Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1959: After the separation (10)

Since signing the divorce agreement, he moved out of Xishan Villa. This is the first time she has met him in reality in a year.

Compared with him a year ago, Lengs City has hardly changed at this time. He is slightly thinner than before and his hair has been cut shorter. His hair was a little long, and his forehead had some bangs, but now he was cut to a very short length, and his suit was straight. In a flashing face, she only saw Lengscheng's face without expression, and her eyes were more indifferent than before. If it turns out that his eyes are just indifferent, arrogantly looking down on everyone in the world. But now, his expression was not purely cold, but as if he didn't care about all the people and things around him.

He sat in the driver's seat like this, the window rolled down, one arm was placed randomly on the window, and the other was holding the steering wheel. Seeing Xu Zipei approaching, the car leaned up. Xu Zipei also took a few steps forward and opened the door: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Leng Sicheng didn't speak, and turned the steering wheel again, just turning the front of the car in front of her. Gu Qingqing was sitting in the car with the windows closed, and they didn't care. Xu Zipei also laughed: "Come out with me at this time. If it is photographed by any reporter, I can't tell you anything?"

Leng Sicheng didn't even look at her. The car turned around and drove away.

When I got out of the parking lot, Lengsi City lowered the window. Xu Zipei glanced at him and smiled: "It's not easy. You have been here for several days. I flew over here yesterday. He said that he was busy at work and didn't come to pick me up. Why today, I came here to shoot an advertisement, and you turned off the job at hand and deliberately drove more than 20 kilometers to pick me up from get off work?"

Leng Sicheng did not speak, and Xu Zipei felt even more interesting: "Is it our friendship for more than ten years, or is it for...someone else."

When she talked about "someone else", the ending sound deliberately rose slightly, as if she was teasing something.

Lengscheng still did not speak, even the slight expression on his face did not change even a single point. Xu Zipei stared at his face for a long time, and then smiled: "Actually, I think, she should still feel a little bit for you. You see, I went to look for her in an advertisement, but she didn't even want to see me. I also asked her colleague. She is highly regarded in the company, has a good development, and does not have a boyfriend. In fact, if you still want to reconcile, there is no problem."

Leng Sicheng continued to move forward. Xu Zipei saw that what she said was so obvious. Leng Sicheng was still indifferent and a little funny. She continued to ask: "Anyway, I will shoot an advertisement tomorrow. I will meet her and ask for help. Ask, maybe you can still renew the lead?"

Speaking of this, the car stopped abruptly, and Xu Zipei almost ran into it. She clutched her chest and turned her head to look. The face of Lengsi City next to her was still expressionless, just a faint glance at her, and finally she said: "If If you want to get out of the car and walk there, I don't mind letting you down now."

"No, how can I trouble you. Isn't it a waste of your time to walk over?" Xu Zipei said with a quick smile. Lengscheng's eyes remained unchanged and continued to drive. Xu Zipei stared at him for a long time, but he didn't see any changes when he reached the destination. It seems that the sudden brake just now is the same as if it didn't exist.

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