Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1985: Looking back again (11)

When she went downstairs, she still felt very strange. If it was Nie Zhining, she would have come to her directly. How could she let the reception lady at the front desk downstairs make an internal call, and the name is still the name of "work".

When pressing the elevator, she was wondering if Nie Zhining was embarrassed to look for her directly. After all, the two of them should have known it well last night. After they met, she would definitely reject him directly. But even if he is prepared in his heart, he still finds it difficult to accept.

She stretched her hand into her pocket, which contained the jewelry box he gave last night, and gently slid her fingers across the satin surface of the jewelry box and held it tightly. When the elevator reached the first floor, she released her fist and walked out directly. She spent a long time in the lobby. Except for the security guards, there was no man. There was only a woman sitting in the reception area with her back facing her. She didn't know who was waiting. . She frowned slightly and returned to the front desk: "Where is the one looking for me?"

"There." The lady at the front desk pointed to the reception area and told her.

"Over there?" Gu Qingqing was a little puzzled, could it be that Nie Zhining came here?

She stepped forward and asked tentatively: "This lady, may I ask..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman turned her head, and Gu Qingqing was shocked. If she is right, this woman seems to be... the one next to Lengs City yesterday?

She hadn't spoken yet, but the woman spoke: "It's me, the one in the restaurant yesterday, remember me? I was sitting in front of you. I was lucky enough to see your boyfriend propose to you last night."

It was her, Gu Qingqing was a little embarrassed, especially when she said "boyfriend". Seeing that she didn't speak, the woman still said: "I went with my boyfriend last night, and he went back to help me get the card."

After hearing her describe Lengsi City as her "boyfriend", Gu Qingqing knew that he was not qualified to be jealous, but still felt a little uncomfortable. She paused and said, "Are you looking for me? What's the matter?"

The woman nodded meaningfully, then looked at her and smiled: "In fact, there is nothing, aren't you an advertising agency."

Gu Qingqing nodded and was a little strange: "Excuse me, how did you know that I am in an advertising agency?" She just asked, and suddenly thought of Lengs City. Could it be that he said it?

She looked at this woman again. She was dressed in high-end fashion. Although her temperament was self-confident but not domineering, she knew that she must have a good background by just looking at her dress and talking.

"A friend said it." The woman didn't deny it either. "Actually, I am looking for you to ask you to help me design one...not an advertisement. How can I say it is a large-scale publicity campaign that is more appropriate."

When the business came to the door, Gu Qingqing had no reason to push away. She also asked: "What kind of publicity campaign is it?"

The woman laughed: "Actually nothing. I heard that you are a very powerful advertising designer for your company, and you have designed a lot of creative advertising plans. Especially last night, I saw that you had a boyfriend that you liked so much to confess to you. I find it very interesting and very moving. That is, I want you to hire you to do publicity. I don’t know if you can help me design a big event to let our company and my boyfriend understand my intentions in an outdoor cooperation? It’s best to be romantic, and that he won’t refuse my favor. It’s best to be like you and your boyfriend.

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