Billion-fold return: With your hands in your pockets, there is no rival!

Chapter 807: The whole city didn’t believe it, but the slap in the face came quickly!


A piece of news spread like a tornado sweeping through Chixue City.

Within a moment, the streets and alleys exploded.

"Big news, extraordinarily big news! For some reason, the widow bought purple star grass everywhere early in the morning. Now she has bought up all the purple star grass in the city, and she doesn't know what it is used for!"

"Hey, no matter what she does, what use can this crappy herb on the street have? I don't even want to give it to me!"

"Yes, this herb is not a rare thing. It can be found everywhere. She must have gone crazy after buying so many of them!"

"Perhaps I have some kind of strange disease and need special medicinal materials?"

At this time.

A medicinal herb dealer came out, patted his belly as a general, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, maybe I'm desperate and want to put my last fortune on this herb, waiting for the price to rise. If If you accidentally hit the target, wouldn’t it be a turnaround? But according to my years of experience, what’s the potential for price increase of this herb? It’s better to invest in Onikiri Grass!”

Onigiri grass is also a primary herbal medicine with a very wide range of uses. No matter what kind of elixir is refined, some are needed to some extent, while purple star grass is needed for only three of the hundreds of elixirs. It is so narrow. Purpose space, what can be used for hoarding goods?

Not to mention that this thing can be seen everywhere like weeds, growing on the roots of walls, like moss, something no one wants.

"Boss Wang is right. If the widow can stand up with this thing, I will walk upside down!"

"I swallow feces and kill myself!"

"Me too!"

"Add me one!"

Not only this alley, but other alleys are also talking about it.

Even many businessmen who just sold Zhao Yingying Purple Star Grass are talking about it.

No one expected the widow to be able to turn around.

If the widow remains poor, the least they can do is show off their wealth in front of her and rely on their financial resources to marry her home.

Although this is impossible, there is always a chance.

But if the widow is rich, how can she look after them?

Then the only thing they are proud of will lose their phosphorus.

The city gate.

"Did you hear that? The purple star grass in the widow's house is piled up in a mountain. I guess I won't be able to use it all in my lifetime."

"I've heard it a long time ago. I don't know what kind of illness she has. Taking so much Purple Star Grass back is a waste of money."

"It's a gambler's mentality. The last coin is bought as a lottery ticket, hoping to win the jackpot and turn around. How simple a thing!"

"Hehehe, this kind of mentality is unacceptable!"

A group of men and women were talking here.

This matter has become a joke among everyone in Chixue City after dinner.

No one is optimistic about Zhao Yingying.

After all, how discerning can a female streamer be?

Even if she takes a step back, she has a keen eye, but can the price of such a crappy herb be so high?

Everyone secretly made fun of her and scolded Zhao Yingying for her lack of vision.

After three, the slap in the face came.

This morning, the city gate opened wide, and a powerful elder came in in a chariot.

Some people hurriedly came forward with smiles on their faces and said respectfully: "It turns out to be the great elder of the patron sect. I wonder if the great elder is here. What do you want to say?"

"Bring all the purple star grass in your city, I will collect them all."

An old voice came from the car.

The Patron Sect is currently refining a very special elixir, which requires the use of an extremely large amount of Purple Star Grass as a medicine.

Although Purple Star Grass is not a precious medicinal material, this special elixir is indispensable, and to make one requires the use of three thousand Purple Star Grass plants!

This is very painful for the great elder.

He issued orders these days, asking all his disciples to search for this herb everywhere. They searched all the corners of hundreds of thousands of miles around, plucked the geese's feathers, picked them all, and then purchased them in large quantities.

Purchasing all the cultivation cities and ordinary cities in a blanket manner is simply too much and not enough.

As a result, in less than three days, the value of Purple Star Grass doubled, from one tael of silver to 3,800 taels, a total increase of more than 3,000 times!

3800% profit!

Anyone else would be short of breath!

The backing sect is not short of money, and even if the price rises, they will buy it without blinking.

Because they are monks, a piece of spiritual stone can be exchanged for a lot of silver, so they don't pay attention to the price at all, just for fear that you will run out of goods.

Secondly, the patriarch of the clan, Fu Rao, is very ill. If we don't act more quickly, someone will die.

"What the hell???"

After learning this, these people suddenly felt as if they were struck by lightning and froze in place.

I just feel that my brain is numb, blank, and has lost its function.

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