After xiaotuanzi said goodbye to her big brother, she and Yanyan clawed back to the classroom happily.

The four children sat down around the small round table again. This time, the silent Lu Wei finally took the initiative to introduce himself and said, "Hello, I'm Lu Wei."

"Lu Wei, Hello, I'm Su Ruan!" xiaotuanzi seriously introduced himself.

"I'm Yeon Yeon."

"I'm Qingzi!"


"Lu Lu, don't you like talking?" the small group blinked a pair of bright big eyes at Lu Wei and asked.

Lu Wei looked at her and didn't answer her. He just said, "thank you for helping me just now."

Then he took his bag and books out of the hole in the table.

Yanyan's eyes lit up when she saw Lu Wei's schoolbag. "Wow, Lu Lu, your schoolbag is so beautiful! Where did you buy it? I want to buy one too!"

Lu Wei lowered her head slightly. There was a suspicious blush at the root of her ears. She whispered, "my mother made it for me!"

His words immediately won the envy of the children around him.

"Lulu, your mother is so powerful that she can make schoolbags for you. My mother can only play mahjong." Yanyan said with envy holding her small face.

"The mother who only plays mahjong is already a good mother. My mother can only hit me." Qing Zi sighed miserably.

Little Tuan Zi stretched out his white and fat claws and patted them both. "It's good if you have a mother. I don't have a mother!"

The four small groups fell into a strange silence at the same time.

"But you have six brothers and one sister!" another child named Koko, who was in their group, ruthlessly revealed it.

"Yes, yes, I would also like to exchange my parents for six brothers and one sister!" another child named stinky answered: "How nice my brother and sister are. They will buy you new toys, buy you small skirt paper, let you keep dogs, and you can dig earthworms at home. My mother won't let me do anything. Every day, she only knows to let me practice piano and learn English, practice piano and learn English, practice piano and learn English..."




Except for Lu Wei and xiaotuanzi, the other three children expressed their sadness with a sad sigh.

The Little Regiment touched their four little heads sympathetically, "you are so poor!"

Su Yiqing didn't leave kindergarten in a hurry after saying goodbye to xiaotuanzi.

A lonely Yanyan's father said goodbye to Su Yiqing and Chen Guoqing and rushed back to work.

The rest Su Yiqing looked at Chen Guoqing, "Mr. Chen, I want to know what your intention is to transfer your six-year-old son to this kindergarten to study in the middle class with my sister?"

Chen Guoqing stroked his forehead with a headache, "Mr. Su, to tell you the truth, I don't want to do this. But I can't beat the child. He just wants to go to school with xiaoruan, so I have to

You can rest assured that we really have no intention. That is, children can have any bad thoughts when they see that they like children and want to make friends! "

"Ha ha!" Su Yiqing sneered softly, "it's best."

Watching Su Yiqing's car disappear, Chen Guoqing reluctantly shook his head.

Although he really liked xiaoruan before, he wanted to make a baby kiss for his two children.

But xiaoruan has so many brothers who protect her sister and crazy demons. Who dares to make up her mind?

Such a little girl, when she grows up, doesn't know who has the courage and ability to pass the Su brothers!


After school, xiaotuanzi waved his milky claws to say goodbye to his friends.

But I stood on tiptoe at the gate of the kindergarten, but I didn't see the shadow of her car.

Little Tuanzi was a little confused. Today, the second brother agreed to pick her up from school. Why hasn't he arrived yet?

Because sister Mo'er went back to the army this semester, several brothers didn't feel at ease about hiring a driver again, so they scrambled to arrange a sequence. They personally picked up the little regiment to and from school. If they really didn't have time, they asked Uncle Li to pick it up with a bodyguard.

Because the second brother beat the other brothers in boxing guessing, he got the right to pick up and send off on the first day of school.

Little Tuanzi was standing at the gate of the kindergarten, and little jiojio was bored drawing circles on the ground.

"Soft, no one in your family has come to pick you up?" teacher Zhang Lan, who sent all the children safely to their parents, turned back and looked at the poor little ball and asked gently.

"Uh huh!" xiaotuanzi nodded obediently. "Today, my second brother came to pick me up. He can meet a traffic jam. He hasn't arrived yet."

"The old teacher will wait with you!" teacher Zhang Lan's voice just fell.


She only felt a pain in her back neck and a dark in front of her eyes, and her brain fainted and lost consciousness.

Xiaotuanzi became alert and opened her mouth to shout, but before she shouted, her mouth was covered.

"Woo woo..."

It can only make a sound as thin as a gnat.

Little Tuanzi's brain is turning quickly. Someone wants to kidnap her. Who can it be?

Qin family? Or the people in Chengdu that my brothers have been talking about?

She didn't investigate the relationship between the Su family and Chengdu before crossing. What's going on?

She stood still to the satisfaction of her Hugger.

The man held her for hundreds of meters, climbed to the parking lot and threw her into the trunk of the car.

Drive and run.

Little Tuanzi got up with his hands and feet and sat cross legged. A pair of small hands with meat dens pinched and pinched two small tugs.

The situation is a little troublesome now!

When she went out to school this morning, she forgot to bring her brick machine.


Unable to think of a way, she got up again with her hands and feet, stood in the trunk, grabbed the back of the back seat of the car, and could see the Hatter sitting in the driver's seat in front.

Xiaotuanzi stood on tiptoe and tried to look in the rearview mirror.

Eh, is this man swollen? He looks familiar!

The next moment, she opened a pair of bright and moist eyes, "old Chen. Teacher! You steal a baby as a teacher, you will be caught by the police and go to jail!"

Chen Mei, who was driving in front, heard the voice of a small group, gnashing her teeth and yelling fiercely, "I just can't be an old man because of you. Master, I must teach you a lesson!"

Little Tuanzi frowned and argued earnestly, "master Chen, you're wrong. It's not softness that makes you unable to be an old man. Master Da, it's you who don't make a good old man. Master, my big brother won't let you be an old man. Master Da!

Those three big class bears want to rob Lulu of money. It's their fault. You still help them bully our middle class children. You're like a bad big gray wolf. Is the big gray wolf swollen? You can be an old man. Shida! "

Chen Mei became more upset. "Shut up! If you talk again, I'll throw you down and kill you!"

Xiaotuanzi frowned more tightly. "Mr. Chen, you're even more wrong. When you drive and throw things out of the window, not only the police will catch you, but also the traffic police will catch you!

And you throw soft soft out. If soft soft falls to death, soft brothers will avenge soft soft.

But if you hit flowers and plants, no one will avenge them. Flowers and plants are so pathetic! "

Chen mei just thinks her head is big. What's she tied up?

Reincarnation of Tang monk?

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