"One hundred thousand!" the blonde rose raised her small card and shouted loudly and proudly.

Little Tuanzi stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the rich voice. When she saw the blonde loris, she poked Susie around her with her chubby little hand, "sister, look, is that little sister the one who fought with us in the second brother's racetrack last time?"

Susie looked over and nodded affirmatively, "that's her!"

Little Tuanzi's big smart eyes rolled around and said a few words to sister sissy.

Susie's good-looking apricot eyes also lit up, and one arm hugged xiaotuanzi's small shoulder. "Xiaotuanzi, you're really a black belly, but I like it."

She lazily raised the card, "150000!"

As soon as Loris saw her, her hatred was greater than that of the Little Regiment just now. After all, the main force that hit her last time was Susie!

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand." xiaotuanzi's small milk sound is soft and sweet, but very firm.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand." Susie raised her card again.

"A million!"

"Five million!" this time, the little milk voice of the little Tuan Zi was particularly firm, with a posture of winning the princess's crown.

Loris's father reacted badly and wanted to hold down loris, but it was too late. She had raised the sign, "ten million!"

Little Tuanzi put out a small head with a smile and looked at loris. "Little sister, you have money. Soft brothers have no money. Soft won't buy this crown!"

With that, she and her sister looked at her angry little face like a frog's stomach and slapped her.

Loris didn't react until she finished shouting. She was stimulated by the two Hicks. She spent 10 million to buy a princess crown worth only tens of thousands of yuan. When she went back, even if her father didn't beat her, her mother would kill her!

Su Lei and Su Xiaowu, frightened by the battle between xiaotuanzi and Susie just now, didn't understand until this time that the two sisters were basically working together to calculate the blonde girl.

Su Lei and Su Xiaowu looked at them at the same time.

Su Lei: "only women and villains are difficult to raise!"

Su Xiaowu shook his head, "you two take bamboo shoots! Let people buy such a ragged hair hoop for $10 million!"

Susie held her head up proudly, "Oh, who made her stupid and disgraced?"

"Little brother, it's not me and my sister who won the bamboo shoots, but she raised her cards and bid for the price. It's called playing cover every week, one by one!" the little Tuan Zi also straightened up her chest and became a proud Tuan.

"Hmm?" Su Xiaowu was full of question marks.

Su Lei explained while holding his forehead: "Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one willing to beat and the other willing to suffer!"

Su Xiaowu suddenly realized.

After the auction, xiaotuanzi successfully bought a blingbling butterfly hairpin for herself, and Susie also bought a shining princess crown.

Su Lei has harvested several robots. Needless to say, Su Xiaowu can hardly contract the whole auction house.

After the auction, several little guys left the auction with Su Ziyuan with their full harvest.

Su Ziyuan sent some little guys home and found that the three brothers were at home, even Su Yifan.

His eyes fell on Su Yifan. "It's strange. How did you come back?"

Su Yifan didn't answer. He stretched out his hand and called Su Xiaowu, "help my brothers and sisters pick up the box of robots and play with them."

Su Ziyuan looked at Su Yifan and was more surprised. "It's rare that you are so generous this time and give them so much!"

Su Yifan pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose. His deep eyes couldn't see any emotion under the cover of his eyes. "It's not from me, it's from the boy next door."

"Gu Chen?" Su Ziyuan frowned slightly.

Su Yifan nodded. "The network system used in these robots has not been released yet. To be more accurate, it is still in the research and development stage. Moreover, many components are also the top technology in the research and development stage."

Su Ziyuan's casual eyes were dignified at this time, "where did that boy come from?"

"I asked Ruan and sissy." Su Yiqing said, "they said that what the boy told them was his own robot.

Moreover, the old housekeeper surnamed Zhong, whom he trusted most, also bluntly told Uncle Li that the boy liked to play with robots when all his family members were still there. "

"So, even the top laboratories led by the old three are still high-tech in the research and development stage. The eight year old boy got it out alone and gave it to the little dumpling as a toy?" Su Yan asked incredulously.

Su Yifan nodded.

Su Yiqing's face was cold. "It may be a coincidence that he met us for the first time when the family had an accident, but it must not be a coincidence that he moved next door and went to the same program with you."

At this time, Su Yan's eyes fell on Su Yifan, "the second program, why do you mix with that boy?"

Su Yifan shrugged slightly. "I'm looking for him. He's the only single dog in that program. If I want to go on the program to pet our little princess, I can only get together with him!"

As soon as he said this, the other three people couldn't tell the strange look in his eyes.

Is this still the third machine in their family who has no feelings?

Su Ziyuan's cold, world weary eyes fell on him speechless, "so, what do you want to say today?"

Su Yifan's look became serious in an instant. "Gu Chen has those things in his hand, but there is no registered patent and no business, which is very unreasonable.

I suspect Gu Chen has other purposes in approaching our small group. "

"People over there in Chengdu?" Su Yiqing frowned.

The only enemies of the Su family are the Qin family and Chengdu.

Not to mention, the Qin family didn't have the ability to let Gu Chen work hard for them.

That is to say, the Qin family is now very ill, and all the legitimate and illegitimate children are red eyed for the right to inherit. They can't still have the energy to arrange these things.

Su Yifan shook his head, "I can't break through Gu's network firewall. At present, I haven't found any evidence of his relationship with Chengdu."

In fact, what Su Yifan really doubts is that Gu Chen is not a person of this era like xiaoruan.

If this doubt is certain, then Gu Chen's approach to xiaotuanzi is likely to be this reason.

But now he can't be sure.

"I came back to remind you to beware of him, but don't do anything to scare the snake now.

As for the boss, if you want to do something about the technology company, do it if you want. I recommend two people to help you.

Anyway, artificial intelligence is popular now. Just make some toys and don't lose money! "

Listening to Su Yifan's words, Su Yiqing's eyes became colder.

Su Yan raised his eyes and stared at Su Yifan, "you can't speak, you can shut up!

What do you mean by ordering toys? Who do you despise? "

Su Yifan's eyes swept over them, "I don't look down on anyone, I look down on everyone here!"

A word excited Su Yan to stand up immediately and want to beat him.

Su Yiqing's face was frozen, and his cold eyes swept to Su Yan, "haven't you been despised by him enough from childhood? Do you care so much?"

Su Yan was still angry. "What did he pull? He used to be a genius scientist. No one is more powerful than it. He just pulled it.

Now an eight year old smelly boy is better than him. He still drags! "

Su Ziyuan slapped Su Yan on the back of his head impolitely, "even if he is not as good as the smelly boy next door, it's no problem to clean you up. If you jump again, do you want to go to heaven or go to the ground!"

When I was a child, Su Yan once provoked Su Yifan. Su Yifan directly sent him to heaven in a hot-air balloon, which scared Su Yan, who was only eight years old at that time, to pee.

Another time, Su Yifan threw Su Yan into the robot in order to try the diving robot.

As a result, Su Yan was stunned when he saw the sharks in the sea in the robot.

This is Su Yan's lifelong shame!

Su Yan is gnashing his teeth. Shit, why do the three of them bully him?

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