There were several photos attached to the news. There were no close-up photos, but only long-range photos, but she could recognize his figure at a glance from the only photos.

In the photo, he is wearing a suit with a straight back. Because the lens is far away, it is difficult to see his face. He can only vaguely see some, but he can feel the look of the other party.

That should be... A serious and cold expression. Around him, there are also many senior leaders and business celebrities in G city.

I think so. People like him have come to G city. I'm afraid many leaders of G city have to stand in front of him.

Six years, six years have passed.

Qin Sitong's fingers can't help gently stroking the photo on her mobile phone. After she gave birth to a child, she saw him return to Luocheng from the news report, and Yu Xuanyi accompanied him, holding his arm with a smile.

At that moment, she told herself that from now on, she was just Qin Li. Everything in the past, for example, died yesterday.

She also went back to J City several times. From a distance, she saw that her uncle's body seemed to have recovered, and she went in and out of Qin's group normally. Cheng Cheng also gave birth to a son. Yu Guheng took good care of everything. Everything was beautiful, and she also put down her heart.

But she didn't appear in front of them and didn't want to make any trouble again.

Now, she just wants to bring up the child safely. The child is her blood and bone, and she is the only blood related relative in the world.

Thinking of her daughter, Qin Sixi's lips could not help smiling. The little guy was so soft and lovely that she was worried about her every day. This feeling was unprecedented when she was not a mother before.

It's like if you see her smile, you won't have any trouble, but if she gets hurt and cries, you'll feel a broken heart.

Ah, what a sweet burden!

At the moment, Qin Sitong's "sweet burden" is wantonly selling Shang QingHan's photos in the kindergarten, and the sellers of these photos are the little girls in the same class in the kindergarten.

In fact, a group of five-year-old little carrots have begun to have aesthetic ideas. They deeply know the charm of Uncle Shang QingHan, especially the movies and TV dramas that uncle has played. Their parents have watched them.

So these little carrots envy Qin Leyan's uncle Shang QingHan, not to mention.

Fifty cents for a photo is the price of Qin Leyan xiaopenyou, which is equivalent to half the price of the cheapest popsicle in the kindergarten canteen. Although Qin Leyan xiaopenyou wants to raise the price, the mass base here generally has little money. You know, they are only five-year-old children in large classes in kindergartens. On weekdays, parents give their children little change at most. Some can't even take out fifty cents and ask if they can get snacks.

"Qin Leyan, why do you want to make money? Doesn't your mommy buy you snacks?" a little girl was curious.

"No, Mommy bought it for me." she just didn't give her money.

The little girl who speaks has a round face like a ball. Her skin is tender, her forehead is full, her nose is small, and her lips are pink. The most beautiful thing is her dark Phoenix eyes, big, dark and bright, and her satin black hair. She is definitely a favorite host.

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