Speaking of this, Qin Kaifeng's face became a little gloomy. However, today, nearly 30 years later, he still didn't find Yuanyuan. Even if he wanted to atone, he didn't have the opportunity. He often wondered whether he could see Yuanyuan again only when he came to huangquan road. Now his only happiness is that he has found his daughter, and her daughter is willing to recognize him.

He wants to be good to his daughter and granddaughter at all costs and make up for the responsibilities he hasn't done for so many years. Therefore, he can do anything.

He didn't protect Yuanyuan in those years. Now he will protect his daughter and granddaughter.

Qin Sitong knew that his father thought of his mother again, so he said, "Dad, maybe my mother is still alive, maybe one day we can find my mother again, just like you, didn't you find me after so many years, there's no unique way."

Qin Kaifeng's face was better. It seemed that Qin Sitong's words gave him hope, "yes, there is no unique way."

After that, Qin Sitong also told her father that Yu Xuanyi hypnotized Jun Jisheng half a year after she fell into the sea, which caused Jun Jisheng to lose part of his memory, and the blood curse of the jun family. The blood curse is your secret, and now it's also Guan Yanyan. Qin Sitong felt that her father should know. She also said hello to Jun Jisheng in advance, And she also knew that her father would not say it to the outside world. Now she said it in the hope that her father had a bottom in his heart, and she also wanted someone to discuss. If Yan Yan really inherited the blood curse at that time, at least their father and daughter could find a way together.

After all, her father is now the person she can rely on most.

This sense of dependence has never existed before. In the past, she can only constantly make herself strong, because she can only rely on herself. After giving birth to her daughter, she wants to become her daughter's dependence, but no one can rely on her.

Now, with her father, she finally has a sense of belonging. The surname Qin is not only given to her by her adoptive father, but also her original surname. When she stepped into the Qin family mansion, she finally no longer felt that she was an outsider. Her father has become her dependence, and she will also become her father's dependence. This feeling is really good. On the other hand, she didn't want her father to misunderstand Jun Jisheng.

After all, Jun Jisheng at that time... Would be regarded as a flower by his father, just because of all kinds of ups and downs.

Qin Kaifeng was surprised after hearing the speech. Obviously, he didn't expect that it was because of this reason. Therefore, even if the Qin family set up a clothes grave for Sitong at the beginning, Jun Jisheng never came once, because Sitong no longer exists in Jun Jisheng's memory.

And the blood curse life, which sounds ridiculous, but looking at her serious face, Qin Kaifeng also knows that her daughter is not joking with her.

"You are his life?" Qin Kaifeng confirmed again.

"Yes." Qin Si Tong nodded.

"Does this guy have to be with you because of his life? Because you can stop his pain?" Qin Kaifeng said. After all, he can't doubt it.

"He said no." Qin Si Tong said, after seeing his father's disapproval in his eyes, "he is not a person who will lie because of pain. In fact, he... Takes his life very lightly. When I was with him, he was not with me every full moon. Sometimes... He would rather go alone and bear the pain of the full moon's blood curse."

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