Entering the room, everything is in a state of disrepair. Various utensils, such as wells, wooden barrels, millstones, and even some furniture, are all worn out and the paint has fallen off. It can be seen that the place is poor and destitute.

But although poor, everything is clean and tidy, spotless.

"Hey, who are you?"

The door suddenly opened and a woman came out.

Su Changge turned around and saw that she was in her early twenties, with skin as white as snow, black hair as black, a tall and graceful figure, and exquisite and beautiful facial features. From a distance, it was like admiring a beautiful woman in ink painting.

The woman was not someone else, but Zhao Yingying.

She was a little angry at first because a man actually broke the rules and crossed in, but after a closer look, the young man was a stranger and did not seem to be a local. He might be a guest from afar.

"I am a friend of the old fairy king senior, and I am here to take you away."

Su Changge got straight to the point.

At that time, the old immortal king asked him to take care of his wife, otherwise he would not rest in peace. From then on, Su Changge planned to support the other's wife for life, anyway, he had plenty of money.

"Are you...his friend?"

Zhao Yingying understood something and asked softly.

"Yes, the old senior is no longer here. Before he died, he asked me to take good care of you. I'm ashamed. This happened eight months ago. I haven't come yet..."

Su Changge felt very sorry.

Zhao Yingying's heart sank when she heard it. She couldn't help but sob loudly.

Although the old immortal king was old, he was really good to her. He cared for her and took care of her in every possible way. Sometimes he would turn into a young and handsome boy to make her happy. It was impossible for him to have no feelings.

At the moment, she felt very uncomfortable.

Su Changge stood aside and waited quietly.

Anyone who heard such a thing would be sad. He understood.

Time passed slowly and it was soon evening.

"Sir, please sit down and try the food I cooked."

In the narrow room, Zhao Yingying cooked for Su Changge.

Su Changge took a bite and found that it was stir-fried beans and green peppers, which was steaming hot and very good.

After eating for a while, Zhao Yingying said timidly: "Sir, I appreciate your kindness, but I am going to disappoint you. I don't want to leave here. The world of cultivators is full of fighting and killing, which is not what I like. Besides, I have lived here for many years and can't bear to leave my hometown, so this entrustment will be invalidated. Sir, don't worry about it."

Hearing this.

Su Changge wanted to persuade him, but seeing the determination in the other's eyes, he had to swallow his words back.

Yes, who else wants to leave their hometown?

"In this case, I will give you a sum of money, enough for you to have food and clothing for the rest of your life."

Su Changge raised his hand and handed over a storage bag.

Zhao Yingying didn't take it, but pushed it back with her palm, and smiled softly: "Sir, there is no need to do this. I am not the kind of person who is greedy for money. Although I am poor, I will never spend other men's money..."

Su Changge was moved.

This woman is good, elegant and dignified, not materialistic, okay.

"It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. So, I might as well tell you some news about getting rich, what do you think?"

Su Changge said again.

"This is okay. I feel at ease when I spend the money I earned through self-reliance."

Zhao Yingying smiled, her eyelashes were curved, and her beautiful eyes were like butterfly wings.

Su Changge was more optimistic about her.

After a while, he took out the Dixuanhuang Pagoda and said: "Yunhua, deduce if there is any news about getting rich recently."

In the pagoda, a breath passed by, and Fairy Yunhua's mind moved slightly, floating on the street.

She looked at the pedestrians coming and going and began to deduce.

After a cup of tea

"Your Highness, in a few days, a kind of primary medicinal material called "Purple Star Grass" will be in short supply in the city, and the price will soar. If Miss Zhao sweeps the purple star grass in the city in advance and buys it all, it will be profitable at that time..."

Su Changge nodded and said with relief: "Not bad."

Fairy Yunhua returns to the pagoda

Next, Su Changge revealed this news to Zhao Yingying.

Hearing this.

Zhao Yingying's eyes lit up, but then she showed an embarrassed attitude, lowered her head and said timidly: "Although the purple star grass is only the lowest-level herb, one plant costs one tael of silver. I only have more than 300 copper coins in my hand, and I can't even get one tael of silver..."

The currency used by ordinary people in Zhongzhou is different from that in Dongdaoyu. Dongdaoyu uses gold coins, while here it is silver and gold, and then copper coins.

All the assets of Zhao Yingying are only enough to buy half a purple star grass.

Su Changge smiled cheerfully: "It's okay, I'll pay for you."

This time Zhao Yingying didn't refuse.

But she still said: "Then... I'll pay you back when I make enough money."

Su Changge wanted to be so polite, but thinking of the other party's character, he was moved and nodded, respecting the other party's decision.

Although he didn't lack the money.

Next, he went to another city and exchanged 1,000 top-grade spirit stones for 100,000 taels of silver, filling 80 large boxes, and came back to give it to Zhao Yingying.

[Ding! ]

[You gave away 100,000 taels of silver, the 10 billion subsidy took effect, triggering an over-critical strike! ]

[This over-critical strike multiple: 6 million times! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining:...! ]

Su Changge just glanced at these and smiled bitterly, saying that he had too much money to spend.

But if he gave it to Zhao Yingying, she wouldn't want it.


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