Since childhood, Qin Leyan xiaopenyou has been hugged in the arms of a group of community aunts. Those aunts wish they could have such a beautiful soft waxy baby.

"Then why do you want money?" the little girls didn't understand.

Qin Leyan xiaopenyou then proudly announced his plan to ask for money, "I want to buy a daddy!"

The little carrots are stupid. They all know that Qin Leyan xiaopenyou doesn't have a daddy, but they've never heard of it. Daddy can still buy it.

"Where to buy?" a little girl said curiously.

"You can buy it on your mobile phone!" Dangdang! She announced that speaking of this, in fact, Qin Sitong was seen by her daughter when she was shopping online on her mobile phone.

Qin Leyan xiaopenyou is also a studious master. She has a strong thirst for knowledge and asks questions about things she doesn't know.

So Qin Sitong explained to his daughter in detail. So that in Qin Leyan's mind, you can buy anything online.

But she doesn't have much money. So far, she has only filled half of the savings tank, so she plans to work hard and save money. When the savings tank is filled, she will buy daddy.

"Then why don't I give you my daddy and you give me uncle QingHan?" a little girl directly wants to exchange her own daddy with barter.

"No, no, you can't change out yet, or you'll cry." the little guy's head shook like a rattle.

Can you cry? In the heads of a group of little girls, they began to outline the appearance of the handsome boy crying, and then asked, "can he really cry?"

"Does he cry well?"

"Does he cry loudly? Which is more powerful when he cries with SpongeBob?"

Therefore, gossip exists all the time.

When Qin Sitong came to pick up his daughter, Qin Leyan xiaopenyou had sold more than a dozen photos and made a total of 8.50 yuan. Qin Leyan xiaopenyou said he was very satisfied.

"Mommy!" the little guy jumped into his mother's arms and rubbed his head in her arms.

"Are you good today?" Qin Sitong took his daughter's hand, said hello to the kindergarten teacher, and led her out of the kindergarten.

"Good boy." the little guy took the initiative to break his fingers and talked about how clean her lunch and snacks were when the teacher praised her several times today. Then she not only drank her own milk, but also helped another child who didn't like milk to drink it together. Finally, he said how helpful he was. Qin Sitong couldn't cry or laugh.

Of course, the little guy didn't tell his dear mommy about selling photos. She was going to surprise Mommy.

Qin Sitong took his daughter to a taxi and reported the address of his community. When the taxi came to a street, he stopped and turned the direction instead of driving forward.

"What's the matter?" Qin Sitong asked.

"Sorry, I forgot to inform the front control here just now. It seems that a big man is coming. Vehicles are not allowed to pass for the time being. I'll calculate you five yuan less in the fare later." the driver said.

Big man... Qin Si Tong was slightly stunned and thought of someone. Could it be him? After all, he has come to G city now.

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