Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1899: Goodbye (10)

Nie Zhining grew up in the hands of his parents. Apart from the last time he was involved in a car accident, he had never suffered. The first punch hit his chest. With one punch, his chest seemed to swell, and his bones creaked. . The second punch hit the cheek, and the face swelled up. He hadn't reacted yet, and then Lengsi City's third punch fell again, hitting his eye socket severely!

The punches of Leng Sicheng became more and more heavier. With this punch, Nie Zhining’s eyes were completely dark, and the fist wind swept across the bridge of his nose. The tip of his nose was swollen and painful. He only felt that the bridge of his nose was almost broken by him ! Almost in an instant, the darkness in front of my eyes, the severe pain and the nosebleeds hit me instantly, and my ears buzzed and I couldn't hear anything. After that, the sharp pain was superimposed with the pain of the two fists before, and he was instantly sluggish when it hurt.

He still remembered that he was going to resist. When Lengscheng punched him, he also hit and kicked. But where is the opponent of Leng's City who has been spoiled and grown up like Nie Zhining? Lengscheng didn’t care that he resisted so much, his hand lifted his neckline forcefully, as if he was carrying a disobedient dog, and the other hand was waving again, and another punch was hit on his chest. !

With this punch, Leng Sicheng almost exhausted all his strength, almost treating Nie Zhining as his lifelong enemy!

"Boom! ——" With a heavy punch, as if a heavy truck rumbling past, Nie Zhining had fractured his chest ribs in a car accident. After this punch, Nie Zhining was almost instantaneous. It seems that there is a hole in his chest, and the bones seem to fall apart like a "creaking" pain. He originally had the strength to resist. At this time, it was like a chicken and duck whose neck was chopped off, soft and soft. He fell on the ground, protecting his chest with his hands, breathing heavily, as if only in this way could he breathe smoothly, and the broken bones would be brought back and his body would be more comfortable.

But he was so huddled on the ground, the ground was already the porcelain plates, cups and saucers that he had swept away, rubbing one hand against the blood on the other hand.

Leng Sicheng’s eyes wrinkled, and he couldn’t help it for a long time. The moment they saw him today, after they got married, no, even earlier, when they knew that Gu Qingqing had agreed to Nie Zhining’s relationship, he I want to teach him! Gang Xiao missed his woman, she was so tired of life, she couldn't be overkill!

He still wanted to fight, and Gu Qingqing and Li Youyou who were next to him immediately rushed over: "Sc City, stop!" When Leng Si City started beating, the two of them didn't pay attention to it. When the fight came down, both of them were caught off guard. . Especially Gu Qingqing, although she sometimes feels that Nie Zhining's involvement in their marriage is not good, but now his is indeed for her own suffering, she can't just watch it like this!

Leng Sicheng originally just wanted to teach him a lesson, but when Gu Qingqing pleaded, he became more and more angry. He grabbed the curled up Nie Zhining from the ground and punched again!

"Lengsi City, are you crazy? Stop it, stop it!" Gu Qingqing immediately went up to stop him and tried to separate him from Nie Zhining. The more she pleaded, the harder Leng Sicheng's punches were, and her fists were like punches, punches in succession, and the light burst into her eyes, wishing to tear him apart!

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