Best Young Chef

Chapter 453

Looking at the beautiful lady in purple, Zhao Zilong's heart swings and he waves to her.

When Yang Ziyu saw this scene, a trace of sweetness flashed in her heart. She couldn't help but go to the window and waved to Zhao Zilong and cried, "little villain, you've come early enough. You have some conscience."

"No way, sister Yang, you have an order. Dare I not come earlier?"

Seeing her charming appearance, Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"I'm making something delicious. I'm hungry."

Yang Ziyu's eyes fell on the table and cried like a little girl.

"I'm making jam. How about a sandwich for you?"

Seeing her greedy appearance, Zhao Zilong asked with great interest.

"Yes, yes, if only there were another glass of milk."

After hearing this, Yang Ziyu nodded with joy in her eyes.

After listening to this, Zhao Zilong neatly made two pieces of sandwich bread and filled a cup of pure milk with the package. Then he came to the bottom of Yang Ziyu's bedroom and made a throwing action.

"Hey, people can't catch it. What if it hits me?"

Yang Ziyu covered her face with her hands and couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Don't worry, as long as you extend your hand, I can accurately throw it into your hand. I'm an expert on this." Seeing her delicate appearance, Zhao Zilong could not help but comfort her with a smile.

"Oh, they can't do it. I'd better send it up."

Yang Ziyu, as a charming and powerful young lady, has never played these adventurous actions. However, seeing that Zhao Zilong was so sure, although she repeatedly said no, she still held out a pair of small white hands.

Zhao Zilong's body is a short, the right hand will pack good sandwich bread gently throw up.

The bread drew a beautiful parabola in the sky, and finally fell steadily into Yang Ziyu's hands. She felt a small hand sink, not from five fingers closed, gently grasp, will be a piece of bread to grasp the son.

This kind of small game for rural children, it is a routine.

But in the eyes of these rich ladies, it is a very novel thing.

"Well, it's really fun. Throw the milk up quickly."

Yang Ziyu put the bread on the table, waved to Zhao Zilong and continued to shout.

"No problem. It's just that the glass is a little slippery. You must hold it firmly." Zhao Zilong saw that she was full of joy, so he nodded and threw up the milk in his hand.

Yang Ziyu spread out her hands, watching the glass jar with milk over her head, and finally fell steadily into her little hands. She was very happy. Unexpectedly, when her little hand slipped, the milk bottle fell off.

She watched the milk drop to the ground. Yang Ziyu couldn't help but stay.

At this critical moment, a figure came whistling, and took it to the hand accurately and steadily.

"Wow, you're so fast, you're so eye-catching."

When Yang Ziyu saw that it was Zhao Zilong who caught the milk, her eyes flashed red hearts. She couldn't help clapping her hands in joy.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I'm here, things won't fall to the ground. Let's do it again." Zhao Zilong said that he threw the milk again. This time, there was no accident. Yang Ziyu caught it steadily.

She kisses Zhao Zilong and turns to eat her sweet breakfast.

But unexpectedly, her figure just disappeared, and the window of the next room opened again.

Yang Hongyu didn't sleep well last night. Zhao Zilong's figure kept flashing in her mind.

Previously, when Uncle Li called and asked them to send someone to help Zhao Zilong run Changfeng Hotel, Yang Hongyu volunteered to take over the task. But Yang Donglai thought that hotel management was not her good project, so she sent her eldest daughter Yang Ziyu to the hotel. For this reason, Yang Hongyu felt very unhappy.

In addition, during this period of time, Zhao Zilong ran Changfeng Hotel and had little time to cook. They hardly had time to contact each other alone, which made Yang Hongyu's resentment as continuous as the water of the Yellow River.

It's not easy to wait until my father's birthday. I thought Zhao Zilong would come. But she deliberately waited until midnight last night, but still did not get his exact news from her sister, which made her angry.

Although she was concerned about Zhao Zilong, she was reluctant to condescend to call Zhao Zilong because of the girl's reserve. As a result, she fell into endless pain.

After waking up in the morning, Yang Hongyu began to spread out her blanket and practice yoga as usual.

After a while, my sister's voice sounded outside, but another voice was not clear. It was only when Zhao Zilong cried out that she recognized that the person who was talking was the one she was dreaming of.

She rushed to the window and saw the scene of Zhao Zilong throwing milk at Yang Ziyu. Because she runs too fast, the pair of pigeons in the training suit are beating, showing a super high elasticity.Looking at Zhao Zilong's vigorous figure and handsome face, Yang Hongyu was filled with joy.

Yang Ziyu over there closed the window and went to have breakfast, but Yang Hongyu over here opened the window again and looked at Zhao Zilong fiercely. She didn't speak, but her big beautiful eyes were about to drip juice.

