Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1900: Goodbye (11)

"Lengsi City, you stop me!" Gu Qingqing stepped forward and immediately hugged his arm, trying to pull it away.

The more she helped Nie Zhining, the greater Leng Sicheng’s reaction became. He shook off his arm violently and threw Gu Qingqing aside on the sofa without looking, then took a step forward and sat directly on Nie. On Zhining's body, he pulled up his collar with one hand, raised his fist, his eyes were cold, "Go to hell!"

After that, the fist was like raindrops, and it fell on his face without hesitation.

Gu Qingqing was thrown to the side of the sofa by him. She didn't care about the pain in the palm of her hand. She was hurt by him and still wanted to pull them away: "Lengs City, don't fight!"

Leng Sicheng hadn't let go, and still took Nie Zhining and punched him down! He has been complaining about Nie Zhining for a long time. No, not just him, but also the recent friction with Gu Qingqing, business failures, threats from other shareholders, and the anger of cheating money. Of course, the most common one is Nie Zhining's interaction with Gu Qingqing just now made him annoyed to kill him like this!

One punch, two punches, three punches! Every punch has exhausted his strength, and every punch can't wait to kill him! On the face, shoulders, chest, and the small box, it seemed that only the sound of his dull punches hit the flesh. As for Lengsi City, who has been pulling him to fight, the cold light from his eyes is like a cold killing machine. Whoever dares to stop it will kill him!

Li Youyou originally wanted to persuade him, but he was completely frightened by his courage at this time, his mouth opened slightly, and his lips were trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything for a while, he was originally prepared. The one who helped Gu Qingqing squeezed her arm tightly at this time, and seemed to rely on her to soothe the concussion in her heart.

Gu Qingqing wanted to persuade him. For one thing, when he fell to the ground, it hurt too much. There was blood in his hands, and he couldn't support it, let alone discourage him. Her occasional one or two persuasion, on the contrary, was like the soundtrack in a movie. Not only did it not work, but it also stimulated his atrocities.

In the beginning, even though Nie Zhining was curled up on the ground by him, he had no strength to fight back, and he would resist one or two from time to time. When he hit the back, his reaction gradually became smaller, and later he would just hum. Two sentences, at the end, only a faint sound was heard, with more outgassing and less intake.

"Lengsi City! Sicheng!" Gu Qingqing couldn't even feel the pain in her palms at this time. Even though the broken tiles on her palms had not come out, she crawled over with blood in her hands and grabbed Leng Sicheng's trouser legs. : "Sri Lanka, don't fight! Don't fight!"

At this moment, she was not worried that Nie Zhining would continue to be beaten, she was afraid of Lengsi City! She was afraid that he would really kill Nie Zhining, and she was afraid that he would break the law because of it!

Lengsi City had already been attacked at this time, and couldn't hear any sound at all. He lifted his leg and wanted to kick Gu Qingqing away. Just at this time, the door of the box opened and Xu Zipei and Secretary Cheng rushed in!

Not only them, but also a few bodyguards who followed Gu Qingqing, also rushed over. Although Lengscheng came alone, he did not tell the bodyguards and Secretary Cheng where they were. Secretary Cheng did not have the positioning device in Lengscheng's mobile phone, but Lengscheng's car was equipped with a positioning system.

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