"No," she shook her head. "This is between me and you. My parents won't say anything. I just hope that when you arrive in Luocheng, you will show you something. When you see it, you will naturally believe me."

He narrowed his eyes, turned around, his eyes fell on her face, and looked at her with such determination.

She met his eyes, and Feng's eyes looked back at him without blinking.

"Jun Leyan, how many times do you want me to believe you?" he said slowly, his voice was very light, very soft, but also very cold. "Do you remember what happened here? At that time, you also said that you made me believe you, but what happened?"

Junleyan's body suddenly trembled. She naturally knew what he said. In those years, she came here with him and listened to him talk about all kinds of things between him and his parents when he was a child, and how his parents died.

At that time, she saw his tears, his pain and his regret for the first time.

He hated himself. When his parents had an accident, he was only 8 years old, but he couldn't do anything.

She still clearly remembered that she held him tightly at that time, "Brother Beichen, believe me, Yan Yan will accompany brother Beichen in the future. No matter where brother Beichen is, Yan Yan will accompany him. In the future, brother Beichen can protect Yan Yan, and Yan Yan can also protect brother Beichen. On this day every year, Yan Yan will accompany brother Beichen here to see brother Beichen's daddy and Mommy!"

"OK." he spit out only this word, and then he hugged her tightly. At that time, she just felt that he held her so hard, almost like embedding her whole person into his body.

But she didn't cry because her shoulders were so wet. She knew it was his tears.

Now it seems that her original promise has not been realized after all. At the beginning, she proposed to break up, and after breaking up, she did not come here with him again. For the past seven years, every year, she came to worship his parents alone with bouquets and sacrifices in the early morning.

She took a deep breath and said to him, "then it's the last time. Believe me for the last time. If after that, you still feel that you can't believe me, then I won't pester you anymore."

When he heard her say "no more entanglement", his heart hurt.

She is just a simple sentence, but it will still make him feel heartache. Is this his heart telling her that even if she really lied to him, he still loves her?

Slowly, he raised his hand, as in those years, took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. His face was buried in her shoulder socket, and his breath was sprayed on her neck with a kind of heat.

His hug was so tight that she felt pain in her bones and her breathing was becoming difficult, as if she would be suffocated by him the next moment.

But she did not push him away, but let him hold him so tightly.

This hug is like his struggle. Believe it or not? Love it or not?

If there is really no her in his world after that, what meaning does everything have for him?

After a long time, in his mouth, he gently spit out a word "good", just as in those days!

Even so, he couldn't help but want to believe it again.

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