Best Young Chef

Chapter 454

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong immediately understood that the purpose of attending the banquet after these famous families was not to eat, but to be familiar in the circle, so as to pave the way for the future.

Thinking about their happy life and their tragic experience, Zhao Zilong could not help sighing.

"Good brother, I've been waiting for you for a long time. When do you want me to be your woman, I can't wait." Just as Zhao Zilong thought to himself, Chen Sisi came up to him and said coquettishly.

As she spoke, she dawdled on him with her tender little body, and even made a charming voice in her mouth. In the face of the goblin's bullying, Zhao Zilong was speechless for a while.

"Another day, another day will make you my woman." Seeing that Chen Sisi's action attracted a lot of envious eyes, Zhao Zilong couldn't help but take a deep breath and came to her ear to comfort her.

"It's almost the same. People wait for your letter. If you dare to break the appointment, they will take a condom, a wet towel and * * and go to Changfeng hotel to enchant you. Then they will turn over and become a woman themselves."

Chen Sisi left here with two little white legs after throwing down some amazing words.

Looking at her graceful figure, Zhao Zilong can't help sighing to himself: such a girl is too hanging. She is a hooligan in thought, a good girl in life, a tender girl in appearance, and a transformer in psychology. She is a fierce little Lori with a queen's aura.

With the constant arrival of guests, Yang Hongyu and Yang Ziyu are just like two beautiful flowers, greeting guests at the gate of the garden. One is delicate and green, the other is elegant and moving, which attracts everyone's attention.

Another burst of noise, only to see a group of dressed avant-garde, dressed coquettish women came in. They are all sisters of ruby, including Duan Lin and Fang Lili whom Zhao Zilong knew.

In addition to them, the sisters also brought a handsome man.

The handsome man is more than 1.8 meters tall, with a strong body and fair skin, which attracted the attention of the ladies. He was wearing a suit of suit, and his every move was full of elegance.

The handsome man went into the garden and went straight to Yang Hongyu. He said with a smile, "Ruby baby, uncle's birthday, you don't say a word. It's impolite for me not to come on this occasion."

As he came to speak, he also directed two staff members to carry a twelve layer cake in. This big cake is inlaid with 36 kinds of diced fruits. It looks very charming.

"My father's birthday doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?" Cried Yang Hongyu, not in a good mood.

"Of course, it does. We have been childhood friends, and we will naturally become a couple in the future. My future father-in-law's birthday, how can I not come? " The handsome man took her little hand and said solemnly.

Yang Ziyu saw that Fang Li was so shameless that she could not help wrinkling her eyebrows.

Duan Lin and they seem to feel the atmosphere is not good. They take Fang Lili and they run to Zhao Zilong's body together. They smile and ask him questions. They can't help but reach out and grasp him.

"Fang Li, if you don't want to be beautiful there, I won't marry you."

After listening to his shameless words, Yang Hongyu couldn't help retracting her little hand.

"Who do you want to marry me to? Besides Fang Li, who else in the world can be worthy of the beautiful miss Hongyu?" Fang Li, full of confidence, asked her with great interest.

"You don't have to be here. There are more excellent men than you in the world. There are many people who deserve me. You don't need to worry about this." Yang red jade white he one eye, don't have good spirit ground to call a way.

"Well, please tell me, who is worthy of you?"

Rao is that Fang Li's face is thick enough. She refuses in public, but she still can't get down. He took a deep breath, glanced over all the people in the garden, and asked her slowly.

"Do you really want to know?"

Yang Hongyu turned her eyes and asked softly.

"Of course, I'll challenge him."

Fang Li's face was straight and he nodded.

"That man is He

Yang Hongyu gave a bad smile and pointed a jade finger at Zhao Zilong.

"My God, you didn't mean it wrong. The person you said before who is worthy of you is actually a cheap cook?" Fang Li, who was a little nervous, couldn't help laughing when she saw that she was referring to a cook.

"Don't be so impolite, OK? This is my father's Royal chef. He is the best in Yangzhou. If my father hears you, he will drive you out of here

Yang Hongyu turned her head to one side and exclaimed without good temper.

"Well, I'll see what's special about him."

Fang Li was so angry with her that he walked straight to Zhao Zilong.

After the last contact, Zhao Zilong knows that Duan Lin and Fang Lili are both passionate and pleasure seeking girls. They are also from rich families. They always like to hunt for beauty, so as to satisfy their fresh appetite.Last time they saw Zhao Zilong, they did not hesitate to take him as their target. Just because Yang Hongyu was there, they didn't taste this little fresh meat.

