The night fell silent.

Between the four peaks, there are still practitioners busy in each peak.

The broken mountain protection array must be repaired as soon as possible, otherwise it is difficult to retain the aura.

The broken peach curtain also began to be reorganized, but the Lingsi garden was destroyed, which led to the present process is very slow.

The HUanpu mountain has become a huge mound, from which people are looking for the relics of the temple and putting them in order.

These things have been going on day and night, and in a month, the original dilapidated four peaks have taken on new life.

After the disaster, the exchanges between the peaks, which had not been frequent, began to be close.

Many monsters and sinners were released to help rebuild the clan and perform meritorious deeds.

Ning Xiaoling sat on the cliff, her legs swaying slightly with the night wind. She lost a lot of weight. Now she was wearing a white skirt with a thin yellow flower between her sleeves. Her eyebrows were more delicate because of her thin appearance.

She leaned against a snow cherry tree, slightly tilted her head, looking at the lights between the peaks, the sword Qi that cuts through the night, and all the things that are becoming more and more popular.

Now snow cherry already withered clean, luxuriant leaves hanging in the wind, occasionally will drop a few pieces, swept by her side.

She is only 14 years old. Her original pretty appearance is changing rapidly in a month, and she has already taken the shape of a cold woman Sword Fairy.

The footsteps came softly from behind.

Le Rou carefully walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down beside her. Then she turned her head and looked at Ning Xiaoling's expressionless face.

Although Ning Xiaoling has been expressionless, she has never been able to hide her sadness.

Le Rou looks at her and feels that she is like a pool of spring water frozen by the cold wind all night. Only that young man can melt the ice and snow in her heart.

These days, Lerou often comes to her and talks to her.

Ning Xiaoling just lowered her head and listened to le Rou silently. She nodded or shook her head from time to time and made some simple responses.

"Your elder martial brother is such a good man. We used to misunderstand him so much. Now, it's really embarrassing and ridiculous..."

"I still remember the first day when you came here. In fact, I didn't like you very much at that time..."

"Well, are you and your elder martial brother really brothers and sisters? They are all so beautiful. "


The wind blows in the field, and the stars drop in the valley. Two girls sit on the edge of the cliff, and their voices are as thin as the wind.

When the wind blows through the caves, the sound of crying is always moving.

"Lero, you don't have to tell me that." Ning Xiaoling suddenly turned her head and looked at her seriously, saying word by word: "thank you for your care during this period of time."

"I... because I'm a senior sister." Le Rou looks at Ning Xiaoling's face. In her eyes, there is an illusion that she is looking at her master. Her heart beats faster.

After Ning Xiaoling finished that sentence, she continued to lower her head, looking at the lights and busy figures among the four peaks.

"In fact..." Le Rou hesitated for a long time, and finally began to speak carefully. She talked about some of the things before, those things that she would rather make fun of for a long time instead of causing trouble.

Le Rou counted them one by one, with many apologies in her words.

Ning Xiaoling also seems to recall something, the smile on his face is fleeting, "of course you can't fight him, elder martial brother... It's powerful."

Le Rou nodded, comforting: "well, he is so powerful, he will come back."

"Really..." Ning Xiaoling seems to be asking herself.

Le Rou affirmed: "if I want to have such a lovely younger martial sister, I will not be willing to go." Ning Xiaoling shakes her calf gently. She looks at the little girl who has been trying to make her happy. She squeezes out a faint smile and says: "I'm your younger martial sister..."

"Younger martial sister..." Yue Rou's heart suddenly tightened when she heard the words.

Ning Xiaoling didn't say anything more. She got up from the Bank of the cliff in silence and walked towards neifeng.

Yuerou looks back and says nothing. On a sultry summer night, the stars on Ning Xiaoling's train fade away.

She walked by the wooden ladder of neifeng, touched the key at her waist, hesitated slightly at the corner of the stairs, and then walked towards the elder martial brother's room.

Now Ning Long's key is in her charge.

Ning Xiaoling walked into the room as usual, spread out the quilt, folded it, dusted off the ground and windowsill, and the books on the desk were carefully placed by her. Every corner of the desk was exactly right. After that, she would sit on the back of the chair and read a book.

In the past, when Ning had taught her to read for a long time, she still kept the scrolls with different notes on them. Looking at these, Ning Xiaoling felt that compared with her elder martial brother's handwriting, her handwriting was almost like a little grey duck of the rosefinch God.

She can watch it for a long time every time.

Ning Xiaoling also knows that some things can be retained, but some can never be retained.

In the middle of the night, she left Ning Chang's room and went back to her room.

Han Xiaosu in the porcelain vase is meditating with Yuehui. When she sees Ning Xiaoling coming in, she stops her practice and gets into the porcelain vase.

Han Xiaosu is naturally afraid of the world, and her only benefactor has left. Now the little hostess is cold all day. She is afraid of being annoying and being swept out.

Ning Xiaoling suddenly said, "just practice yourself. Don't worry about me."

