Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1983: Looking back again (9)

His hands were still in the air, and Gu Qingqing had subconsciously closed his eyes. I don't know if it is because he is afraid that his hand will touch him, or because he is afraid that he will not be able to control his rushing emotions after the contact.

Although she closed her eyes, she still seemed to be able to feel his hand, the trajectory of his hand, the aroma of red wine remaining on his fingertips, and the flow of stirring air.

Gradually, she leaned very close, she was about to touch her, her eyes closed tightly, her brows wrinkled slightly, and her heartbeat began to accelerate...


When Leng Sicheng's hand approached, approached, and then approached, she almost touched Gu Qingqing's cheek, she could even feel the temperature of his fingertips. However, his hand did not fall in her imagination for a long time, her brow furrowed more severely, and finally opened her eyes, only to see Lengscheng's face is cold, a face in front of her, like looking at Like a stranger, his thin lips are slightly open, and his expression is very calm: "Excuse me, please let me."

She subconsciously moved a small step to the side and looked at him a little bit dumbfounded. Lengsi City was under her attention, bypassing her, reached out to the table behind her, picked up a hairpin, and saw that it was a woman's thing.

When he was holding something, the tip of his finger touched her hair. She can swear at this time that Lengscheng was definitely not intentional. If possible, he might never want to see her again in his life, nor would he want to meet her again.

Close hand.

Turn your head.

The feet turned, and the steps took a step.

Time seems to stand still, and it seems to be stretched infinitely. Gu Qingqing stood there, watching him holding the hairpin, watching him turn around, watching him gradually go away, watching him slowly go out, watching the woman walk towards him, smiled sweetly and took his hand. The card in the room was issued, and then leaning against his arm sweetly, the two of them walked further away, walked out of the restaurant, and got on the elevator.

He got into the elevator, turned around, and the two faced each other for the last time. She raised his eyes, his expression was still calm, there was no sarcasm, no anger, no surprise, and no relief. He looked like he didn't know her at all.

Then the elevator doors closed, and then the elevator went down and disappeared into the distance.

I don't know how long it took, until Nie Zhining called her behind him, and she recovered from the state of absent-mindedness. Then he lowered his head, as if to ease the impact, then raised his head and turned around: "It's okay."

Nie Zhining is not blind either. Obviously seeing the change in her expression just now, he shook his head: "I didn't say something is wrong with you."

Gu Qingqing looked up at him with a bit of astonishment, then lowered her head silently. The two were silent for a while, neither of them knew what to say. For a long time, Nie Zhining spoke first: "Are you still hungry? Would you like to order more food?"

Gu Qingqing shook his head and glanced at him. They were speechless again. After a long time, the waiter of the restaurant stepped forward: "Guest, do you still need to have a meal?"

Nie Zhining reacted and shook his head: "No need, thank you."

He paid the bill and looked at Gu Qingqing again: "Qingqing, then we..."

"Let's go first." Gu Qingqing nodded, and the two went out of the restaurant together. Nie Zhining drove, and Gu Qingqing sat in the co-pilot. Before leaving, he took the note he had written, speechless all the way. When he stopped the car at the door of the house, he turned his head and looked at her: "Here."

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