government's right of entertainment was robbed by them.

Before dinner time, a group of tall and beautiful waiters from Jinyang Guangda Hotel began to do aerobics in the open space in front of the hotel under the strong music.

Their vigorous posture and graceful dancing steps attracted many onlookers.

On the other hand, Changfeng hotel is dead, just like a pool of stagnant water. The sharp contrast made Zhao Zilong frown and doubt the management level of the general manager.

It is Zhao Zilong's attitude towards Changfeng hotel that he laments his misfortune and is angry.

He has 10% shares in Changfeng Hotel, but as the business here is getting worse and worse and the sales volume is getting less and less, not only his dividend has become extremely meager, but also the market value of the shares has seriously shrunk.

With the decline of business performance during this period, the market value of his shares has shrunk by at least 500000, which makes Zhao Zilong secretly angry. Therefore, he decided to question the general manager at the shareholders' meeting later.

"Zilong, what are you thinking there? Your brows are almost wrinkled."

At this time, behind him came a pleasant voice, which belonged to Jintang.

"Sister Jin, you're here. I was just thinking about it. Recently, Jinyang Everbright Hotel has been snatching our business share, but general manager Liu Yutian hasn't made any competitive moves. What's the matter?"

Zhao Zilong stops. When Jin Tang comes to her, he asks her in a low voice.

"You don't understand that the owners of golden sunshine hotel have a strong background. The reason why they come to Changfeng County for development is to crush us. It's said that one of our shareholders provoked a big man... "

When Jin Tang said this, his eyes fell on Zhao Zilong with a thoughtful look.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong's mind was agitated and almost cried out. Listening to Jin Tang's suggestive words, and looking at her strange look, Zhao Zilong's eyebrows can't help wrinkling deeper.

Is it Zhao Zilong himself who has provoked a big shareholder?

Is that big man, and the big man behind Du Jing, the same person?

Zhao Zilong wants to ask more questions, but Jin Tang has already left a sentence behind and walked to the conference room with his little shoes clicking: "don't forget to help my sister wash some clothes after the meeting."

Think about these days, Liu Yutian, an Shengxue and others are indifferent to themselves. Many things are decided without asking him for the opinions of the shareholder. Zhao liaolong seems to have figured out something.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go to the bathroom, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Du Jing.

The phone rang four or five times before it was picked up. Du Jing asked him in a low voice, "my little ancestor, how come every time you call is not the right time. I'm accompanying the mayor in a meeting outside."

"I want to ask you a question: what's the matter with the Jinyang Guangda hotel in Changfeng County? Is it to deal with me that it absorbs money in Changfeng County?" Zhao liaolong asked directly.

"I can't say that, but I can tell you that after the collapse of Changfeng Hotel, it will continue to reach out to all villages and towns, intending to completely monopolize the catering industry in Changfeng County."

Du Jing also seems to hear his tone is not good, after a little pondering, slowly said.

"If you know, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Seeing his acquiescence, Zhao Zilong gave him a sneer.

"Brother, would you please consider my situation?" Du Jing was angry when he heard this. He roared at the phone: "the confidentiality of this matter is so good. It's not until recently that the news has come out. It's obvious that the big man is aware of some information and is making a trial."

"If I told you earlier, it would be easy for them to find out and expose their identity." Du Jing gasped like an ox and cried out: "now I live in contradiction every day. Do you know how painful it is?"

After Zhao Zilong said, "I'm sorry for his silence!"

"Now that we've been tied to a warship, I'll go forward and backward with you, but you have to take care of my feelings a little, OK?" Du Jing's mood calmed down a little and said again.

"I'm a little impatient. I hope you don't mind." After a little pondering, Zhao Zilong continued to ask him: "it's just that the interior of Changfeng hotel is decadent recently. Why is that?"

"The boss behind Changfeng hotel once asked for love from this big man, but he was strongly rejected. Recently, the great man said that Changfeng hotel is not allowed to exist... "

Du Jing's words, like a nail, wedged into his heart.

Until hang up the phone, into the conference room, Zhao Zilong still can't understand the meaning of this sentence. Why does the other party say that Changfeng hotel will be closed and its shares will flow eastward.I'm not reconciled. I don't want to throw away the two million in vain. Zhao Zilong is crying in his heart.

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