Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1950: After the separation (1)

In the early morning, the sun was shining, and the curtains were opened to let the warm light fall into the house.

The bread machine in the kitchen dinged, and the milk in the microwave next to it was hot. After breakfast, stretch and stretch your body, and go for a lap in the nearby garden. When I just came back to wipe my sweat with a sports towel, the computer also made a beep sound. I walked over and looked at an email that read the indoor and outdoor advertising business of the newly opened Global Commercial Center in the San Francisco Bay Area.

After seeing the words "Global Business Center", the vigorous face instantly stiffened at first, but she still replied to agree and asked the other party to send a detailed message.

Turning off the computer, she stretched out her hand on the table and pushed it, the revolving chair automatically moved back a few meters, and stopped at the edge of the carpet. She rested her head on the back cushion of the revolving chair for a long time, until the boiling water kettle rang for a long time, she stood up, turned off the gas switch, poured water, made a cup of coffee, and was just about to drink. A phone call came.

She took her coffee and picked up her phone to connect, and a voice soon came from the other end of the phone: "Brigitte, did you see the person's email?"

She thought of the email that had just arrived, and nodded: "Well, I just replied."

The person on the phone said: "No, this time the matter should be handled earlier. Because this time it is said that Global Commerce is the first large-scale commerce center in California. It is very grand. Not only will it invite celebrities, but Global is in China. It is said that the big BOSS will also be there, so it must be very grand and grand, and there will be no mistakes or omissions."

The rest was okay. When she talked about the big boss of China, she almost couldn't hold her mobile phone in shock. The colleague on the opposite side was a little puzzled: "Hey, Brigitte, what's the matter?"

She shook her head: "It's okay, I know, I will discuss the plan with the team as soon as possible. And... who is the big boss you just mentioned?"

The people over there were puzzled, "I just heard that it is the senior executive of the head office of Huaxia Kingdom. Oh, but I know the stars I invited, except for the HIP-HOP singer Billy and the **** goddess Catherine, whom we all like. And Purple-Xu will also be there."

The few people in front were okay. When it came to the last name, Gu Qingqing was stunned again: "You mean Purple-Xu?"

The man nodded: "Yeah, isn't she from your Huaxia Kingdom? She is also a popular candidate for this Oscar. The filming of that movie is amazing! She is so **** and pure in the movie, it can't be better! Eh! , Aren’t you from China? Do you know her news?"

"I...Of course, I don't know how, she is a star, I'm just an ordinary person." She hesitated for a while, and replied softly.

"Oh, then, within today, you can contact the team to come up with some general ideas, and bring them to the meeting room for discussion tomorrow."

"...I see." After hanging up the phone, she sighed and looked at the trees outside.

Purple-Xu, which is Xu Zipei. She wants to come, then this time, the person who came with her should be - Lengs City, right?

Lengsicheng, Xu Zipei, it's been a long time since I heard the names of these two people. After all, it should have been a whole year.


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