"I just came back to get some things." Qin Sitong said, knowing that her mother would not give her a good face, but her heart still hurt when she heard her mother's words.

"Do you want to take something? Hum, you've already climbed up the gentleman? What else do you want to come back to take? I tell you, even if I burn and destroy your things, I won't give them to you!" he Xiuxia said angrily. I thought that my daughter could follow Mr. Jun, live in such a big mansion and go in and out in a luxury car, but she and her son were still in this small house. Even in her opinion, it was just a favor for her daughter to talk. My daughter refused to help. She simply raised a white eyed wolf.

Therefore, at this moment, he Xiuxia wanted to vent all her anger on her daughter.

Qin Sitong's face changed greatly. Among her items, there are many memories with her father. If her mother really burned them, even those memories of her and her father would be gone!

"Mom, have you really treated me as a daughter? I don't ask you to treat me as well as you treat my brother, but why did my brother do such a thing to me? You don't care for me a little, but scold me constantly? Is it really because my brother is a son and I'm just a daughter?" Qin Sitong asked.

Or this question, from small to large, she has asked herself too many times.

But he Xiuxia was impatient. "Don't tell me what you have or don't have. In short, I'll burn your things and won't give them to you!" he Xiuxia wanted to close the door.

Qin Si Tong put his hand into the iron fence door and resisted the wooden door to be closed. "What do you want, so you can return those things to me?"

"Want to give it back to you? OK, if you give me 10 million, I'll let you take your things away!" he Xiuxia lion said, "aren't you close to the president? Go to him. He has money to let him give you 10 million!"

Hearing the sound of the wooden door closing, Qin Sitong only felt that the last trace of nostalgia for the family in his heart was completely disappearing.

Perhaps this family has not been her home since her father died.

Ten million, in addition to looking for Jun Jisheng, where can she find the ten million?!

And will Jun Jisheng be willing to give her this ten million? This ten million, maybe she can earn it all her life!

But how could she give up the little memories of her and her father?

Qin Sitong stood at the door of the familiar house, but her body was cold. It was clear that it was June, but why did she feel so cold? The cold made her tremble.

She made a phone call to Jun Jisheng. Before long, there was Qingleng with a gentle voice, "something?" after all, she rarely took the initiative to call him.

"Well," she replied, "can you... Lend me ten thousand, but I don't know when..."

"Yes." before she finished, he agreed. Without asking her any reason, he just asked, "where are you now?"

"At my door," she replied.

"Wait for me." in two simple words, he ended the call.

But these two words seemed to give her strength. Qin Sitong squatted at the door of his house and waited quietly.

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