In midsummer, the summer is steaming. In the most famous garden in the imperial city of Zhao, the lotus flowers in full bloom.

From the pavilion in the middle of the lake, you can see the beauty of lotus wind swaying and dragonflies flying low.

There are many stone platforms carved in the shape of lotus leaves among the lotus leaves. Palace maids carrying flower baskets come from the blue lotus leaves. Looking back, the lotus leaves hide the stone platform, like a fairy walking across the water with her skirt and lotus leaves.

On the side of the lotus pond, there is an exquisite Pavilion. The pavilion is exquisitely constructed, with glazed tiles on the top, and decorative screens hanging on all sides.

Inside the screen curtain, several elegant ladies of your family were talking and laughing quietly. The maids stood behind them, holding the fan in both hands, and flapping steadily with frequency.

"It is said that this year's summer banquet, our emperor will also appear."

"Your Majesty... Will your majesty really go?"

"The news is true. This year, we have not only refined a few elite troops to strengthen our army, but also emerged a large number of monks. How arrogant was the state of Yao in the past? There was a disturbance of the border in three days, which was very annoying. What happened in the past six months? I can't stop it any more. "

"Was it the autumn rain at the end of last year?"

"Yes, I fell asleep at that time. If I got caught in a rain, I might have become a monk on the mountain."

"I wish I could come to the summer banquet tonight soon."

"Hum, you little girl, I don't think your fiance is so enthusiastic when I see you thinking about him on weekdays."

"How can my husband be compared with his majesty?"

In the sound of conversation, in the lotus room full of pool, two women in Palace Dress came forward one after another. They bowed their heads and walked in a hurry.

The ladies in the pavilion looked over.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Is something going to happen?" Someone pinched the embroidered handkerchief and asked uneasily.

The palace ladies approached and stood outside the screen curtain to bless the ladies in the pavilion. Then she said calmly with an apology: "Your Majesty has ordered that today's summer banquet be temporarily cancelled and postponed. The specific date is still under discussion. We will inform you tomorrow."


"No, no? How could that be? Is this a big deal? "

The dignified ladies couldn't sit still. Their faces were full of surprise or regret. They asked some questions, but they didn't get a definite reply. It's just that the beauty of her majesty is doomed to be lost today.

Before long, in the already sultry weather, there was a more dull thunder, and then the sky turned from light to dark, the dragonflies on the lotus pond flew faster and faster, and the big raindrops crackled down.

"Your Majesty is the heaven of the state of Zhao. This is your majesty... Not at ease?" A woman picked up the curtain, looked at the sudden rain outside the curtain, and said so softly.


Deep in the palace of the state of Zhao, a Black Dragon Robe painted with gold is hidden in the dark palace.

Outside the hall door came the sound of rain.

It's darker.

A maid wanted to light a lamp, but she was stopped by another maid. She held each other's hand and gently pulled her sleeve. The woman took a look at her majesty sitting in front of the case in the shadow. She also understood and walked out of the palace with the maid without saying a word.

The main hall is cool and cool. Zhao xianger's Black Dragon Robe is pasted on her body. Now, in the rainy day, the darkness of the hall seems to be covered with a layer of fine yarn in front of her eyes.

She looked at the letter paper on the case and a snow lotus with light green stamens. She said nothing. The snow lotus was filled with cold. It was cold in the hall, making the summer heat as if early winter was approaching.

She had half the makeup on her face, and her hair was still in a bun.

Today, she was supposed to prepare for the summer banquet. At the climax of the banquet, she will attend to show everyone the grand plan of Zhao's future. In the past six months, Zhao xianger seems to have become the son of God respected by all people in Zhao's country. Her beauty and mystery are even higher than those of the empress of that year.

She is the most beautiful girl in the state of Zhao. She just stands and doesn't hold a word. Her demeanor is enough to teach any description of women to lose color and attract all living beings.

At the moment, she has painted the residual makeup on her face for a long time, which is also very delicate. Her eyebrows are green, her lips are thin, her long eyelashes are curled and pitiful, and her figure under the Dark Dragon Robe is more and more graceful, but this is a bright color, but now it is gloomy with the whole hall.

"How... How?"

After a long time, Zhao xianger whispered softly. She took the envelope from the case and read it word by word to make sure she didn't read any wrong word.

But every time she read it, her heart was empty.

This is a letter from Yujian Tianzong.

What the letter said was more than a month ago, but this letter was only recently written, as if all the fluke had been wiped away in more than a month.

The content of the whole letter is very simple. It just says that Ning has been fighting with evil for a long time and has fallen into the abyss of Southern wilderness together. His life and death are uncertain.

She didn't want to believe it.

She and Ning had lived together for a long time in Linhe City. The South wasteland abyss was the place where Mrs. Bai was first born. But it was not the human bones that gave birth to Mrs. Bai, but the animal bones - the demons hidden in the abyss and buried for many years.

Through many books left by his mother, Zhao xianger had a deeper understanding of the southern wilderness, but the deeper he was, the more desperate he was.

For more than a month, life and death are uncertain... Naning's long-term death is almost certain.

Just such people, how can they die?

