She smiled faintly, but it hurt her again because it affected her facial muscles. "I forced him on purpose."

Han zixie was silent for a moment and raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch her red and swollen cheek, but just when his fingers were about to touch her face, her right hand raised and gently stopped his hand, "my face is all right. It's just a little scary. Just a cold compress for a while."

After all, he slowly put away his hand. After a while, he asked, "where's Yan Yan?"

"The housekeeper here will bring her out later," she said.

Sure enough, after a while, Kang Bo came out with Qin Leyan. Qin Leyan immediately called Uncle Han after seeing Han zixie.

"Let's go," Han Zi said.

Qin Sitong looked back and took a deep look at the gentleman's house behind her. In this house, there were her happiness, hope and pain. This time... Maybe it was the last time to see the gentleman's house. Maybe she won't come again in the future.

In the air, it seems that you can still smell some faint sweet scented osmanthus. Is it the aroma emitted by that sweet scented osmanthus tree?

"Well, let's go." Qin Si Tong said. He took his daughter's hand and followed han zi to a taxi.

Through the window glass, Qin Sitong looked at the disappearing Jun house.

After all, she left again, left Jun's house and left him

In Jun's house, Jun Jisheng sat on the sofa with a heavy face and said nothing. Kang Bo returned to the living room and said to Jun Jisheng, "young master, they have left."

"Really?" Jun Jisheng said in a low way, but his eyes were staring at his right hand. In the palm of his hand, it seemed that he still had the touch of fire. "I hit her..." he murmured, "just now... I slapped her..."

KangBo sighed in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

Obviously, that should be the person the young master cares about most, but why did the young master and young lady come to this step again? Why?

"Ha ha... What she said is really good. From now on, there is only a daughter relationship between me and her... Between me and her..." he was laughing, but his voice sounded like crying. Shouldn't she and he depend on each other?

Isn't she and he supposed to live forever?

But just now, he slapped her and let her go.

At night, Jun Jisheng didn't return to his room, but came to the room where Qin Sitong and Qin Leyan lived these two days. He just sat quietly. The beauty of these two days is so short, and happiness is like a dream.

But the more happy... At the moment, it seems more cruel.

Kang Bo walked into the room and said, "young master, this mobile phone..." as he said, he took out the mobile phone Qin Sitong told him before he left.

Jun Jisheng turned around and his eyes fell on Kang Bo's mobile phone. Just this look made his eyebrows wrinkle suddenly, and then walked forward in some surprise.

Inexplicably, this mobile phone gives him a familiar feeling, but in his memory, he has never had such a mobile phone, so this mobile phone... Does it exist in the six years when he lost his memory?

"This is Mrs. Shao's cell phone. It said it was six years ago. Let me get rid of it. Just after thinking about it, I'd better talk to you first." Kang Bo said.

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