Su Yiqing's cold eyes fell on the thin woman again, "apologize?"

"Soft, tell your brother why you hit that little pig head?"

Xiaotuanzi's sweet, soft and waxy xiaonaiyin immediately complained seriously: "big brother, they robbed us... The money of the new child. Yanyan and I saw it. We acted bravely!"

"Good job, my family is so soft!" Su Yiqing praised xiaotuanzi without stinginess.

"Did you hear clearly?" Su Yiqing looked at the thin woman, and the cold in his eyes was frightening.

Under such terrible eyes, the thin woman's legs and stomach trembled unconsciously, but she had to harden her head and say, "have our children robbed your money? No! And the injured are all our children. As parents of beating children, it's hard to apologize?"

"Yes, in any case, our children have suffered. Your children are all right. You must apologize, otherwise we won't finish it today!" the parents of the other two large classes of children reached out to Sue's mother immediately echoed.

"Oh!" Su Yiqing glanced at the three of them and said faintly, "so you are weak and reasonable?

Three big class children want to rob the money of the middle class children, but they are beaten by the middle class children. It's really promising! "

"Hum! You're such a promising little garbage!" the little dumpling forked his small waist with one small hand, and the other tender lotus root like white, white and tender sales stretched out to guide the country.

Su Ziming was so angry that he rolled his sleeve again, "how dare you scold me!"

Xiaotuan smiled, "no, no, no, I'm not scolding you. I mean, everyone here is little garbage!"

"Hahaha, you are a little fool. You scold yourself!" one of the three big class children, a little boy with glasses, jumped out and laughed.

The little Tuanzi blinked his big eyes and shrugged helplessly. "It's flattering to say you're a little garbage. You should be a big fool and a little garbage. I'm talking about everyone here, but we're all standing. Only you are sitting."

As soon as xiaotuanzi said this, the big class Chen standing next to him turned ugly like eating shit.

Because this is a noble kindergarten, children who can go to school here are either rich or expensive.

She also does her best to please her children's parents.

So when the parents came, she quickly moved all the chairs in the office to the parents and the children in the big class.

However, the chairs in the old teacher's office are limited and are occupied by them, so the children and parents in the middle class can only stand.

The face of the parents of the three children in the big class immediately turned black and their hips moved uneasily, as if they were sitting on a needle felt instead of a chair.

Old master Chen looked at the faces of the parents of the three children and quickly jumped out. "What's the matter with your child? Do you have any education? And this parent, how do you teach your children?"

The old teachers spoke, and the parents jumped up.

Dad Su has been angry since his wife was kicked just now.

At this time, he stood up and stretched out his hand like grasping a small ball, "what are you? Dare to beat my wife and children. Today I'll let you know how to write afraid words!"

But before his hand touched the small ball, Su Yiqing had already flown a foot.

Just listen to the "click", and then a pig like cry resounded through the whole kindergarten.

"Husband..." the skinny woman rushed to Dad Su, and her eyes were filled with tears. "OK, even if the child hits someone, you dare to do it!

I tell you, my husband is a barrister. I'll see you in court! "

Su Yiqing smiled, bloodthirsty and cruel, "OK, my Su's whole legal department is waiting for you!"

The man trembled when he heard Su's name, "Su? Which su?"

Su Yiqing was too lazy to talk to him again. He directly told his assistant: "Liu Hong, contact the legal department. Call the police. Someone robbed the child in the kindergarten."

The late principal hurried over at this time, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry. I really have something to do. I'm late."

"It doesn't matter. It's all handled." Su Yiqing said faintly, and his eyes fell on the old teacher Chen. "However, if you can't pick the teacher's eyes, I don't mind finding someone to replace you and help you do your work!"

In a word, the headmaster's forehead was frightened to a cold sweat, "Mr. Su, I was wrong. It was my dereliction of duty. I must re screen teachers and keep the purity of the teaching team."

Su Yiqing's cold expression on his face remained unchanged, and his cold eyes looked at Mr. Chen. "My kindergarten has offered you ten times the salary of other kindergartens, not for you to flatter, worship the high and step on the low!"

Mr. Chen only felt that the sky had fallen. It was not easy for her to enter the kindergarten. In the past two years, she has become rich by relying on the high salary of the kindergarten and the connections of the parents of the students in the class.

But if she is expelled from kindergarten

She didn't expect that the smiling, chubby little Tuan, who didn't have a princess's temper at all, or even a rich woman's arrogant temperament, would be the apple of the eyes of the Su family.

What else can she do?

And dad Su woke up at this time. The Su surname in the male population would not be another unknown Su surname.

And this man should also be the legendary living hell of Su's business, Su Yiqing.

In a short summer vacation, Su Yiqing used thunder to include the Yucheng education group originally belonging to the Qin family, and this kindergarten is one of the education groups.

Regardless of his broken hand, he endured the pain and almost climbed to Su Yiqing's feet, "Mr. Su, this stupid woman in my family has eyes and doesn't know Taishan. She bumped into you. We apologize to you and our sister. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we're wrong!"

Then he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

Although the parents of the other two children didn't advise him to this extent, they stood up quickly with a cold sweat on their forehead and bowed deeply to apologize, "Mr. Su, I apologize for our children to your sister. It was our poor discipline that made them rob money in the kindergarten.

Don't worry, I'll kill this little rabbit when I go back! "

"It's against the law to beat a child," said the small group, whose eyebrows were wrinkled into a wavy shape

As soon as several parents were stiff, they quickly reached out and grabbed their children, "apologize to my sister!"

The two big class children didn't know what had happened, but when they saw their parents apologizing just now and being cruel now, they didn't dare to bear any more. They quickly bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry, we were wrong!"

Little Tuanzi walked in front of them with his short legs and his head held high. "What's wrong with you?"

"We... We shouldn't collect protection fees from other children with Su Ziming." although the two older children are unwilling to be taught a lesson by a small boy in the middle class, they don't dare to resist under the suppression of their parents' eyes!

Only one side of Su Ziming also clung to his neck and shouted, "I won't apologize to this fat pig. She beat me. Why should I apologize!"

Su's father and mother's faces were white with fear. The sweat drops on their foreheads fell down. As soon as they pulled the bear child, they pressed his head to the ground, "apologize quickly, or I'll beat you to death!"

"Wow..." Su Ziming sat on the ground, kicking his legs and howling, "you dare to hit me. I'll tell my grandparents and grandparents!"


"Mr. Su, this child..." as soon as Su Ziming's father wanted to explain, the principal led the police in.

Su Yiqing picked up the dumpling. "Explain to the police! By the way, you're a lawyer, aren't you?"

"Yes... Yes!"

"Then go back and get ready and see my lawyer in court!"

Su Ziming's parents looked at Su Yiqing leaving with a small ball in his arms and sat down on the ground. There were only five words left in his mind. Their home was over!

The parents of the other two large classes of children hurriedly led their children away, just as the Su Ziming family was a plague, for fear of getting caught up with them again.

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