Big Life

Chapter 137

19 – I am an earth person (8) 19 – I am an earth person (8) I was awakened by an awkward behavior.
It was the first time.
I had never met a man who made me feel like this during my two years of junior high and high school.
"… I wonder what you think."
Soni repeatedly asked me to keep his head painted.
Reconstruction was unable to answer and swallowed saliva once.
It was not a fool who would not know what Soma's words mean. It was the car that felt the atmosphere which was different from the usual from the emergency room.
"I have been really helpful to the artist who lives in Seoul. I always smile warmly, comfort me, know my poor skills … I can not explain how much I appreciate and apologize. "
The breath of SOMI 's breathing quickly got rough.
The reconstruction stood silently with a hearted attitude.
Now I know how much courage she needs.
Remember. When I first visited my studio, I asked for canned food. "
Sure do.
"I thought it was really strange. It is a canned food. I was not very close. But it was strangely comfortable. I really enjoyed working with you that day. I was happy. "
SOMY lifted his head slowly.
The big two eyes and the horny lips were trembling with fear half fear.
The words have already risen to the throat.
After you have said this, you will reach the junction completely.
The relationship that has been reconstructed and maintained so far will be completely reversed on either side. SOMI finally talked about all of this after all.
"I like you, Ha."
“······.” "I've liked it a long time. I know that I am sick today and I'm sure it runs right away. I am a ha ha, how much I like it. "
SOMI stepped closer.
The two hands holding the cuff of the reconstruction still did not know how to fall.
"I know I'm scarce. I know that she is a poor girl. I am young and I am still immature. But … I wanted to tell you though. I'm sorry. I do not know if I got sick today. "
In the heart of reconstruction, all sorts of emotions fluttered.
It was my own consideration to keep the look as cool as possible. The two pupils of SOMMY who wanted an answer contained the face of reconstruction.
"Thank you, Sommy."
It was the first word of reconstruction that opened the door to the end of the worries of each person.
"I never expected it. Cute and pretty people like me like you. It's a blessing for a guy like me. "
So rebuilding pulled back the cuff that was held by Sommy. Soma 's two arms fell down to the end.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Sommelier."
Rebuilding said with a slight bow.
It was a courtesy for the opponent who expressed his courage. The frank mind was being delivered to the opponent in a certain tone.
"Sommy likes a person, but she can not accept it as a woman."
"I do not have a charm as a woman …?"
In the midst of seriousness, both eyes of reconstruction shone firmly.
"It is person full of charm as SOMI seed woman. I will not fall behind wherever I go. But I am · · · ·. "
Rebuilding turned his head and shed a short sigh. Then he talked to the air in the air.
"I've had people in my mind for a long time."
Somi's mouth, which seemed to suck his head, seemed bitterly laughable. I knew quickly who he was.
"If I had not been in the life of that person, I would have accepted SOMI right now. Mr. Sommy, I'm attracted by that much. "
"Thank you, Ha."
"That's what I'm going to say."
There was a static in the state of facing each other.
At one moment, Sonomi, with his back, shook his head with a smile.
"Oh, good luck!"
He raised his voice softly, and Sommy stretched it.
I put my little body back and forth and took out the jacket of the closet and put it on my body.
"Do not say anything. I will only see you in a car. "
"Haha, yes."
"And now I can not look at my face. Do not worry because I do not have a back end. You will never feel uncomfortable in the future. You know? "
All right.
"Promise, come on."
The fingers of the reconstruction were caught on the little finger that SOMYU had gone out. Then, after taking the paint, she laughed smugly.
Just before reconstruction gets on the car.
Somi said that after the rebuilding, Daigo Nagi said.
"I do not regret telling the story of the artist."
“······.” "You do not know what will happen in front of you. I'm proud of my feelings right now. Of course, for a while, the artist will be a little awkward inevitable. It's okay though. I can get through it. I was afraid of it, and I can not say I like it.
Reconstruction felt dimly, saying that it was a saying in mind. So I just nodded without unnecessary answers.
"Get some rest. I'll call you. "
"Be careful, Ha. I was really thankful today. "
The car that rebuilt drives away from the alley and completely disappeared. Sommy grabbed the hand that shook her head.
As I turned around, my cell phone rang.
The message came from this agent.
– Ha Is she still with you? Is not it crazy?
"Huh, huh …!"
The emotions that flashed back exploded.
Sommy sat on the floor with her face in her two palms. I was talking about the spell I heard somewhere inside.
This too will pass.

