"When the sun shines, the flowers smile at me. The bird says, early, early, why do you carry a dynamite bag on your back? I go to bomb the school. The teacher doesn't know! You take a gun, I take a gun, bang, and the school is gone!"

Suzie's incomplete singing made Su Lei's face black. "Suzie, shut up!"

Little Tuanzi pulled his sister's sleeve, raised his pink face and looked at his sister, "sister, don't you want to go to the young goose garden?"

Susie hung her eyelids and glanced at Xiaotuan Zi. "Xiaotuan Zi, I'm sorry, your sister, I don't go to kindergarten. I'm in the first grade of primary school."

"Why do you want to blow up the school, sister?"

"Blow up a school to celebrate, sister. I finally became a primary school chicken with my age!"

If it weren't for the love that crawled out of the same belly, Su Lei really wanted to slap Susie to death.

"Susie! Even if you are an asshole, don't teach your sister." Su Lei couldn't bear it.

"Ha ha!" Susie sneered twice in response.

After arriving at the school, Susie said goodbye to the small group with the same heavy heart as going to the grave, and was dragged into the primary school next to the young goose garden by Su Lei.

With a small schoolbag on his back, xiaotuanzi jumped happily into the kindergarten.

When she arrived at the class, she found that what her elder brother said last time was true. There was no fat child Qin Haoyu among the children in the class.

The layout of the classroom is different from the original.

It turned out that all the children sat in a regular row. Now six children sit in a small circle. There are four circles in a class.

The little dumpling, a pair of small claws decorated with meat dens, waved and waved to greet the other five children at the same table, "how are you? Are you swollen so early?"

"Soft sister, hello wow, hey hey!" xiaotuanzi heard the familiar voice, looked at it with a pair of shiny big eyes, and saw Qingzi say hello to him with a smile.

The little Tuanzi was surprised and stared round. "Hey, brother Qingzi, are you swollen here?"

"I'll go to the young goose garden with you. Wow, we'll be classmates in the future!"

The little Tuanzi broke his little finger, "but it's wrong. Brother Qingzi, you're six years old. My brother and sister are six years old. They've all gone to primary school today. Are you still in the goose garden?"

This time, Qing Zi scratched his head in embarrassment, approached the small ball, moved quietly, but said in a loud voice: "I accidentally fell asleep during the primary school entrance examination! To repeat the grade, I begged my father to let me go to the goose garden with you!"

Little Tuanzi looked at xiaoqingzi sympathetically. After a moment of silence, he stood on tiptoe and patted xiaoqingzi on the shoulder. "Brother Qingzi, you're miserable, but don't worry, the children in our class are very, very good children, and won't smile and repeat!"

Several children at the same table immediately expressed their friendship.

"Yes, yes, qingzai, we won't tell you that you are a repeater!"

"We'll all have porridge for you!"


However, several cubs don't know that Qingzi has been posted in the class with their decibels.

In addition to Qingzi, a handsome little boy came to the group of little Tuanzi this semester, but the little boy was silent and didn't say a word until the teacher came to class.

Xiaotuanzi quietly asked her good friend, Yu Yanyan.

"Yan Yan, what's the name of the new kid sitting next to you? Wow, why doesn't he talk all the time?"

Yu Yanyan shook her head blankly, "I don't know, wow, I just asked him, he didn't speak..."

Speaking of this, Yu Yanyan's brain flashed and her eyes brightened, "eh, can't he speak?

The child who can't speak is so poor. We should help him a lot. "

"Mm-hmm!" the small group agreed quickly.

After class, xiaotuanzi and Yanyan claw go to the bathroom.

"Eh, Yan Yan, look, is that a new classmate in our class?" the small group took Yan Yan and hid behind a small bush of trees, quietly looking at Lu Wei who was also hiding behind the flower bed.

But Lu Wei didn't hide behind the flower bed alone. There were three big children standing in front of him. Looking at the size, they should all be big class children.

The three children in the big class had a toy golden cudgel in one hand, and the other hand dangled out in front of Lu Wei, "little rabbit, hurry, take out your money and pay the protection fee!"

