Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1915: Goodbye (26)

Xu Zipei, who was next to him, saw him frowning all the time. Although he did not speak, he had been tapping irregularly with a signature pen. There seemed to be something unspeakable. She immediately said: "Sicheng, otherwise you'd better go to the hospital. Even if you rest assured Qingqing, anyway, you are responsible for Zhining's injury. If the Nie family wants you to be responsible, it is nothing wrong."

"I didn't say that I was not responsible. I will bear the responsibility in the end. I will compensate if I should compensate. The big deal is to go to the police station for a few days. What can I do?" Lengscheng frowned, then suddenly turned back and stared. She glanced at her, "What are you asking about? As far as I know, your sister and Nie Zhining have cancelled their marriage contract? He has played with your sister for so many years. He is not an enemy to the Xu family. Shouldn't he stay together? "

Xu Zipei himself was speechless: "I just said a word, but you said so much, you still said that you have no complaints against Nie Zhining?"

Lengscheng was angry: "I have a complaint against him? Is he worthy too?"

"Yes, yes, he is not worthy, he is not worthy to be compared with your President Leng." Xu Zipei smiled, "Then President Leng, do you want to go to the hospital later?"

Leng Sicheng frowned slightly, and added a sentence after a long time: "I will say it after I finish my work."

After that, I really picked up the documents, looking seriously one by one.

Xu Zipei smiled, that's not it. It turned out that I couldn't see it when I liked him, but now I can feel it by jumping to the side. His so-called coldness, awkwardness, and arrogance are actually just for Gu Qingqing and all things related to Gu Qingqing. Without Gu Qingqing, he would have always been the arrogant and arrogant president, but with Gu Qingqing, he would just be an ordinary man who would suffer from gains and losses, and would fall in love for her to compromise.


What Lengscheng didn't expect was that his job would really work all night.

Until the next morning, he finished the work accumulated yesterday, took a sip from the coffee cup, and Xu Zipei beside him yawned and stretched. Looking at Lengsi City next to her, she kindly persuaded: "Should you go to the hospital?"

Leng Sicheng didn't answer, just picked up the phone. After turning over it for a long time, he didn't see Gu Qingqing's name on the call log. He frowned, thought about it, and called the bodyguard again: "What's the situation?"

The bodyguard said: "My wife didn't rest all night and was waiting in the hospital. Fortunately, Young Master Nie was found to have fractured bones and internal organs. He had already undergone an operation and also treated a fracture of the bridge of the nose on his face. Now he is out of danger. , But the Nie family is still very noisy, and they have been making noises to the police."

"Just let them call the police." Lengscheng simply didn't bother to pay attention to these guys. If they wanted to call the police, they had already reported it. Didn't they want to blackmail something?

He paused and asked, "Anything else?"

"Secretary Cheng has also greeted the owner of the coffee shop. No one can find the surveillance except the police."

Who cares about his monitoring? All he wanted to ask was Gu Qingqing. Did Gu Qingqing ask about him and whether he cared about him: "What else?"

What else? After much deliberation, the bodyguard added: "And Miss Li, Secretary Cheng also arranged for her to accompany his wife."

Lengsi directly hung up the phone with an aura, and at that moment he wished to throw the phone out!

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