Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1984: Looking back again (10)

Gu Qingqing nodded, she just got out of the car and closed the car door. She suddenly remembered something, and took out the jewelry box she received tonight and the piece of paper he wrote on from her pocket.

Nie Zhining understood it as soon as he saw the note and the jewelry box. Actually, he didn't need to look at them. He knew everything just the way she looked at Lengsi City in the restaurant today. Especially when she took this note, he knew exactly what was written on the note.

Having been hit so many times, he was not surprised at all this time. On the contrary, he was still a little grateful. Just now in the restaurant, in front of Lengs City, she even took the jewelry box, without embarrassing him in public.

However, even so, he was still a little depressed. Does she want to draw a line with him like this? This thing is in her hands and can't stand it for a day. She will return it to him as soon as it gets in private?

Nie Zhining smiled bitterly for a moment, turned his head to ignore her, and deliberately lowered his head: "I'll talk about it tomorrow. I'm a little dizzy tonight. Don't let the police catch me driving while drinking. I have to return this car to the company. Yes. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Gu Qingqing was taken aback, she thought for a while, nodded: "Okay, then we will meet tomorrow at an appointment. Good night."

"Late..." Nie Zhining wanted to say "good night", but couldn't say anything to the point of his mouth, so he could only lower his head, wave his hand, and finally closed the window. In fact, if he doesn't say it, Gu Qingqing can also know what he wants to say. Indeed, if you take his things tonight, you will pay them back immediately. He really loses face and will hurt him. And for such an important matter, it is better to say it in a more formal setting.

The two nodded tacitly, waved, and said goodbye. Nie Zhining waited until she came in, waited until the lights inside her were turned on, and waited until she turned off the lights before driving away.

Gu Qingqing also knew that he was waiting outside, but even if she knew, she could only treat it as not knowing and invisible.

She had never been in love with Nie Zhining for a long time, because she was not worthy of him. She only hoped that Nie Zhining could meet a woman a hundred times better than herself and live happily.

I don't know how long after waiting, Nie Zhining drove away. Gu Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief. Although the lights were turned off in the house, she did not sleep until after his car left. She closed her eyes in peace. I don't know at all, after Nie Zhining left, another car stayed for a long time before leaving. I don't know, Nie Zhining left because he received a call.

Still in the restaurant where they had just eaten. The restaurant at midnight has completely retreated from the elegance and quietness of the previous one. The deafening sound effects swirled in every corner, and the men and women in the hall danced wildly to the music. Nie Zhining moved forward, following the crowd to the VIP sofa seat. Several men and women have been sitting here, pushing cups and changing cups. He frowned, saw a familiar figure among a group of people, and said directly: "Xu Zijin, what do you want to do with me at night? It's best to say it quickly. I have something to do tomorrow."

Among the group of people who laughed, Xu Zijin put down his wine glass, his expression seemed a little arrogant, and there seemed to be invisible anger.


the next day.

When Gu Qingqing was about to get off work, someone came to her as expected. She put down her work and went downstairs, still holding the jewelry box he gave, but she did not expect to see an unexpected person when she came down.

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