Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1916: Goodbye (27)

But he just hung up the phone, and couldn't help picking up the phone, and dialed again: "Hey... that, did you say anything else?"

The bodyguard was stunned, and then said for a long time: "Nothing to say."

Lengsi asked unwillingly, "I really didn't say anything?"

"I really didn't say anything. Oh, the doctor said, Master Nie might stay longer this time, and the Nie family threatened that they might talk to your parents and maybe even stabbed them to the media. How do you deal with it, you still have to decide."

What is this called! Lengsi yelled directly at the cellphone angrily, "I hung up."

After he hung up the phone, the whole person was still sitting in the seat panting. Xu Zipei was watching, and when he was almost out of breath, he smiled and said, "Sri Lanka, I have finished my work, right?"

Leng Sicheng nodded distractedly, not in the mood to see where the files in her hand needed to be revised. Xu Zipei said again: "Do you know how much the appearance fee of a star like me is? Let me sit here for you to deal with the documents all night. I still have injuries on my leg. If you don't pay me several times the overtime pay, I will immediately Just stabbed to the news and said you abused workers."

Leng Sicheng nodded again, and Xu Zipei stretched again: "Then I'll go first and go to the hospital, you will be busy slowly."

She had just pushed the wheelchair to leave. She had inconvenient legs and feet. At this time, she moved quite loudly. Lengsi City next to her suddenly realized something and raised her head and asked, "Where did you say you are going?"

"Hospital." Xu Zipei smiled deliberately, "I didn't sit in a wheelchair with a cane and dragged my leg in a cast to look for you yesterday in order to chase you. It was another night without getting up. How hard did I make for you? ?"

Lengscheng said "Oh". Suddenly thinking of something, he asked, "Which hospital are you going to?"

"Affiliated hospital, isn't it the doctor you found for me?" Xu Zipei took the smile on his face, as if knowingly asking, and complained, "I think you can only pay me three times the appearance fee. I am reluctant to stay and help you. It doesn't matter how much work is left. No matter how much money you give me, don't want to keep me. I'm going to the hospital, bye."

Xu Zipei pushed the wheelchair with difficulty, but did not move the wheelchair for a long time. With another force, the wheelchair started quickly. Looking back, it was Lengscheng who was pushing her wheelchair expressionlessly behind her. Seeing her turning back, she explained: "It’s because you helped me all night last night. , I will take you to the hospital without thanking me."

Obviously he himself wished to go to the hospital and asked her to thank him? Xu Zipei was also funny, and deliberately said, "No. I called the driver, and they will pick me up later. You can work hard, I won't bother you."

"No, just treat it as doing good deeds." Leng Sicheng pushed her out expressionlessly, and Xu Zipei was almost laughing as she watched. Okay, since you want to carry it, I will try to do more to call you, and see what else you have to say!

The two arrived at the hospital soon, and as soon as they arrived at the parking lot in Lengsi City, they wanted to put Xu Zipei down and ran to Gu Qingqing by themselves. She deliberately said: "Sri Lanka, then trouble you to send me to the gynecology department."

"Isn't it orthopedic? Why is it gynecological?" In the case of orthopedics, Nie Zhining is now in orthopedics, didn't he just pass by "by the way"? He didn't go to the hospital for Gu Qingqing!

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