Big Life

Chapter 136

19 – I am Earthling (7) 19 – I am Earthling (7) "I am afraid. Please be there. "
Only SOMI 's voice has been conveyed clearly.
Reconstruction felt her five fingers full of tantalizing power that caught her wrist.
I swallowed it without knowing it myself.
I'm just sick and frightened. Apparently, the atmosphere of SOMI was quite different from usual.
"I'll be here."
Rebuilding said, gently patting Sommy 's back.
"I will not go to the bathroom, do not worry, sleep a little."
There was a faint smile on his mouth.
The two eyes followed slowly. The hand still had not restored the wrist of reconstruction.
The reconstruction kept the side of SOMI who was sleeping all the time.
As the sap flowed, she gently lifted her upper body and lifted her back. I do not know when new patients will come, because I could not stay longer.
‘······?’ I felt like I was woken up by sleeping.
She was conscious of her consciousness and entrusted her body to reconstruction without much resistance. I had to go to the reconstruction, get into his car, and feel like a dream all the time to go home.
"Mr. Sommy, I'm sorry, how many passwords?"
"6 ··································································································· 5.
Rebuilding held the back of the door with his back on his back, and opened the door.
I saw the bed in the corner of the one room and immediately put Sommie there.
SOMI was breathing back in her sleep, and fell into a deep sleep again.
'The room is very narrow.'
Reconstruction revolved around the small room of SOMI who visited for the first time. It was far cramped than the one room where I lived.
The bed, the bookshelf, and the workbench on which the computer was placed occupied most of the flat.
'I'll have to boil it.'
Thanks to my long life, I was confident if I had a simple vegetable porridge. Reconstruction boiled porridge in the pot to find the ingredients behind the refrigerator. Sommy 's face, which was sleeping because of his delicious smell or dreams, smiled again.

