Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1942: One with two wide (7)

When she was about to drink, the hand of a man next to her suddenly patted her shoulder. Gu Qingqing hadn't looked back yet, only smelled an elegant fragrance of men's perfume. She was shocked suddenly, followed by another joy, could it be Lengscheng? Is it him?

She turned her head almost instantly and looked back expectantly, but she didn't expect that at that moment, what she saw was Lin Zhouyi instead of Lengsi City.

"It's you?" Her voice seemed a little surprised, and she couldn't hide her regret. Lin Zhouyi heard it out, but just smiled: "It's me. What, do you think it's not me, or who? Nie Zhining? Or... some other person?"

After the initial surprise, Gu Qingqing quickly recovered, and shook her head quickly: "No. Zhining is at home. I haven't seen him since he came out of the hospital."

Now Nie Zhining's family treats her like an enemy. Zhen Xiaoya and Nie Shize not only count the incident of Nie Zhining's beating on her, but the cancellation of his marriage contract with Xu's family, they also think it is Gu Qingqing's sin. Now she and Lengsicheng are still in the divorce agreement, and it will be even more difficult to get out of Nie Zhining, so it is better to go abroad.

Suddenly, Gu Qingqing thought of something, and then asked: "No, Zhang Yuxi just said that. Are you out of town, President Lin? Why are you here?"

Lin Zhouyi nodded: "I did just come back from another place, but I'm going on a business trip soon."

Gu Qingqing saw that he was carrying the suitcase in his hand, and the windbreaker on him was a little messy. It really looked like he had come back from a field, and asked casually: "Where are you going?"

Before her boarding pass had been processed, Lin Zhouyi took out her passport and ID card to the service staff, the service staff took it, and after verification, said, "Mr. Lin, is the flight from Yancheng to Los Angeles right? "

Los Angeles? Isn't that where she is going? Gu Qingqing looked puzzled, Lin Zhouyi just smiled: "I know you are going to study abroad. But unfortunately, for a long time, Li will still be my subordinate. Some tasks in the United States need me to take care of, Director Gu, During the U.S. period, we had a happy cooperation."

Gu Qingqing was a little surprised, but it is good to have a familiar person in a foreign country.

After finishing the consignment, the two went to the security checkpoint. When they were about to enter, perhaps because they were leaving the country, or because they were going to be separated from Lengs City, she suddenly had a strong expectation in her heart, like someone It's about to rush over. She turned her head suddenly and looked around, as if trying to find some trace in the crowd, but it seemed that there were many people coming and going, but she didn't see the one she wanted to see.

I thought that divorce would be the end of everything, but now I know that it turns out that it is true to suffer from the gains and losses after divorce, and she is far from being as unrestrained as she thought.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Zhouyi saw her eyes and turned to ask: "Is there any unfulfilled wish or regrets left?"

"No, let's go." Gu Qingqing retracted his eyes and threw the mineral water bottle into the trash can, as if this was the only way to show his determination to distinguish everything from the past. When Lin Zhouyi saw the bottle of water, a light flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, watching her throw the bottle away.

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