Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1958: After the separation (9)

Gu Qingqing was taken aback, took a step back and took a closer look. The man in front of him had a clear-eyed face and a gentle smile. Who else would he be if he wasn't Lin Zhouyi?

"Mr. Lin, is it you?" Gu Qingqing was a little surprised.

"Isn't it who I am? Is it because you haven't been serious about your work recently, for fear that the leader of me will blame it?" Lin Zhouyi smiled.

"No." Gu Qingqing shook his head. After divorcing Lengscheng, although Lengscheng has no contact with her anymore, she is also paying attention to his news. Lin Zhouyi and him basically fought fiercely after their divorce. Although she doesn't understand finance, she also knows from news reports that Leng Sicheng and Lin Zhouyi are fighting fiercely. And Lin Zhouyi still has an advantage over Lengs City to a certain extent. She didn't know if Lin Zhouyi used any improper means, but she was not the kind of white lotus that lived in an ideal world. After arriving in the United States, her first study and work here depended on Lin Zhouyi's arrangement, and she had occasional contact, but because she was too far apart, she would never be as familiar as she used to work in a company.

"It's just a little surprised, why are you here?"

"Why, this is my company, I won't come, who else will come?"

Gu Qingqing shook his head, the first feeling was that Lengsi City was also here. So this time, Lin Zhouyi came to fight him again?

Before she could speak, Lin Zhouyi said for her over there: "Do you know that Lengsi City will come over too, afraid that I will conflict with him?"

Gu Qingqing had an expression of "how do you know what I think?" Lin Zhouyi smiled again: "First of all, you know, I and Lengscheng are opponents. I must pay attention to his affairs. He came to the United States to talk about it. Business, so I followed. Besides, Xu Zipei came to shoot the advertisement and was looking for our company. How could I not know?"

He said his mind so clearly that Gu Qingqing didn't even have a chance to scold him. Lin Zhouyi added: "Of course there is one more point. I came to see you. Moved?"

"Really moved." Gu Qingqing nodded seriously. Don't forget to say: "Xu Zipei is here too, don't you go to greet her?"

"Okay, should we go together?" Lin Zhouyi asked knowingly.

Gu Qingqing was speechless: "No, I still won't attend such a high-end banquet."

"What high-end, are you afraid that someone will appear at the banquet later?" Lin Zhouyi deliberately named the person's name, and Gu Qingqing didn't answer. He also laughed: "It's alright, go to dinner, only the two of us can do it? If you don't want to see them, I won't let you be responsible for Xu Zipei's advertisement.

Gu Qingqing bowed her head and did not speak, and for a long time added: "You are a treat."

"I've traveled all over the ocean to see you, so I actually want me to treat you? Okay, I'll just ask, Miss, let's go and eat."

Gu Qingqing nodded and agreed. The two went downstairs and reached the parking lot. Just after getting in the car, Lin Zhouyi's cell phone rang. He said embarrassedly: "You wait a minute, I have something to do, and I will be back soon."

Gu Qingqing nodded and watched him get out of the car. She stayed in the car and waited for him. The parking lot was quiet, and the voice-activated lights went out. After a while, the lights turned on again. Gu Qingqing looked out the window and saw that Xu Zipei and her personal assistant got down and got into a car. And the one who drove was Lengs City.

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