If her father really doesn't want to, she will go to his residence in J city. After all, she doesn't want him to suffer such pain all night.

When she didn't know before, she could be indifferent.

But after knowing, there is no way to ignore it.

After all... This man is the man she once loved!


After Jun Jisheng left, Qin Sitong was called to the study by Qin Kaifeng after dinner.

"Did you ask the housekeeper to take the bruising spray for the guy?" Qin Kaifeng asked. The guy in his mouth naturally refers to Jun Jisheng.

"Yes." Qin Sitong didn't hide it.

"What are your plans?" Qin Kaifeng asked. "The guy who is also investing in and sponsoring your current TV play has followed you to J city. You should always understand his purpose."

Qin Si Tong naturally understood that she had refused Jun Jisheng more than once, but what Jun Jisheng said had reached the point where she didn't know what to say. When he said it was okay for him to love her and guard her, she found that she was poor in words.

Facing him like this, what should she refuse.

"I... Just want to bring Yan up. I don't want to touch the emotional things anymore." Qin Sitong said. In fact, she had already told her father the last time she came to J city.

But at this time, Qin Kaifeng also heard his daughter's words. He didn't say it as resolutely as last time, but he hesitated a little more.

"Do you really have no feelings for that guy?" he asked.

Qin Sitong didn't answer, but sometimes silence also represents an attitude.

Qin Kaifeng sighed, "At the beginning, Jun Jisheng was born half a year after you fell into the sea. He seemed to have forgotten you. He went back to Luocheng and was right with Yu Xuanyi. At that time, I was very angry and hated, and I was sad for you. I also wanted to revenge him for you, but with the strength of the Qin family, I couldn't do it at all. Even if I wanted to calculate the jun family's industry in the mall several times, but For your family, it's just a small fight. "

Although the Qin family has been going downhill in chaos in recent years, it is far from that in those years. Moreover, Qin Kaifeng's continuous expansion of the Qin family has also given the Qin family a certain weight in J City and domestic business. Even if it is the Han family, the Qin group in those years may be able to work hard. But even so, the Qin family is not Nor can it have any impact on your family.

The foundation of your family in Luocheng is too thick, and the history of your family is too long. It has been inherited for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. Even those reclusive families with a long history can't be compared with your family in this regard.

"Dad." Qin Si Tong's eyes were slightly wet. She could almost imagine what kind of mood his father was in at that time to do these things for her, and then his father was so frustrated that he let go of the Qin group, which made the group fall into today's chaos, "I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier."

"It's me. If only I had told you it was my daughter, it wouldn't make you think you didn't have a root, a family or even a dependency." Qin Kaifeng said, how could he not understand his daughter's state of mind at that time? "But Jun Jisheng is much luckier than me. He found you after six years. He can make atonement, but I......"

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