"Really?" Jun Jisheng's eyes converged. "Then I hope it's really as you said. In fact, if Yan Yan's life is not Mei Beichen, Han Lin may not be a good choice."

Unfortunately, fate depends on this kind of thing, which has always been destined by God and cannot be changed by manpower. Han Lin is destined to have no fate with Yan Yan all his life.

As he was saying this, Qin Si Tong suddenly let out a cry.

"What's the matter?" Jun Jisheng hurriedly said, deeply afraid of something wrong with his wife.

"Baby... It seems that you kicked me just now." Qin Sitong realized that she has been pregnant for nearly 5 months, but she felt fetal movement for the first time.

Fortunately, she has had a pregnancy experience, but she can be sure that it was fetal movement just now.

After hearing this, Jun Jisheng seemed to be stunned. For a long time, he murmured incredulously, "kicked... You?"

"Yes." Qin Si Tong said, "calculate the day. It's almost the day when there should be fetal movement."

Fetal movement... Of course, Jun Jisheng knows what fetal movement is. Since Qin Sitong became pregnant, he has read many books about pregnancy knowledge, and even downloaded several related apps on his mobile phone. He had been muttering about fetal movement before, but when fetal movement really happened, the dignified gentleman was still confused.

Looking at Jun Jisheng's silly appearance, Qin Sitong thought it was cute, so she took the initiative to pull Jun Jisheng's hand and put his hand on her stomach. "If you don't stick it for a while, it should be there later." she said according to her previous experience.

His palm stuck to her swollen abdomen. Sure enough, after a while, her abdomen moved again. This time, he really felt it.

Also because he felt it, he, who was always calm, was excited, "really... Moving." he knew it was a normal phenomenon, but he thought it was so magical.

The new life formed by his and her genes was conceived in her belly, and just now, he had so clearly felt the existence of this new life.

"Our children..." he murmured. Suddenly, there were too many feelings, but for a moment, he didn't know where to start.

"Yes, our child," Qin Sitong said with a smile, "it must be a lovely little guy! Yan Yan has been talking all day and wants to see his brother faster."

The child's gender is clear. He is a boy. Although it is good for Qin Sitong whether he is male or female, in this way, he has both children and children, making up a word of "good".

Thinking of his eldest daughter, Jun Jisheng's expression was a little silent. His voice murmured softly, "I'm sorry that you had such a hard time giving birth to Yan, but I didn't accompany you."

When she was in the most painful time of giving birth to a child, he forgot all the memories related to her and continued to return to his previous life in Luocheng. When she was a woman who worked hard to raise a child in a strange city, he was in a banquet of wine and preparation. If he had allowed her to give birth to the child at the beginning, if what he had done had not been so cruel and absolute, there would have been no separation between them for six years, and she would not have suffered so much.

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