Qin Sitong smiled bitterly. Even though she said she didn't love, in fact... Did he know that he was the only man she loved in her life.

Love only one person in your life.

Even if she is hurt, even if her heart is dead, she can't fall in love with others... It turns out that her feelings in this life are only enough to love someone.


Qin Sitong returns to the room. His daughter and KangBo still stay in the room. Kang Bo saw the red mark on one side of her cheek and couldn't help but take a breath, "young lady, your face..."

Qin Sitong winked at Kang Bo and shook his head slightly, so Kang Bo immediately closed his mouth and didn't say any more.

The little guy shouted, "Mommy, your face is so red."

"Yes, it's sunny today, so Mommy's face is red." Qin Sitong made a random excuse. Such an excuse can only deceive children.

Then she said to KangBo, "KangBo, I'll pack up and leave here and go back to G city."

"Did the young master agree?" Campbell wondered.

"Yes, he agreed." she smiled bitterly, then took out her suitcase and put some clothes spread out into the suitcase one by one.

"Are we going back? Will daddy go back with us?" the little guy asked with his head up.

"No, this is daddy's home. Of course daddy wants to live in his own home." Qin Sitong said.

"Oh." there was a touch of loss on the little guy's face, which made Qin Sitong look at his heart as if he had been stabbed again. "Then I'll say goodbye to Daddy." the little guy said, and he was going to the door.

"Wait..." Qin Sitong grabbed his daughter. Jun Jisheng was now in a rage. She was afraid that if her daughter went, "well... Let's pack up first and say goodbye to Daddy when we go downstairs."

The little guy thought and nodded.

In this way, after packing, the little guy stuffed the fluffy puppet bear brought from the storeroom into the suitcase. It was called, Jun Jisheng had promised to give it to her.

Qin Sitong was a little embarrassed. He glanced at the mobile phone that fell on the head of the bed six years ago. After thinking about it, he said to Kang Bo, "Kang Bo, please dispose of this mobile phone in a moment. This is my mobile phone in those years, but it has long been out of use."

"Ah?" Cumberland said, and then agreed.

Qin Sitong took the little guy downstairs. When he passed the living room, he only saw Jun Jisheng still standing like she left.

Qin Si Tong thought for a moment and whispered to Kang Bo, "Kang Bo, I'll go out first. For a while... Please bring Yan Yan out."

"OK," said comber.

Qin Sitong dragged his suitcase and went out first. From beginning to end, Jun Jisheng didn't look back at her.

At the iron gate outside the main gate, Qin Sitong saw Han zixie standing outside. After seeing Qin Sitong, Han zixie was relieved and hurried forward, "I finally saw you. You're really here." then, his eyebrows wrinkled, "what's the matter with your face? This is... He hit you?" he saw the marks on her face clearly.

————Today, because of some reasons, we need to change the text in a large area, and there will be few updates. I hope you will forgive me. There are too many things to worry about these days, and two more will be written later~

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