There is still a three-year agreement. How can he break his promise?

Soft cuffs, Zhao xianger's hand on the slender tight thighs, tightly squeezed, her shoulders can not help shaking, eyes a little bit moved to the magic snow lotus.

It's just something she needs to form a complete purple mansion. When she was in Linhe City, she once told Ning Changchang, and Ning Changchang always remembered it.

If at ordinary times, she receives this, perhaps also can sneer at him a few meddling.

But at the moment, she could not say a word. The tender snow lotus pricked her eyes like a needle.

"Deceiving." Zhao xianger said a word lightly and briefly, then folded the letter and put it under the desk.

The girl's head droops slightly.

It's raining more and more outside.

She herself could not tell what kind of feelings she had for Ning Chang Chang, a friend who lived and died together? Or an opponent who is regarded as a lifelong enemy, or... Others?

Zhao xianger suddenly raised his sleeve, and his delicate fingers gently wiped the skin under his eyes.

She looked at the wet water between her fingers and shook her head.

The girl raised her chin slightly and looked out at the main hall of the white rain waterfall, where the water mist was vast and the solemn imperial city was submerged by the water, and she could see nothing clearly.

She suddenly thought that if Ning Changjiu suddenly appeared at the door and saw her tears, she would laugh at herself, so that she could beat him as she did in Linhe City

Unfortunately, he may never see it.

The white fog swallowed everything.

Zhao xianger suddenly remembered the night before she left. She stood quietly beside the wall with mottled bamboo shadow, watching him sneak into the blue and white sedan chair of Lu Jiajia. After waiting for a long time, she saw him come out with her own eyes. She didn't know what kind of feelings she was out of, but she stood like a wooden man, wasting so much time. She also knew that, Ning Changjiu's sedan chair for Lu's wedding is not a beautiful thing, but she is not comfortable.

So that night she left without saying goodbye.

Did fate draw farewell at that time?

I should have seen him

The city's rainstorm continued throughout the night, but the palace was silent from beginning to end. Zhao xianger sat alone, and the time did not know how long it would take.



More than a month ago, when Lu Jiajia was found in Yujian Tianzong, she was covered with blood and wound, and fainted to death on the edge of the abyss of Southern wilderness. On her body, there were some black plumes from unknown people.

In the following days, Yujian Tianzong almost did his best to cure her. Yazhu stayed by her bed and watched her for many nights. The three peak masters came to tianku peak in turn to protect her Dharma willingly.

Three days later, Lu finally slowly opened her eyes.

Everyone felt that it was a miracle that Lu's wife had passed out on the edge of the abyss in the center of the southern wilderness for such a long time and had not been killed or polluted by evil spirits.

No one knows that what really protected Lu's marriage was the few seemingly ordinary black feathers around her.

It's a gift from the gods, just because the mortals inadvertently approach him.

When she woke up, the first sentence was: "would you rather stay long?"

After asking, she herself was silent.

The images in the dark in my mind are sawtooth like.

As soon as her heart hurt, every inch of her skin seemed to be run over by a needle, which made her shiver all over.

Lying on her bed, covered with plain brocade quilt and without pillow under her neck, Lu's long hair naturally dispersed. She was no longer as cold as usual. Now her pale cheeks were like new porcelain that was about to be broken at the touch. The nightmares before her coma flashed through her mind and turned into real memories.

She blinked gently, but the tears ran down the corner of her eyes.

Yazhu sighed and said, "elder martial sister, you should have a good rest first. I won't disturb you any more."

With that, she got up, scooped out the boiled medicine and pushed out the door silently.

Push open the door, there is a girl standing at the door.

Ning Xiaoling seems to have been standing for a long time.

She was dressed in thin white clothes, her cheeks were like snow, and her pupils were as red as a rabbit's eyes.

Her dull look moved with the sound of Yazhu opening the door.

"Master... Is master awake?"

She opened her dry lips, raised her head, and her voice was very low.

Yazhu nodded.

Ning long um, walked by Yazhu's side, entered the room and closed the door.

In fact, it was Ning Xiaoling who first told the story of Ning's death in tiankufeng.

It was the evening four days ago, when the sun fell on the horizon.

Ning Xiaoling suddenly rushed out of the room like crazy. Looking at the residual haze in the sky, she said: "elder martial brother... Elder martial brother... Is gone."

She can clearly feel that her original and Ning long-term deep-rooted concentric, at that moment, like a cut by a scissors of the line, no longer a trace of the hook.

In the past, when she was close to her elder martial brother, she could even feel the other person's thoughts and see the pictures in his heart. If she was far away, although she could not connect her mind, there would still be a kind of connection.

That connection is like a string tied to a kite.

She watched the last ray of light in the sky turn into ashes, and the kite in her heart sank with the setting sun.

Yazhu stood outside the door, quietly looking at the closed door.

In the past two days, Ning Xiaoling was extremely dull. This kind of dullness was almost dead. She didn't eat a mouthful of food, occasionally drank water, and sometimes the edge of the cup was not right for her lips, so she spilled all her clothes.

She didn't know what Ning Xiaoling and Lu Jiajia were talking about.

