After a while, Qin Yaner came to Qin Sitong's room. She took off her shoes, walked carefully into the room, and then put on her gloves. Then she carefully took out the time bomb hidden in her clothes, looked around the room, and finally decided to put the bomb under the bed.

So Qin Yaner carefully put the bomb under the bed near the head of the bed, then climbed out of the bed, wiped away the traces she might have left, and then pretended to be nothing, went out of the room, planned to meet with the other staff, and then pretended to do some work, so she could leave the Qin house smoothly.

But before she reached the courtyard, suddenly, two men ran from the hiding place, twisted her arms on both sides and subdued her. Then she saw her father and uncle coming out of the corner of the dark place.

Uncle looked at her coldly, but his father looked like he couldn't believe it.

How?! Why are uncle and father here? Qin Yaner's mind suddenly became blank.

"Yan'er, you... You are..." Qin Kaisong murmured for a long time.

"I... I just got a job. It happened that I came to Qin's house to maintain the courtyard. When I entered the house, I couldn't help but want to go around." Qin Yaner finally thought of the reason.

"Stroll around?" Qin Kaifeng snorted coldly. Looking at Qin Yaner's eyes, Qin Yaner couldn't help shrinking. "Do you know that someone has been following you since you entered the Qin house."

Qin Yan'er was surprised, and the whole person seemed dull.

Then another man came over and said, "I found this bomb under the bed. It is a bomb that can be timed or remotely controlled. I have just removed the explosive device in it."

Qin Yan'er looked up and saw that the bomb in the man's hand was the bomb she had just put.

All this... Is all this a game at all? A bureau that invited her into the urn? Does Yu Xuanyi also participate in it? No, it won't. Yu Xuanyi has no reason to pit her like this, unless it's his uncle. He knew she would be unwilling and stared at her whereabouts early in the morning.

How much does uncle know about Yu Xuanyi's cooperation with her? And Yu Xuanyi

"Yan'er, you let me down." Qin Kaisong murmured. As a father, he always thought his daughter was still good. Even if his daughter was really harmful to Qin Sitong, he also found various reasons for his daughter and always felt that his daughter would not do this again.

But he didn't wake up until he watched his daughter enter Sitong's room and watched the surveillance camera placed in the room take pictures of his daughter placing the bomb under the bed.

The child, no longer the child he thought in his heart, had become completely unknown to him.

Qin Yaner's face changed, "Disappointed? What's wrong with me? It's Qin Sitong who shouldn't have taken everything from me. If she didn't appear inexplicably and suppress me everywhere, how could I do this... But, hehe... Uncle, do you really think your layout is safe? Even if you catch me, do you really think the Qin family can be peaceful? No, ha Ha... Before long, you will feel like you are in hell... "

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