Han Xiao Su was surprised. The attraction of the moon spirit was also great for her. But she hesitated for a moment, and still whisper: "no, I'm tired today."

Ning Xiaoling didn't say anything. She seemed a little cold. She slowly got into the quilt, then turned her head and watched Han Xiaosu disappear in the porcelain vase.

This moment of Han Xiaosu, exhausted thoughts, also can't imagine Ning Xiaoling at this time a flash of thought.



Zhang Qiyu has never lived in such a place in the future.

He didn't know how the weapon Dapeng got here, but he was stunned when he looked up.

The picture in front of him is not strange.

It's like a boring picture of a plane. The whole plane is black and white. When each line is in the distance, what appears in the field of vision is a point. But with the approaching of the Mirs, that point slowly extends into a line, and then becomes a three-dimensional surface.

They are clearly flying up, but I do not know when, the perception conveyed by the sense is falling.

With their arrival, the whole world is extending, the lines are stretching at high speed like geometric multiples, and stop after touching each other.

The weapon Mirs fell steadily into the time that seemed like a picture scroll.

Zhang qieyu walked down carefully. He looked up and found that with his eyes moving up, the black and white world began to attach colors.

Those colors are not single, but very hierarchical, almost the same as the real.

After looking around for a week, Zhang Qiyu found that this place looked like an ordinary and incomparable mountain. The stele pavilions were separated in front of him, and the sea of clouds was churning behind him. Everything seemed so real.

Zhang Qiyu was originally a sub God who held part of the power of space. After he came here, he had a feeling of seeing the big from the small. The previous method seemed ordinary, but in the eyes of such a "knowledgeable" person as him, it was an amazing power.

"The style of the white houses in that row is similar to that of the ancient witch people thousands of years ago?" Zhang Qiyu pointed to the building which was almost inlaid in the cliff in the distance and recalled the past.

The girl surnamed Si said, "it's just the white in your eyes."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qiyu was puzzled.

The girl surnamed Si said: "here, the world that everyone sees is different. It's really fixed. Only the points and lines you see at first. All the rest is just your subjective filling."

Zhang Qiyu frowned and carefully examined everything around him. He tried to see the world in a different way, but he found that no matter how he deceived himself, the world in his eyes would not change much.

The mirroc bird disintegrates, 18 kinds of weapons fly out, brush back into the box, the sword returns to the scabbard, and the petite but tall girl ascends the steps.

Zhang Qiyu followed carefully.

The world was so calm, but it gave him a real sense of danger. He didn't even dare to look up at the end of the mountain road. He vaguely felt that there was a throne of ancient gods hidden there.

"This is the kingdom of..." Zhang Qiyu asked in a low voice.

The girl surnamed Si shook her head and said, "it's not considerable here."

"Not quite?"

"Well." The girl nodded, did not explain more, just said: "I ranked fourth in the view, so my surname is si. I have three elder martial brothers and two younger martial brothers. You may go to see them if you want."

Zhang Qiyu carefully pondered these three words, and followed the girl with the surname of Si to the mountain covered with clouds and fog.

He thought in his heart, since this is not the kingdom of God, that person should be much lower, but what kind of sect in the world can make a disciple defeat a fierce God who is about to enter the five ways with just a few moves?

Or... Is this girl alone gifted?

He thought about it for a while and asked, "what do you think of the other disciples as girls?"

Although the girl surnamed Si looks cold, she does not hesitate to answer these unimportant questions. After thinking about it, she seriously replies, "I have never fought with the Third Elder martial brother, but the second elder martial brother only needs one move to win me, and the elder martial sister only needs one move to win me..."

"The master elder sister's hand is not light or heavy. I dare not provoke her." The fourth elder martial sister shakes her head gently, remembering the painful years when the elder martial sister taught her weapon moves. Later, she finally learned a little bit of the elder martial sister's skills. Then she travels down the mountain with a sword and a sword. Originally, she was not strong enough, but soon she was surprised to find that she could walk alone in the world.

Zhang Qiyu casually asked a few questions about the inconceivable, and finally could not help saying: "by the way, may I ask the immortal master, the legend of the headless God in the middle of the southern wilderness..." the fourth elder martial sister gave him a cold look, and all Zhang Qiyu's words were frozen in her lips“ This is the forbidden area marked by the master himself. No one of us is allowed to set foot on it. " The fourth elder martial sister said coldly, "the only thing I can tell you is that the people who have fallen into the abyss are all dead and lifeless except the God who is above." In the middle of the South wasteland, at the bottom of the abyss. Time seems to have stopped flowing, even a piece of dust is falling very slowly. On the ground lay a boy in white. There was no obvious injury on the young man's body. He closed his eyes and had a quiet face. He didn't know life or death. It took him a long time to fall to the ground, and then he fell into a longer sleep. After a long time, the boy's fingers moved. From the time scale of the outside world, the process of his finger micro movement took a full hour, which was as long as a flower bud blooming.

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