It was only a short time later that two people were crying in the room.

I cried heartbroken and heartbroken.

Soon after, the whole peak of Yujian Tianzong was dressed in white linen to commemorate the departure of the disciple. Even on each peak, there were stone tablets for him, on which his deeds were written.

A month passed unconsciously.

No matter how much trouble there is about Yu Jian Tian Zong, it's just a fairy family affair in the wilderness. The folk just hearsay about the story there, and it hasn't spread yet.

In front of the main hall of tianku peak. Dressed in snow-white linen and with hair scattered, Lu Jia went to the statue of Ning Chang in front of the hall.

There was no one outside the hall.

She often looks at it like this, from sunrise to dusk.

Finally, on this day, she returned to the main hall of the peak and drew up two letters. One was holding the magic snow lotus and writing to Zhao xianger with a thousand li sword. The other was to pass on the position of acting as the leader of the peak to Lu Yuanbai. She decided to go to the abyss of Nanhuang and practice in Jielu. One day, when the realm was enough, she went to the abyss, or found his people, or his bones.

She also thought, if one day, Ning Changjiu really climbed out of the abyss, he would certainly exhaust his strength. As dangerous as Nanhuang, someone must be watching by the abyss.

Even after a month, she still did not believe his death.

This matter is naturally strongly opposed in the whole peak, but this is her idea, no one can beat her.

"Master, I'll go with you."

In the dark, the girl's voice rang. She went to Lu Jiajia in silence, lowered her head, and just said so stubbornly.

Ning Xiaoling hasn't laughed for a month.

Her expression seems to solidify on the day of sunset, just like a snow mountain that never melts for thousands of years, only falling, thicker and thicker snow.

Looking at her, she shook her head and said, "there are so many evil spirits in the southern wilderness. The pollution of spirits is extremely serious. You can't stay long."

Ning Xiaoling did not speak, but said, "I'm going."

Lu said: "if he is still alive, when he comes back, he will be as sad as you when he finds that his younger martial sister is gone."

Ning Xiaoling was silent for a long time.

After all, this sentence moved her.

Basically, they don't want to believe in Ning Long's death.

They feel that the young man in white will come back one day with a light smile and occasionally say something that makes people laugh and cry, but he will always stand in front of everyone when everything is falling.

Lu Jia suddenly said, "Xiao Ling, do you blame me? I... Didn't protect him. "

Ning Xiaoling originally had a bad heart, but that day she saw that Lu's body was covered with blood, her nails were peeled off, and she didn't have a piece of complete skin. She cried for a long time. Now she looked at the woman in the night, and she couldn't help but shed tears again. She whispered: "elder martial brother is gone, master, don't leave Xiaoling any more."

Lu Jia nodded and said: "let's wait for him to come back together."

"Well, when elder martial brother comes back." Ning Xiaoling repeated it in a low voice.

Then they did not speak, as if they were all trapped in the past picture, but the shadow in the picture has gone away, I do not know when to return.

In the night, the sword star seems to be within reach, while the brighter and colder stars are hanging high, gazing coldly at the joys and sorrows of the world.

... the biggest chaos of Yujian Tianzong in a hundred years has passed. History is always amazingly similar. Jiuying's body was engulfed by the snake, and the snake was killed by the monks. The bones were cut off and kept by Sifeng. Many people were killed and injured in the peak, and the Qi and spiritual power of Sifeng were almost swallowed up. The disciples who survived the disaster made great efforts to practice, and tried hard to restore the Qi of MANZONG, which was linked in the first half of Tianyu sword Sutra with the strength of one mind. But the process was extremely slow. It would be many years after Tianyu sword sutra was restored to prosperity. But fortunately, Zitian Taoist gate, which had never been in line with them, was even more depressed. The woman Taoist leader, shisan Yuchen, who escaped back to the gate by chance, became the new leader and changed her name to Shishi Yuchen according to the rules. However, most of the top power of zitiandaomen has been killed. In the future, the development of yujiantianzong will not be interfered with. Soon after, Lu will leave tianku peak and go to Nanhuang again. She crossed the Red River and looked at the white bones of the beautiful woman in the red river. She thought that if she saw this scene for a long time, she would still look at the shadow in the water and say that the master is so beautiful. She turned silently and walked along the road destroyed by the nine babies. In a month's time, new seedlings have grown on the broken road in this barren mountain and old forest. I think that in the near future, the traces of jiuying's destruction will be silently erased. It is no accident that the real man of Hanchi could find the place of the South wilderness abyss. Because this abyss is much bigger than they initially thought, it is like a large lake, even if they want to avoid it, it is very difficult. In these days, Lu Jiajia read many books, and probably understood that if she wanted to enter here, she would either have a divine life or be a practitioner above the five ways, because when a monk practices the five ways, he would be given a divine life. On the five roads... Lu said softly. It's so far away. She tried not to think about it. One night later, there was a wooden house beside the abyss. In front of the wooden house stood a wooden statue of a young man carved with a sword. In front of the statue was painted a small flying array. And in the room lived a beautiful woman in white. She will always live here, meditate, meditate, practice and gaze into the abyss

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