"I don't have any money!" Lu Wei looked up at the three older children calmly.

"Eh, the new students can talk!" Yanyan said in surprise, "but those three people seem to be asking the new students for money! Soft, what should we do?"

Little Tuanzi shook his two small fists, "we want to help new students!"

"Can you help me?" Yanyan was so nervous that she rubbed her hands. "Those three little overlords in our young goose garden, they often rob other children's money in the young goose garden, and my money has also paid them protection fees!"

Xiaotuanzi was shocked that there was such a thing. She didn't know it last semester!

But if you think about it again, she will understand that her little brother is the king in the primary school next door. How dare these cattle, ghosts and snakes in the young goose garden bother her!

Xiaotuanzi's watery eyes wandered around and finally locked on the rag in the bathroom. After she said something with her little hand covered Yanyan's ear.

Two small dumplings quietly tossed and went into the bathroom.

One man picked up a mop taller than two of himself.

"Ah, go!"

The two little milk bags roared and rushed straight towards the three little overlords.

The three bullies were caught off guard. Before they could react, they had been caught in the face by the mop cleaning the toilet.

Lu Wei reacted quickly. Seeing that two of them were controlled, he bent down and rushed towards the remaining one. His small head was on the bully's stomach and directly overturned him to the ground.

At this time, xiaotuanzi had already sat down on the bully she was against, and Xiaoquan punched the bully one by one

At the same time, he did not forget to command the remaining two small groups, "you sit on them like soft, hold them down, and then fight slowly!"

This is his valuable experience after fighting with his brother and sister for so many times.

The other two small milk balls also went on the road and sat down without hesitation. After pressing the people, they cleaned up slowly with one fist!

The three little milk balls are immersed in the joy of punishing traitors and eliminating evil!

"What's going on?"

Teacher Zhang, who was brought by other children, almost fainted when he saw this scene.

Mom, this is the first day of school!

Who knows, she just finished asking, followed her to come to see the lively Qingzi, and drilled out from behind him, "soft sister, why don't you call me when you hit someone, I'll help you!"

Little Tuanzi also nodded his head honestly and impolitely, "OK, my hands are a little painful. Brother Qingzi, come and help me!"

With that, they changed people under the teacher's eyes and continued to beat!

Mr. Zhang was almost angry to spit blood three liters. He hurried over, grabbed Qingzi's little fist and greeted the other two babies, "babies, stop it, don't fight!"

Just at this time, teacher Chen from the three bully class also came, "what's the matter with you children? How can you beat people? It's too unruly. Invite your parents to me!"

Mr. Chen hurried over and pulled up the three students in their class.

Little Tuan Zi, a pair of small meat hands, with his hands on his hips and his small face on his back, said in a loud voice: "they should fight when we beat people. Teacher, they charge protection fees and rob this... This new classmate's money and Yanyan's money!"

Yan Yan: "yes, they're looking for a fight!"

Lu Wei: "we are self-defense!"

Qingzi looked around. Although he didn't know what happened, the three of xiaotuanzi spoke. It was inappropriate for him not to speak.

So, learning the look of a small ball, he said confidently: "soft sister said they should fight, they should fight!"

Mr. Chen was so angry that he almost lost his breath. He glared at Mr. Zhang angrily and accused him: "look at the children in your class. You don't know what's wrong with beating people! We're an aristocratic kindergarten. Children without quality don't deserve to read our kindergarten at all! Please parents, you must invite parents!"

Mr. Zhang was a little embarrassed. "Mr. Chen, you heard just now that the three children in our class beat people because the children in your class charged protection fees first. It's inevitable for children to fight and quarrel. I don't think it's necessary to invite parents?"

Mr. Chen glared at Mr. Zhang, "these children beat people at such a young age. They have no quality at all. Don't invite parents and keep them bad reputation of our kindergarten?"

Miss Chen has long been unhappy with Miss Zhang. Since Miss Zhang came, Miss Zhang robbed her most popular teacher award.

Now she finally seized the opportunity. Naturally, she wouldn't let it go. It's best for the kindergarten to expel teacher Zhang because of this!

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