*** – Ha rebuilt I do not write again, I sat down with interview quality ;;; A child who is a writer is alive only in his mouth; – It is Lee Soo-hee who is a girl who happens to be a one-piece girl and sometimes comes up with a related search. I've been working in a game company a few times, – I have a college motivation with the reconstruction, and both of them are suited to the concept. It is said that the professors have been rumored to be angry at professors since university. They are very crazy years.
– I thought that those things were children, and my parents would have eaten them in a seaweed soup bowl. ^^ 'These fucking kittens …!
Looking into his cell phone, he was biting my fist.
It was the feeling that the bad comments that were touched by the eyes grew day by day.
Even if you search for articles of reconstruction comfortably, it will soon become tired.
'This is really too bad …!
I was able to get over it if I had a bad comment. But this has crossed the road.
Yongwoo got up from the seat and stepped on the stairs and went up to the second floor. There was a reconstruction writing at a corner table in the library.
"Brother, are you busy?"
"no it's okay. Say it."
I was approached by a loud wolf and showed off his cell phone. He always thought of the feeling of reconstruction as a top priority, but this had to be said.
"These cubs are too big. I can not stand it, brother. "
"Yes, it is serious."
Four Yeah, is not it serious? Brother, are you going to let this go? "
Rebuilding stopped the hand that hit the batter, laughed and laughed.
"Do not worry, I've done it."
"What action?"
"I have a lot of harsh words, so I talked with Kwon. He talked to the attorney's office that controls the copyrights. "
The face of the martial art was recovered at once.
"Oh really? Is this your lawyer's office? You're a good catcher there. So now I'll grab everything. "
"I do not know until I catch it."
Reconstruction saved eight completed Oscar dungeons and shut down the word program. Now it's time to go to SLS NEXION.
"When you wake up. Thank you very much today, manager. "
"Wear clothes warm, brother. It's chilly out. "
As soon as I got out of the house and put myself in the car, a call came in from the bright spot. The reconstruction was carried out by placing Rica in the back seat.
"Hello, editor." – Yes, sir. Hello , There was a sea. Translation in English is over. I contacted you to let you know. I sent it by e-mail, so let's review it.
"Ah, thank you. As you can see, I do not have enough language skills to understand the literary taste in English. How about the editor? You are excellent in English. "- I think that the original sentiment has been saved considerably. It has been verified by several people. My conclusion is that you can feel free. I will do my best in overseas marketing.
"As always, I am relieved to say to the editor. Thank you very much. "
After a few conversations, the phone was disconnected.
The driver in the driver 's seat put a horse on the reconstruction with a start.
"You are now in the US. I thought The Breath would advance first. I'm a little disappointed as a fan of Pungcheon Yu. "
"There will be a chance sometime in the genre novel."
The heater was running and warm air flowed into the car.
The scenery of the end of March, which is surrounded by cold springs, was passing quickly out of the car window.
"But you have to make it. You shot 8,200,000 people. Original novels are sold out. It is now in China. "
Before hearing the answer to the reconstruction, he was smiling and laughing and talking alone.
"The more you think of Woo Jae Hoon, the more your face is. I am fortunate enough to make a break-even point. "
The movie of JaeHoon has withdrawn from the theater with an ambiguous sex of 4.4 million. The break-even point was passed anyway, but the income was insignificant.
I was told by a person's assistant that I was being blown away by disappointing investors.
"People say, huh? Always humble and listen to others. So our reconstruction is going to the United States, huh? If you do, you can go to sparring if you have a bad American critic. "
"Only one, man."
The reconstruction arrived at Necheon with a car and started a meeting with Kyu-ho, Su-hee and the planning team.
This was the last meeting for reconstruction, the original author and scenario writer.
The scenarios and quests of the first season of 'Oscar Dungeon' are completely over. It will depend on the performance after the game is released.
"You've had a lot of trouble. Now we'll see you when you're testing your game. "
After the meeting, Kyu – ho reached out his hand.
Rebuilding reached out and exchanged a handshake with him.
"Thank you for your consideration in many ways. I look forward to your future. "
Kyodo laughed as he shook hands.
It was a strange fact that the reconstruction did not conflict with it at all. The efficiency of the writer who wrote the scenario of 'The Courageers' was the difference between heaven and earth.
People including Kyodo slipped out like a tide, and only reconstruction and Sui remained in the conference room. At 6 o'clock, the reconstruction asked, looking into the watch.
"Do you want to wait under?"
"You're in the break room, why?"
"My brother and Rika are in the car. I guess I'll be bored. "
"I can get out at 6:05 at the latest."
"Then I'll wait."
After waiting a while, the reconstruction went up with elevator to the elevator.
I promised Suehi that I would serve dinner on the day of the meeting. Today is the day to keep that promise.
"Oh, Lee Soohee. Whenever you look beautiful. "
As soon as he saw Sui, he grabbed his hands and trembled. I looked at the manager 's work as a reconstructor, and he got acquainted with Su – hee. The fleshy attitude of Hanwoo was also favored by Suhee.
"You look more beautiful today. And a beautiful dress that suits the title of one piece girl today! "
"Take it easy, this artist. This artist also has a nice dress today. "
"Haha, me? I have a reunion today. "
The reconstruction was carried out in the driver's seat when the chief woo talked with Su-hee. When the car got a start, he heard the noise and looked around.
"Get in early, reunion Hongdae said?"
"Brother, what are you doing? I'll take you to your brother's house and take a bus ride. "
"Say hello, come on. Let go and leave. "
All right.
"What? Oh. Wait a minute, brother. "
Suddenly, he opened his back door and rushed to his office.
The reconstruction laughed and laughed and stepped on the accelerator.
The car slipped out of the parking lot and blended into the boulevard.
"Play well and be careful. Do not drink too much. "
"I see, brother. Thank you so much for taking me back. "
When I arrived at my destination, I got lost in the crowd.
Reconstruction looked at Sui, sitting in the passenger seat, and asked.
"where should we go?"
Suhee swallows both cheeks and thinks for a moment.
"Your house?"
"Let's go to my house?"
Sue nodded quickly and opened her eyes in a circle.
I wanted to be alone in a quiet place.
Today I had a story to rebuild in my heart.
"I did not see it well then. Well, he built a break room in the basement. I also wanted to play a lot of pocket balls. I also want to play pinball. "
"So go to the mart and buy some hammocks and go in?"
"Yeah, I like it. What do you eat? "
Sue liked to gather both hands like a girl.
Rebuilding smiled indefinitely and folded the steering wheel.
The cellphone in the back pocket of the jacket pocket swung briefly, but neither of them could feel it.

19 – I am Earthling (8) End

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