"Yan'er, don't you have to deal with Qin Sitong? Mom told you that Qin Sitong is now covered by your uncle and Jun Jisheng. We can't move. We'd better be calm. Your father should change his mind in a few days. He has always spoiled you. He won't care about you. Even if he can't get the Qin group, but the shares in your father's hands and those Real estate will always be divided into us. We still don't have to worry about food and drink in the future, "yuan tongjuan said.

"Mom, don't worry. After tomorrow, everything will be different." Qin Yaner's smile on her lips became stronger. "No one can tell us what to do. At that time, everything in the Qin family will still be mine!"

But yuan tongjuan was even more afraid. She didn't know what her daughter was up to. She just felt that her mind was suddenly confused.

"Yan'er, don't do anything stupid!" yuan tongjuan said.

"Mom, how can I do stupid things?" Qin Yan'er said. She just wanted Qin Sitong, uncle and Jun Jisheng to die!


After noon, the Qin family was quiet and peaceful, and the warm sunshine fell on the Qin family courtyard.

The door of the Qin family's mansion was knocked. The servant hurried to open the door. Several staff members in yard maintenance uniforms came in.

There are many trees and lawns in Qin's house. One day a week, find professionals to maintain and renovate, trim branches, tidy the lawn and so on.

"You're early today!" said the servant. The servants look a little strange, unlike those who used to come before. Fortunately, the other company once called and said that it was because of the great transfer of employees, so this time some newly recruited employees will be sent over and said that they would ask the servant to inform these staff at that time, Where is the scope of maintenance.

So at this moment, the servant began to lead these staff to the courtyards of several places in the Qin house, but he didn't find that a staff member with a work cap was slowly falling behind, and then turned around and flashed into the corridor.

At this point, Qin Yaner was relieved. She didn't know how many times she had been to the Qin house since she was young. She naturally understood everything in the house and knew very well that those places were the dead corners of monitoring and how to avoid those monitoring equipment.

As far as she knows, Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng should go back to J city next to the party today. At that time, as long as they spend the night in Qin's house, she wants them to die!

Qin Yaner looked down at her huge overalls, which prevented a time bomb. As long as she secretly puts the bomb in Qin Sitong's bedroom, and then presses the bomb after they enter the room at night... At that time, all hatred will be held.

Even if the uncle is not dead, it is estimated that there is no desire to live. At a glance, everything of the Qin family will eventually fall into her hands.

Qin Yan'er thought. The whole person couldn't help getting excited and walked to Qin Si Tong's room with familiarity.

As a member of the Qin family, I am naturally familiar with each room of the residence. Of course, she knows which room Qin Sitong lives in. Otherwise, Yu Xuanyi won't want to cooperate with her.

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