The backbone was swollen with sweat, and it became uncomfortable.
Soma frowned and turned her body. Her eyelids fluttered and climbed up. In the middle of the vision, one's face was blurred.
'Ha …'
The cloudy sommelier's focus was on the right edge.
The reconstruction seems to have fallen asleep with two arms in bedside.
'Do not keep me here …?
Sommy realized how long she slept by watching the wall clock go by at 10 pm. I got dizzy because I sat down with my upper body.
'Oh my god, look at my face!'
Sommy was frightened when he saw his face on the wall mirror.
The head was distracted and the complexion was infinitely small. It is seen to reconstruction that this kind of appearance accompanied to a futuristic training jacket prize. I was disgusted.
Sommie sneaked and walked into the bathroom.
I was not able to work hard because the reconstruction would break, and I ended the shower nicely. After changing to clean clothes and talking to this agent easily, she opened the bathroom door. There was a lot of water vapor.
'Did you boil it?'
Sommy grinned and turned on the gas range.
While the porridge was warming, I opened a small statue and placed the spoon. Reconstruction also made egg rolls and kimchi stew.
Hum… When did you get up, Sommy? "
I felt my dream and I woke up with the reconstructed eyes. Sommy laughed as he looked at his face pushing the yawn.
"I woke up a while ago."
"How about your body? Have you improved? "
"You have a fever and you have the right amount of fluid. I am strong and it is better now. "
"You remember everything."
"I was blind, I did not lose consciousness. Huhh. "
I brought the food prepared by SOMI one by one.
As the reconstruction arose and she was trying to help, she forced her down.
"I'm really good."
"Do not overdo it."
"I do not have a lot. You did not eat because of me, did you? I'll cook right away. "
After finishing the preparations, SOMI sat down facing the table.
Reconstruction was rice, she was killed.
"I will enjoy this food."
"I'll eat well."
I had been starving all day, and the rebuilding that I was hungry diligently teased my spoon. He eats his eyes as he eats the food he made.
"Now I see the taste of my mother's taste of Sommy."
"Oh really?"
"My mother said when I was in the house of Sommy. Sommy is like her and she is good at food. "
"I will not deny."
After the meal was finished, the reconstruction was rubbing and washing dishes. In the meantime, SOMI cut the fruit for dessert and rode the car.
"I'll just drink it."
Rebuilding said with a cup of tea. He did not see Sommy 's two eyes shaking instantly.
"Do not hurry, but slow down."
"You do not feel comfortable with me. I have to go. "
"Because of Rica?"
"Rika is resting well in Suwon's main spot."
Sommy dropped the teacup and rubbed his fingers. Now that my body has been restored for some time, I have to split up. I wanted to spend more time with reconstruction.
Within a minute, Sommy recalled one idea and pulled the bag in the corner. She took the Tablet PC inside her and asked her.
"I was blinking. I was going to discuss it. Oscar's Dungeon Webtoon 10 ~ 16 Would you like to see the rough one? "
"Oh, I forgot. Show me."
Reconstruction took the Tablet PC and carefully examined the webtoons that Sommy worked on. I smiled at the lips of the green.
Very Well. It's fun, and I like the direction. "
"Are you sure? Thank God. In fact, he wrote. Lee Soo-hee told me that the marketing schedule might be faster than expected. Is there an existing model to refer to so that game production is faster? So you want to get as much as 16 episodes as soon as possible. "
The reconstruction seemed to smile bitterly.
If Sui is in a hurry, it is really urgent. It is not the person who urges you to do nothing.
Anyway, I thought I would have to hurry to rebuild.
"Are you old? Two minutes. "
Sommy drank a cup of tea and asked, as if to see it.
The reconstruction nods, glancing down at the screen.
"Well, yes. right. I have been friends since college. "
"I think you were very familiar."
"It's similar to writing. I have a lot to learn personally. Self-management is thorough. "
"I can see it. I think it's great. "
"I also have great picture skills."
The reconstruction was laughed, and Sommy could not ask any more.
I wanted to know the fact.
How reconstruction thinks of Sui. Are they really motivated, or are you seeing as a woman?
I do not know such a speed, and rebuilding has talked about work.
"Episode 17 is the scene where Oscar gets the dragon's artifact from the dungeon. I put a lot of confusion in the end with the guild. "
"Yes, I thought so too."
"Since the development rate of the webtoon is fast, from the following story, um … wait. I will not take this, I'll get a laptop from the car. I have to organize it into a document. "
Rebuilding promptly raised the body.
As soon as he left his shoes, Sommy burst into laughter.
Whenever I go home, I will bring my laptop. When I fell in work, I could not think of anything else.
"Well, let's get started."
The reconstruction and the work of SOMI that brought the laptop quickly began.
SOMI worked at his desk, reconstructed by sitting on the floor with his laptop on the table and exchanging opinions.
"Hey, how do you feel like this director?"
"Uh, good? Is this Mr. Conty? I do not need to have a separate conti. "
"I have a very good skill. Are you writing eight books now? "
"Oh, I am checking again to see if I have the Plot of the Professor. I told you this before, but the development is so fast that my mind is in a hurry? I've been playing around for a while. "
As the reconstruction helped, he sighed and hit the batter.
SOMI sat down in a chair and looked down at the reconstruction.
The heart was beating in the body recovering energy. It was incredible that he was in rebuilding his own small room.
"I'll work for an hour and I'll be back."
Reconstruction said with two eyes on the laptop screen.
"Sommy, we have to rest. I'll let him write the Conti form alone, but I do not know if he's lying down. If you have me, you'll keep working. "
"It's really okay …."
"I do not believe it."
Rebuilding smiled and listened.
At that very moment, the attire of SOMY sitting in a chair was recognized for the first time at a glance. It was short jeans in a tough, one-to-one T-shirt. The two feet twisted under the chair were wrapped in white socks. The cat embroidered on the sock 's ankle was familiar.
'I saw this scene in my dream.'
I realized that the legs of SOMY are so beautiful, and I suddenly felt a sense of prosperity.
Obviously someday I felt like this when I was with Sommy. I had no idea when I was going.
After coming into sight, I was constantly concerned.
Throughout the work, Sommy had no choice but to let the two legs in shorts. I can not rest my knees on my chair, I do my legs, I go down again and I try to crouch my toes.
Rebuilding was also a very serious man.
SOMI is a pretty girl, though.
I do not want to have a small, slim body. From the thighs to the ankles that are plentiful, they were recognized from the bottom of each leg.
'I wish I had a chair.'
In the writer 's office, he had never been conscious of Sommy' s legs. If you were right at eye level, you would not have been distracted.
Rebuilding forced the notebook to look at it and hasten the rest of the work.
It took me exactly one hour to work on the two stories.
The reconstruction emailed and then the notebook turned off.
"Sommy, I sent it by mail now."
"Alas, yes. Are you going now? "
"I have to go. Sommy, if you want to make it fast. "
Reconstruction packed the laptop into the bag.
SOMI became impatient to go to the castle with her impatience. She was impulsively pacified and she spoke out without her knowing.
"Can I have a seat in the bed, Chizuru?"
“······?” The reconstruction that was stunned by the fish came up.
Sommy was frightened by what he said and blushed. However, it was a word to be strong.
"You said you were going because I did not sleep. Would you like to work here if I take a break? I mean, I mean … if you work out and break up, you do. Of course, my room is small and uncomfortable, but I was still working on it …. "
I laughed at the moon as if reconstruction got it. When he got out of his seat, he put his bag on his shoulder and replied.
"I am not uncomfortable. Soma is inconvenient. Then we go. Please do not die, please be sure to eat. "
The room was narrow and of course the distance to the front door was short.
However, from the viewpoint of SOMI already, the rear view of reconstruction has been getting much better.
The reconstruction took out the cell phone without wearing shoes. He received the call from Sui immediately without hesitation.
"Oh, hello. No, I've been out for a while. Because of Webtoon? I was working on it with Sommy. Yeah, no, not this house. Yeah, I guess the schedule is not too much. But did your marketing schedule get that fast? "
SOMI saw the rebuilding conversation with Sui and tightened her molars.
It has been evident that the old friends of two people are talking. So I was anxious and nervous. In contradiction, such fears have transformed into courage for this moment.
"Yes, I'll call you back later."
Rebuilding that hanged up was putting cellphone in pocket.
SOMI stepped forward.
There seemed to be a voice somewhere. If I pass this moment now, I will not have a chance to express my heart again.
SOMI was caught in his voice and grabbed the cuff of the reconstruction. Surprised reconstruction was trembling.
"Mr. Sommy?"
"Ha is the author … what do you think?"

19 – I am Earthling (7) End

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