About 20 minutes later, she heard a rush of footsteps up the stairs. She looked up at the stairs and saw his figure walking up the stairs quickly.

He went up to her and looked at her slightly red eyes, "what's the matter?"

She smiled bitterly. "I came back today to get my things back, but my mother said she would give me my things back only if I had to give 10 million." maybe she would cry bitterly because of her mother's attitude towards her before.

But during this time, maybe too many things have happened, or her family has made her cold again and again, so that now she can't even cry.

He raised his hand to knock on the door. She quickly took his hand and said, "are you..."

"Don't worry, since your mother only wants ten thousand, give her ten million." Jun Jisheng said.

"But I don't know when I can pay you back. Maybe I can't afford to pay you back all my life." she explained again.

Jun Jisheng looked at the person in front of him. "I never wanted you to return these things. What you think you can't afford in your life is just a few pieces of paper for me, but what I want is your life!"

He Xiuxia did not expect that just an hour later, 10 suitcases had been placed in front of her. One box contained one million cash, a full ten million cash.

Just give back the broken things of the dead girl to the dead girl, can you have so much money? For he Xiuxia, it was like a dream. Her ten million was just a casual number. Unexpectedly, Jun Jisheng would pay for the dead girl so readily.

At the moment, he Xiuxia regretted that she had only said 10 million. If the number was higher, I'm afraid this gentleman Jisheng would give it. After all, this gentleman's family is said to be very rich.

"I advise you to stop thinking about what you don't have. You can't even get the 10000 when you get it." Jun Jisheng's sentence choked he Xiuxia so much that she couldn't appeal to her greed.

Looking at each other's cold eyes, he Xiuxia always feels inexplicably cold in her heart. This man is not the kind who can be blackmailed to negotiate terms. Forget it, she only needs that money. With this money, when her son comes out of prison, she and her son can live a good life!

So he Xiuxia simply went to look at the stacks of money in those boxes.

Qin Sitong is counting her belongings at the moment. She doesn't care about some clothes. What she really cares about is the photo albums she and her father have memories, all kinds of toys her father bought for her, and the videos her father took for her or the videos with her father.

These are the most precious to her.

"That's all." after counting, Qin Sitong said to Jun Jisheng.

Jun Jisheng asked those men who had come with money to pack Qin Sitong's luggage and carry it out.

Qin Sitong looked at his mother, who was only excited to count money, but didn't bother to look at her at all. He said to Jun Jisheng, "let's go." from now on, I'm afraid the family will really be cleared with her.

Jun Jisheng led Qin Sitong's men upstairs and got on the waiting car. Qin Sitong didn't say anything all the way.

At Jun's residence, Jun Jisheng grabbed her, "I do this to make you happier."

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