"Well, it's sister Hongyu. You didn't have breakfast, did you want milk and sandwich bread?" Seeing Yang Hongyu's complicated eyes, Zhao Zilong asked her questions with a smile, revealing a row of neat teeth.

"I don't want milk and bread. I want soybean milk and fried dough sticks."

Seeing his smiling face, Yang Hongyu could not help pursing her red lips.

"Well, we haven't prepared soybean milk and fried dough sticks here. Shall I go out and buy some for you right away?" Zhao Zilong scratched his head and asked with a smile.

"No, I'm going to eat what you made." Yang Hongyu said coquettishly.

"All right, all right. I'll wait a minute. I'll do it for you right away."

Yang Hongyu stretched out her soft hand and held Baijing chin. Her voice was so sweet that Zhao Zilong could hear it. He couldn't refuse the coquetry of such a beautiful woman.

Seeing that he began to help her grind soya bean milk and make fried dough sticks in a hurry, Yang Hongyu was very pleased. The corners of her pink mouth rose slightly, and all kinds of charm grew on her white and red pretty face.

When other cooks and servants saw that Zhao Zilong was such a bull and fork, they got on well with the two young ladies of the Yang family. They couldn't help showing envy and hatred.

Look at their eyes, you Nong my Nong, no adultery is strange.

Zhao Zilong has the ability to never forget, but also has a huge amount of memory, its memory sealed countless kinds of food production methods. Soybean milk and fried dough sticks are also the basic food making methods.

When he made fried dough sticks, he didn't feel strange for the first time. His movements were as smooth as flowing water. When the fried dough sticks come out, they are even more golden, emitting bursts of charming fragrance.

As for that portion of soybean milk, Zhao Zilong deliberately added strawberries and other fruits to make it look bright and colorful. Yang Hongyu was lying at the window, some of whom couldn't wait to be thrown up.

After breakfast was prepared for the two ladies, it was already over ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Zilong didn't dare to delay any longer and hurriedly prepared lunch with the chefs.

Yang Hongyu is lying in the window, eating crispy fried dough sticks and drinking sweet soybean milk, watching Zhao Zilong working there. The only welfare, that is, in her heart when the wonderful waves that tremble.

Zhao Zilong with strong eyesight, but also vaguely can see two small dots from the wonderful waves. After he was slightly stunned, he finally understood that NIMA, the girl, was actually fighting in a vacuum.

After having breakfast, Yang Hongyu happily washed up, put on a beautiful dress and ran to the garden. In order to learn cooking skills, she wandered around Zhao Zilong. At first sight, she had an intention.

Seeing the ambiguous eyes of the chefs around, Zhao Zilong couldn't help but get close to her ear and whispered, "sister Hongyu, your figure is really good. You are almost jumping out of the room."

"Dead wolf, where do you look?" Yang Hongyu said shyly.

"Your baby pigeon will be placed there with great vigour. I can't help but look at it. As the saying goes, if you don't look at the treasure, it's useless." Zhao Zilong scratched his head and gave her a bad smile.

"Damn you, I don't care about you."

Ruby angrily turned away, but her heart was sweet.

After eleven o'clock, the guests began to arrive one after another.

The people who come to Yang's house to pay homage to their birthday are all celebrities in Yangzhou city. The men are all in suits and shoes, and the women are all in evening dress. Each of them had gorgeous and noble clothes, just like proud cocks.

At this time, a pair of familiar young people came into Zhao Zilong's vision.

Du Jing, dressed in a black suit, looks very handsome; Chen Sisi, dressed in a water blue dress, is holding her arm. She looks very beautiful with light powder.

Although Zhao Zilong is busy behind the dining table in his chef's clothes, he is still the most handsome man on the field. After seeing him, Du Jing's face changed, whispered something to Chen Sisi, and then turned to leave.

Chen Sisi's eyes are full of tenderness, and he comes running with his long skirt.

"Brother Zilong, you also come here to celebrate uncle Yang's birthday?" Chen Sisi came to Zhao Zilong and stroked his smooth face with his little hand: "you are more and more beautiful. It makes people itch."

"Well, I'm a boy. How can I describe it as beautiful?" Zhao Zilong cried with a dry cough.

"But in fact, your eyebrows and eyes are more upright than many girls, your skin is delicate and your expression is charming. What do people say about you if they don't say you are beautiful?" Chen Sisi said with great interest.

"Well, well, say what you like." Zhao Zilong was also choked. He pursed his mouth and said, "today, Monday, you came to the birthday party. Don't you have to go to school?""Usually naturally, but today is uncle Yang's birthday. Many celebrities from Yangzhou city are coming. My parents asked me to meet some people so that I can have a long experience." Chen Sisi said with red lips.

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