"Just a little tired, so I asked for leave." Mei Beichen said.

"Where are you now? I want to see you." I want to see him. I don't want to let this misunderstanding go on like this.

The other end of the phone was silent. Just when junle Yan thought the other party wouldn't say anything, the cold voice rang again, "are you really sure you want to see me?"

She took a deep breath. "I'm sure!"

After a while, he said an address. Junle Yan was slightly stunned. This address is a cemetery, a cemetery in F City.

And she also knew that his parents were also buried in this cemetery!

Is he... Worshiping his parents now?

Junle Yan was stunned and said, "I'll come right away!" no matter where he was, she wanted to see him!

When the call ended, Mei Beichen stood quietly in front of the tombstone. After his parents died, his uncle led him back to Mei's house. At the same time, he also buried his parents' ashes here.

At the beginning, he refused to come here. At that time, he still had a child like escape psychology. He always felt that if he didn't come here, maybe his parents were still alive.

Until later, he gradually accepted the fact that his parents really died and came here to visit the grave every year.

Even if he went abroad for seven years, he would still come here every year because of his parents' taboo!

But every year, he found that someone came here earlier than him to worship his parents. At that time, he told himself not to think or think about it, because he was afraid that once he thought about it, the figure of the person would reappear in front of him, which would make him couldn't help forgiving what she had done to him.

But he also knew in his heart that the person who came earlier than him should be her. Even if they broke up, she would still abide by the agreement and come here to worship his parents every year.


Because it is not a day to visit the grave, there are only a few people in the cemetery. The location of Mei Beichen's parents' tombstone is naturally clear to junle Yan.

When she approached the place, she saw a tall figure standing there quietly, as if like a stone statue.

She knew that he rarely came here. He would come only on the death day of his parents every year, because it was a sad place for him, because the day his parents died was tantamount to burying his happy childhood at the same time.

Junleyan approached Mei Beichen and turned to face the tombstone. He looked at the two photos on the tombstone quietly. They were two very good-looking men and women. The man was very similar to master Mei, while the woman was a beautiful woman who looked very confident and strong.

It can be said that Mei Beichen's face, nose and lips look more like his father, while his eyebrows, eyes and forehead are more like his mother.

Two people, now in front of the tombstone, no one spoke. In the air, there was a silent silence, only the sound of the wind.

I don't know how long it took, Mei Beichen finally said, "do you want to see me? Is there anything else to say?"

"Yes!" said Jun Leyan, "I want you to go back to Luocheng with me."

"Luocheng?" he was slightly stunned and suddenly gave a sneer. "Why, do you want your parents to convince me? Let your father tell me that what he said to me was all lies, and what you said is true?"

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