Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1943: One is two wide (8)

With a "pop", the mineral water bottle hit the edge of the trash can and fell to the ground. Moreover, because the bottle cap was not properly covered, she spilled water all over her body, and the queues stood back one or two in disgust. Step, for fear of contaminating yourself a little.

Gu Qingqing didn't care about wiping the water on her body, first bent down, picked up the water bottle, and stuffed it into the trash can properly. Then he pulled out the paper towels, soaked up the water sprinkled on the ground, and threw the paper towels into the trash can. But there was too much water in the bottle, and it was difficult to dry a few paper towels. There was already a line to go through the security check, many people also urged: "Can you hurry up?"

"You go first." Lin Zhouyi opened his mouth to let the people behind him pass, and squatted down himself, and handed her a pack of tissues.

Gu Qingqing didn't even lift her head. He took the paper towel and said in a low voice "Thank you", and then continued to **** up the water on the ground a little bit. Lin Zhouyi was standing next to her, unable to see her expression, only the whirling of her head, and the hair on the temples swaying with her movements.

Look, she knows that even if she throws something to indicate a clear separation from the past, she can't show it coolly. The water splashed all over the place, as if she was sticky, muddled and unwilling to recognize the reality of her heart. She thought she could change something, and thought that Lengs City might still miss a trace of old love, but it was nothing more than a joke in the eyes of others.

When she finished wiping the water on the ground, she took a paper towel and carefully wiped her palms clean. When she got up, she didn't forget to tidy up some wrinkled clothes. Twisting some messy hair behind her ears and raising her eyes, Lin Zhouyi was surprised to find at this time that her eyes no longer had the confusion and expectations at the time, and she became much firmer.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to delay your time, we can go now."

"Oh, good." Lin Zhouyi's lips curled slightly, dragging the box and walking in with her.

After passing the security check and passing the customs, she also walked directly to the boarding gate without squinting. Lin Zhouyi was beside her and deliberately asked her: "Don't you need to go to the duty-free shop for a few glances? Anyway, we still have more time."

Gu Qingqing just shook her head and kept walking under her feet.

When it was time for registration, she was also the first to stand up. Lin Zhouyi also "kindly" added another sentence: "We are first-class, so we don’t have to worry about someone squeezing us until the cabin is closed. After all, it’s going to a foreign country and it’s inconvenient to connect. Have any unfulfilled wishes now? There is still time to do it. Don't leave any regrets." He said so clearly and straightforwardly that he almost uttered the words "Lengs City".

Can you make it? In fact, she knows that even if Lengs City is standing in front of her at this moment, and he hasn't even divorced her yet, what can he do? This marriage is boneless and tasteless, so it's better to leave it all. It's a good thing for her or for him.

What's more, Lengscheng may not have thought of her at all, so why should she be passionate?

"No, thank you." She shook her head, checked the ticket and went into the cabin door. When I was seated, the plane was about to take off. The stewardess came over and handed a hot towel. She didn't forget to point to Gu Qingqing's vibrating mobile phone and said, "Miss, the plane is about to take off. Please turn off your electronic devices."

Gu Qingqing looked down, and the call was really Lengscheng!


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