"But now you are a good father, accompanying me and Yan Yan, and our upcoming child." Qin Sitong said, gently stroking his face, "Jisheng, I don't just want to have two children for you. Your family is too lonely. I want to have more children for you to make your family lively. Even if there is a blood curse, there is still life, isn't it? God hasn't completely given you a dead end and gave you hope. As you once said, maybe life exists to make your family happy Know more about love and cherish it more. "

Jun Jisheng's hand pressed on the back of Qin Sitong's hand, and his cheek gently rubbed her warm palm, "Sitong..." this woman he loved most always touched him, and how did he not love her?

Love her, not because she is the relationship of fate. Love her, this feeling, has been deep into the bone marrow, with his every breath.

His face, slowly close to her face, lips kissed on her lips, how much love is there.

In this life, he can meet her, fall in love with her and be loved by her. This is the greatest gift from God.


Qin Kaifeng no longer stays at the door of Li's house, but stays at the hospital again and carries out rehabilitation treatment. Qin Sitong is quite surprised at this. After all, her father doesn't listen to her how she advised her father before, and still insists on staying at the door of Li's house every day, but now it's a reversal of the previous situation.

When she asked, Qin Kaifeng just said, "In the future, I should never go to Li's house again. In fact, these days, I also want to understand that things have passed, and it has passed. Your mother now has her life. If I disturb her, it will only make her more troubled. In fact, now I know she is still alive, and now she has everything recovered, her life is very good, and I should be satisfied."

But his father's calm narrative tone made Qin Sitong feel strange and more uneasy. "Dad, do you really think so?" after all, there was too much difference in his father's attitude.

Qin Kaifeng nodded, "it's true. Dad really thinks so. So in the future, don't worry about me and your mother. I've made a great wish to find your mother now. After a few days, when I feel better, I'll go back to J city. Unexpectedly, there are still a lot of things to deal with in the company. It's too long to stay here."

Back to J City? Qin Si Tong was stunned. The Qin family is in J city. It's natural for his father to go back, but in this way, isn't it farther away between his parents?

"Dad, do you really want to go back to J City?" Qin Sitong asked.

"Of course, now Yan Yan has found it, your mother has also found it, and things here have changed. I naturally want to go back. You stay here in F City and spend more time with your mother if you are free." Qin Kaifeng told me.

Qin Sitong saw that his father was determined to go, so he didn't say anything more. He just went to Li house again. When he saw Mrs. Li, he couldn't help talking about it. In her heart, she still hoped that her mother could see her father, but she didn't know that they had actually met.

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