Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1949: One is two wide (14)

Secretary Cheng's words seemed like a heavy punch, which hit him on the head, causing a buzzing in his head.

In fact, he knew everything he knew. Even if he did chase down to Los Angeles and tear up the divorce agreement, they would not be able to go back in time. No, even going back in time before their divorce is of no use. I didn't like it, and I just signed the divorce agreement and didn't even get the divorce certificate. I couldn't wait to go abroad. Before leaving the last call, I didn't forget to remind him not to contact her again.

The twisted melon is not sweet, even if he tried his best, in the end he couldn't match Nie Zhining's words in her heart, her work, and even Lin Zhouyi's position in her heart. Even her mother who got into Qian's eyes, her elder brother who could only hold back, she couldn't bear to get out of the relationship completely. Only he, after knowing that he had something to do with her father, ruthlessly knocked out their children, insisted that the divorce was absolutely nothing, and left without nostalgia, so ruthless. He has worked hard for three years, and it turns out that not only did he not change his image in her heart, but he became even more unbearable.

No one in this world can't live without one.

Next to him, Secretary Cheng just saw his slightly drooping eyes and the hand that was slowly falling while holding the phone.

Seeing Lengsicheng's sudden silence, Secretary Cheng thought he was angry, and quickly added: "I'll make arrangements right away. I will buy the ticket, and I will also find a few people to follow Miss Gu."

"No." Lengsi didn't even raise his head, his voice was low, but he shook his head and refused.

Secretary Cheng thought that his arrangements were not perfect, so he immediately said: "Don't worry, you will definitely make Miss Gu not feel that she is following her, and will report anything immediately."

"No need." Lengscheng finally shook his head this time, and when he raised his head again, the whole person had become so calm as promised.

"The ticket..."

"The air ticket is no longer needed, the bodyguards are no longer needed, and nothing is needed. If you say it is necessary, you can urge the lawyer to complete the divorce procedure as soon as possible." He tidyed up the folds on the messy shirts and suit jackets that he had just ran, and tidyed his hair with the back of his hands. Secretary Cheng next to him was a little dumbfounded: "Then Mr. Leng, we are now..."

"Isn't there still a lot of work in the company? There are so many directors outside waiting for me, so many messes waiting for me to clean up, how can I have time to get busy with unregulated things?" He thought about it, and added. "If I have to say, did I accidentally bump into someone just now? If he has property damage, he will be compensated three times. I don't want to hear it, let alone see a reporter who will write about my gaffe here just now. Things."

Secretary Cheng nodded: "Yes, so Miss Gu's business..."

Leng Sicheng didn't even listen to him. He stepped on his long legs, turned around, and walked with his back to the boarding gate. However, just as he turned around, the bell rang, and a plane slowly lifted into the air on the runway behind him. Lengs City stood there for half a minute, waiting for the bell to ring no longer, waiting for the plane's The roar was inaudible, so he took a step further and further away.

Everything has become a thing of the past.

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