When they saw him again in Yang's house, they naturally did not want to give up this opportunity.

They surrounded Zhao Zilong to be coquettish and coquettish. They also took advantage of people's inattention and extended their soft hands to the sensitive parts of his body. Their every move shows a strong hint, which makes Zhao Zilong's soul teach.

If it wasn't for all the people around here, he would have pushed the second daughter down and implemented the soil loosening plan.

"Well, as a cook, why do you like Miss ruby?"

At this time, Fang Li came forward, pointed to Zhao Zilong and said stiffly.

"Brother, his name is Zhao Zilong. He is a friend of others."

The Fang Lili of one side listened to this words, not from Nu wear red lips to open mouth to say.

"What if it's your friend, then you can rob my girlfriend?" Fang Libai glanced at his sister, pointed to Zhao Zilong and said, "look at your name. Why do you call Zhao Zilong such a coquettish name

"Zhao Zilong is one of the five tiger generals. He is the ancestor of gun playing. To take the first place of a general in a hundred thousand troops is like searching for something. You Zhao Zilong must be a bad hand at cutting sweet potatoes with a kitchen knife. "

"In fact, I can play with guns, but the routine is different. Zhao Zilong of the Three Kingdoms can be the first general among the 100000 troops, and I can take the Queen's water among the 100000 red powder... "

Unconvinced, Zhao Zilong turned his lips and thought to himself.

"Don't be a fool there. Answer my question quickly. Why do you like Miss ruby?"

"You misunderstood me. I didn't like her." In the face of Fang Li's aggressiveness, Zhao Zilong was not angry. As he cut the shredded vegetables, he answered him very casually.

Fang Li naturally would not believe his words. Just as he was about to reprimand him, Zhao Zilong said again: "it's me she likes. Since she first saw me, she was attracted by my heroism."

"From that day on, she longed to be with me every day. She thinks of me when she eats, when she works, when she goes to the toilet, and when she sleeps, she thinks of me so much that she feels numb and wet somewhere. "

After Zhao Zilong's words were exported, Fang Li was not only stunned, but also at a loss. Even Duan Lin and Fang Lili look at each other and are shocked by his impudence and meanness.

"You, you bullshit!" Fang Li pointed at him and exclaimed without good spirit.

"I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask her." Zhao Zilong said casually.

Fang Li saw that he was serious and didn't look like a fake. He actually turned to ask Yang Hongyu.

Seeing that, Zhao Zilong couldn't help laughing: "I dare to challenge you with this intelligence quotient. Go to the middle class of kindergarten for a few years. Don't give me shame here."

"And that girl, Yang Hongyu, actually took me as a shield and asked me to help you block the shooter. It's really bad. If you haven't yet agreed to treat each other with gentleness, let me help you to get a knife. How beautiful

"Hey, little brother, how do you know that Hongyu thinks you are numb and wet somewhere?" At this time, Fang Lili came over, straightened up the huge chest, and asked him softly.

"That's right. You only know that Hongyu wants you to feel numb and wet. Do you know that my sister wants you to feel numb and wet?" Duan Lin talks, the jade hand stroked his slender legs.

"That I really don't know. I don't know what the two sisters want to do? "

Zhao Zilong can't help pretending to be a fool when he sees that their coquettish spirit is flourishing and the meaning of teasing him is more and more obvious.

"Some people say that our sisters are all people who do great things. In fact You're the big deal. "

The two girls stared at him closely, just like two wolves staring at the lamb with greedy eyes.

Zhao Zilong understood that the two girls were already on the brain. If there were not so many people around, they would have rushed forward, pushed themselves to the ground, and started to destroy themselves in turn on the physical and spiritual levels.

Pop! At this time, a clear voice sounded.

Three people surprised turn to see, see Yang Hongyu keep slapping action, square from the face appeared a red palm print. He was slapped in the face and didn't respond after staying for a long time.

Yang Hongyu is graceful and green. She is not only resistant to men, but also cautious about men and women's affairs. This Fang Li foolishly said Zhao Zilong's original words to her. It was clear that he was looking for a cigarette.

Yang Hongyu takes back Xiaoyu's hand, stares at Zhao Zilong and runs away angrily.

Fang Li was so embarrassed that he didn't leave. Instead, he ran to Zhao Zilong angrily and asked, "you are such an abominable and cheap cook. You dare to cheat me. Hongyu has never liked you at all."

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